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Archangel's Staff (Teamfight Tactics)
Archangel's Staff
Ionic Spark (Teamfight Tactics)
Archangel's Staff (Teamfight Tactics)
Archangel's Staff
Ionic Spark (Teamfight Tactics)
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-- <pre> return { ["Aatrox"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Aatrox Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Demon"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "The Darkin Blade", ["abilityicon"] = "The Darkin Blade.png", ["active"] = "Cleaves the area in front of him, dealing {{ap|300 to 900 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the target and any enemy adjacent to them.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [2] = { ["skin"] = "Justicar", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Aatrox Justicar Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Light"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "The Arclight Blade", ["abilityicon"] = "The Darkin Blade.png", ["active"] = "Cleaves the area in front of him, dealing {{ap|300|600|1200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the target and any enemy adjacent to them.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Blood Moon", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Aatrox BloodMoon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cultist"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Infernal Chains", ["abilityicon"] = "Infernal Chains.png", ["active"] = "{{tip|TFT airborne|Pulls}} {{ap|2|2|5}} of the farthest enemies toward himself, then slams the ground in front of himself, dealing {{ap|250|450|1250}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies hit.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 70, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Blood Moon", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Aatrox BloodMoon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cultist"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Infernal Chains", ["abilityicon"] = "Infernal Chains.png", ["active"] = "{{tip|TFT airborne|Pulls}} {{ap|2|2|5}} of the farthest enemies toward himself, then slams the ground in front of himself, dealing {{ap|400|600|2500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies hit.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 70, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Justicar", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Aatrox Justicar TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Redeemed"}, ["class"] = {"Legionnaire"}, ["abilityname"] = "Deathbringer Strike", ["abilityicon"] = "Deathbringer Stance.png", ["active"] = "Strikes his target, dealing {{as|{{ap|260|280|360}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}, and heals himself for {{ap|200|300|450}} {{TFT AP}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Justicar", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Aatrox Justicar TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Redeemed"}, ["class"] = {"Legionnaire"}, ["abilityname"] = "Deathbringer Strike", ["abilityicon"] = "Deathbringer Stance.png", ["active"] = "Strikes his target, dealing {{as|{{ap|260|280|360}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}, and heals himself for {{ap|200|300|400}} {{TFT AP}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Prestige Blood Moon TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Aatrox PrestigeBloodMoon TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Shimmerscale"}, ["class"] = {"Warrior"}, ["abilityname"] = "Deathbringer Strike", ["abilityicon"] = "Deathbringer Stance.png", ["active"] = "Strikes his target, dealing {{as|{{ap|300|305|310}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}, and heals himself for {{ap|300|350|400}} {{TFT AP}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Ahri"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Ahri Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Wild"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Orb of Deception", ["abilityicon"] = "Orb of Deception.png", ["active"] = "Fires an orb in a 4-hex line, dealing {{ap|100 to 300 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies it passes through. The orb then returns to her, dealing {{ap|100 to 300 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|true damage}} to all enemies it passes through.", ["hp"] = 450, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Star Guardian", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Ahri StarGuardian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Star Guardian"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Orb of Deception", ["abilityicon"] = "Orb of Deception.png", ["active"] = "Fires an orb in a 4-hex line, dealing {{ap|175|250|375}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies it passes through. The orb then returns to her, dealing {{ap|175|250|375}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|true damage}} to all enemies it passes through.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Star Guardian", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Ahri StarGuardian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Star Guardian"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Orb of Deception", ["abilityicon"] = "Orb of Deception.png", ["active"] = "Fires an orb in a 4-hex line, dealing {{ap|175|250|425}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies it passes through. The orb then returns to her, dealing {{ap|175|250|425}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|true damage}} to all enemies it passes through.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Spirit Blossom", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Ahri SpiritBlossom Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Spirit"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Spirit Bomb", ["abilityicon"] = "Essence Theft.png", ["active"] = "Channels for {{fd|1.5}} seconds, gathering energy into her spirit orb. Once the channel is complete, lobs it toward a random enemy, dealing {{ap|500|700|3000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies in a large area. If the channel is interrupted, she releases her orb early, reducing the size of the impact area.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Coven", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Ahri Coven Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Syndicate"}, ["class"] = {"Arcanist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Orb of Deception", ["abilityicon"] = "Orb of Deception.png", ["active"] = "Fires an orb in a line for 5 hexes, dealing {{ap|140|210|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies it passes through on the way out and the way back. She fires {{ap|1|1|2}} additional orbs for each time she casts in combat, enemies take 60% damage for each subsequent orb. The orbs are fired to form a circular arc with 10° between each orb.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Akali"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Akali Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ninja"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Five Point Strike", ["abilityicon"] = "Five Point Strike.png", ["active"] = "Throws kunai at her attack target, dealing {{ap|200 to 500 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies in a 2-hex cone. This ability can {{tip|TFT crit|critically strike}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 25, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Akali Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ninja"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Five Point Strike", ["abilityicon"] = "Five Point Strike.png", ["active"] = "Throws kunai at her target, dealing {{ap|175|250|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and preventing her from generating mana for {{fd|1.25}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 20, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Akali Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ninja"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Five Point Strike", ["abilityicon"] = "Five Point Strike.png", ["active"] = "Throws kunai at her target, dealing {{ap|200|275|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and preventing her from generating mana for {{fd|1.25}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 20, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Crime City Nightmare", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Akali CrimeCityNightmare Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Syndicate"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Perfect Execution", ["abilityicon"] = "Perfect Execution.png", ["active"] = "Dashes in a line towards the most enemies, dealing {{ap|275|375|2000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} as she passes through and marking them for 7 seconds. When a marked target drops {{as|'''below''' {{ap|15|20|90}}% health}}, she dashes through them, executing enemies below that health threshold and dealing {{ap|275|375|2000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all other enemies she passes through.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Akshan"] = { [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original TFT", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Akshan TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Sentinel"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Heroic Swing", ["abilityicon"] = "Heroic Swing.png", ["passive"] = "Basic attacks reduce the target's {{as|armor}} by 50% for 4 {{TFT AP}} seconds.", ["active"] = "Launches his grappling hook and swings untargetably toward the farthest enemy, gaining {{ap|60|70|400}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 4 seconds. He will continue to attack the nearest enemy at double his attack speed while swinging.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Alistar"] = { [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Hextech", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Alistar Hextech Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hextech"}, ["class"] = {"Colossus"}, ["abilityname"] = "Pulverize", ["abilityicon"] = "Pulverize.png", ["active"] = "Charges at his target, {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking}} them back for a short distance. Then he slams the ground, dealing {{ap|200|325|1200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} all nearby enemies for {{ap|1.5|2|8}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 1400, ["mana"] = 160, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 90, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 80, ["mr"] = 80, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Amumu"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Infernal", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Amumu Infernal Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Inferno"}, ["class"] = {"Warden"}, ["abilityname"] = "Curse of the Sad Mummy", ["abilityicon"] = "Curse of the Sad Mummy.png", ["active"] = "Explodes in an infernal tantrum, dealing {{ap|100|200|1337}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies within 3 hexes, and {{tip|TFT Stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5|2|2.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Anivia"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Anivia Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Glacial"}, ["class"] = {"Elementalist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Glacial Storm", ["abilityicon"] = "Glacial Storm.png", ["active"] = "Creates a hailstorm around the farthest enemy that lasts 6 seconds, dealing {{ap|800/12 to 1400/12 3|round=2}} {{TFT AP}} damage every {{fd|0.5}} seconds for a total of {{ap|800 to 1400 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and slowing the {{as|attack speed}} of all enemies inside by {{ap|50 to 90 3}}%. The storm is not cancelled when she dies.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Divine Phoenix TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Anivia DivinePhoenix TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Jade"}, ["class"] = {"Evoker", "Legend"}, ["abilityname"] = "Prismatic Storm", ["abilityicon"] = "Glacial Storm.png", ["active"] = "Summons a prismatic storm around her target, dealing {{ap|350|450|650}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over 3 seconds. Enemies in the storm have their {{as|magic reisistance|magic resistance}} reduced by 40%.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Annie"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Annie Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Inferno"}, ["class"] = {"Summoner"}, ["abilityname"] = "Tibbers!", ["abilityicon"] = "Summon Tibbers.png", ["active"] = "Summons Tibbers near her target, dealing {{ap|100 to 300 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all adjacent enemies. Tibbers fights for the rest of the round or until killed, dealing {{ap|125|350|1500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} with each basic attack. Cannot gain mana while Tibbers is active.<br />Tibbers has {{ap|1600|2200|3000}} {{as|health}} and 30 {{as|armor}}.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Super Galaxy", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Annie SuperGalaxy Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mech-Pilot"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Galaxy Shield-Blast", ["abilityicon"] = "Molten Shield.png", ["active"] = "Blasts a cone of fire dealing {{ap|150|200|300}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies in front of her, then shields herself for {{ap|270|360|540}} {{TFT AP}} for up to 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Super Galaxy", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Annie SuperGalaxy Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mech-Pilot"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Galaxy Shield-Blast", ["abilityicon"] = "Molten Shield.png", ["active"] = "Blasts a cone of fire dealing {{ap|300|400|700}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies in front of her, then shields herself for {{ap|400|500|800}} {{TFT AP}} for up to 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 140, ["startmana"] = 70, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Panda", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Annie Panda Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Fortune"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Burst Shield", ["abilityicon"] = "Molten Shield.png", ["active"] = "Blasts a cone of fire dealing {{ap|250|350|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies in front of her, then shields herself for {{ap|500|700|900}} {{TFT AP}} health for 8 seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 65, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Panda", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Annie Panda Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Fortune"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Burst Shield", ["abilityicon"] = "Molten Shield.png", ["active"] = "Blasts a cone of fire dealing {{ap|250|350|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies in front of her, then shields herself for {{ap|500|700|900}} {{TFT AP}} health for 8 seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 65, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Ao Shin"] = { [7] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["cost"] = 10, ["render"] = "Ao Shin TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Tempest"}, ["class"] = {"Dragon"}, ["abilityname"] = "Lightning Rain", ["abilityicon"] = "2020 Dragonmancer profileicon.png", ["active"] = "Fires a barrage of {{ap|15|20|100}} lightning strikes at random enemies, at 3-Star each strike hits every enemy unit. Each strike deals {{ap|160|240|2500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and reduces his target's {{as|mana}} by 20.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 200, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["cost"] = 8, ["render"] = "Ao Shin TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Tempest"}, ["class"] = {"Dragon"}, ["abilityname"] = "Lightning Rain", ["abilityicon"] = "2020 Dragonmancer profileicon.png", ["active"] = "Fires a barrage of 20 lightning strikes at random enemies. Each strike deals {{ap|225|400|2500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and reduces his target's {{as|mana}} by 10.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 200, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Aphelios"] = { [4] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Aphelios Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Moonlight"}, ["class"] = {"Hunter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Sentry Turret", ["abilityicon"] = "Sentry.png", ["active"] = "Summons a turret for {{ap|7|8|9|11}} {{TFT AP}} seconds, that shoots enemies, attacking with '''Aphelios' '''damage and attack speed, and applying on-hit effects. Turrets die when '''Aphelios''' dies. Turrets do not generate mana or apply on-attack and spell effects. Turrets cannot attack when '''Aphelios''' is disabled. Turrets cannot be targeted by enemies.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Nightbringer", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Aphelios Nightbringer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Nightbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Dark Vigil", ["abilityicon"] = "Moonlight Vigil.png", ["active"] = "Launches {{ap|4|4|8}} attacks at his target and the enemies nearest to them, dealing {{ap|125|150|300}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ {{ap|140|150|180}}% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Nightbringer", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Aphelios Nightbringer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Nightbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Dark Vigil", ["abilityicon"] = "Moonlight Vigil.png", ["active"] = "Launches {{ap|5|5|10}} attacks at his target and the enemies nearest to them, dealing {{ap|150|200|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ {{ap|350|375|450}}% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 170, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Ashe"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Ashe Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Glacial"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Enchanted Crystal Arrow", ["abilityicon"] = "Enchanted Crystal Arrow.png", ["active"] = "Fires an arrow at the farthest enemy that stops at the first enemy hit, dealing {{ap|200 to 600 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them. The stun lasts {{ap|1 to 2 3}} seconds per hex traveled.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [2] = { ["skin"] = "Amethyst", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Ashe Amethyst Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Crystal"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Ranger's Focus", ["abilityicon"] = "Ranger's Focus.png", ["active"] = "For the next 5 seconds, gains {{ap|50|75|100}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}, and her basic attacks fire a flurry of five arrows dealing {{as|{{ap|30|35|75}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} per arrow, for a total of {{as|{{ap|30*5|35*5|75*5}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 35, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Cosmic Queen", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Ashe CosmicQueen Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Celestial"}, ["class"] = {"Sniper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Enchanted Crystal Arrow", ["abilityicon"] = "Enchanted Crystal Arrow.png", ["active"] = "Fires an arrow at the farthest enemy that explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing {{ap|250|350|700}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all nearby enemies and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for 2 seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 6, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Cosmic Queen", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Ashe CosmicQueen Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Celestial"}, ["class"] = {"Sniper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Enchanted Crystal Arrow", ["abilityicon"] = "Enchanted Crystal Arrow.png", ["active"] = "Fires an arrow at the farthest enemy that explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing {{ap|200|300|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all nearby enemies and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|2|3|4}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 6, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "High Noon", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Ashe HighNoon TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Elderwood"}, ["class"] = {"Hunter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Hunter's Focus", ["abilityicon"] = "Ranger's Focus 2.png", ["active"] = "For the next 5 seconds, gains {{ap|45|65|300}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}, and basic attacks fire a flurry of five arrows dealing {{as|45% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} per arrow, for a total of {{as|{{#expr:45*5}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}. Each flurry is considered as one basic attack.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 30, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Fae Dragon", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Ashe FaeDragon TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Verdant", "Draconic"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Enchanted Arrow", ["abilityicon"] = "Enchanted Crystal Arrow.png", ["active"] = "Fires an arrow at the farthest enemy, dealing {{ap|300|450|750}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the first enemy hit and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5|2|2.5}} seconds. If the arrow travels at least 5 hexes, the {{tip|TFT stun|stun}} duration is doubled. Enemies within 1 hex receive 50% of these effects.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 5, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Fae Dragon", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Ashe FaeDragon TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Draconic"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Enchanted Arrow", ["abilityicon"] = "Enchanted Crystal Arrow.png", ["active"] = "Fires an arrow at the farthest enemy, dealing {{ap|300|450|650}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the first enemy hit and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5|2|2.5}} seconds. If the arrow travels at least 5 hexes, the {{tip|TFT stun|stun}} duration is doubled. Enemies within 1 hex receive 50% of these effects.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 5, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Coven", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Ashe Coven Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Syndicate"}, ["class"] = {"Sniper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Volley", ["abilityicon"] = "Volley.png", ["active"] = "Fires a volley of 8 arrows centered on her target by her range plus 1 hex, dealing {{as|110% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} per arrow and slowing their {{as|attack speed}} by 20% for 3 {{TFT AP}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Fae Dragon TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Ashe FaeDragon TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Jade"}, ["class"] = {"Dragonmancer", "Swiftshot"}, ["abilityname"] = "Volley", ["abilityicon"] = "Volley.png", ["active"] = "Fires a volley of 6 arrows, dealing {{ap|90|120|250}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to each enemy hit and slowing their {{as|attack speed}} by 25% for 3 seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Aurelion Sol"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Aurelion Sol Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dragon"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Voice of Light", ["abilityicon"] = "Voice of Light.png", ["active"] = "After a {{fd|0.35}}-second delay, breathes fire in a line at the farthest enemy, dealing {{ap|250 to 750 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies in the area.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Mecha", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Aurelion Sol Mecha Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Rebel"}, ["class"] = {"Starship"}, ["abilityname"] = "Mobilize the Fleet", ["abilityicon"] = "Celestial Expansion.png", ["active"] = "Launches fighters that fly out to random enemies, each dealing {{ap|100|150|750}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and then return to him. Launches all ready fighters plus 3 additional when he casts. Fighters randomly target enemies.", ["hp"] = 1100, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 10, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Starship" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Mecha", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Aurelion Sol Mecha Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Rebel"}, ["class"] = {"Starship"}, ["abilityname"] = "Mobilize the Fleet", ["abilityicon"] = "Celestial Expansion.png", ["active"] = "Launches fighters that fly out to random enemies, each dealing {{ap|90|150|1000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and draining {{ap|10|15|50}} {{as|mana}} from enemies. The fighters then return to him. The first cast launches 4 fighters, and subsequent casts launch 2 additional fighters. Fighters randomly target enemies.", ["hp"] = 1100, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 120, ["ad"] = 10, ["as"] = 0.2, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 55, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Starship" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Storm Dragon", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Aurelion Sol StormDragon Amethyst Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dragonsoul"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Voice of Lightning", ["abilityicon"] = "Voice of Light.png", ["active"] = "Breathes lightning in a line towards the farthest enemy dealing {{ap|300|475|1300}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and overcharging all enemies hit for 10 seconds. If an enemy is already overcharged, consumes the effect and deals 50% '''bonus''' damage.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 80, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Original TFT", ["tier"] = 5, ["cost"] = 10, ["render"] = "Aurelion Sol Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Astral"}, ["class"] = {"Dragon", "Evoker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Black Hole", ["abilityicon"] = "Starsurge 2.png", ["active"] = "Summons an unstable black hole underneath a random enemy. After 2 seconds it implodes, dealing {{ap|350|475|5000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies in the area and increasing their damage taken by 20% for 10 seconds. Black holes generated after 20 seconds of combat are larger and deal 50% more damage. At 3-Star, the first cast covers the entire board.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original TFT", ["tier"] = 5, ["cost"] = 8, ["render"] = "Aurelion Sol Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Astral"}, ["class"] = {"Dragon", "Evoker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Black Hole", ["abilityicon"] = "Starsurge 2.png", ["active"] = "Summons an unstable black hole underneath a random enemy. After 2 seconds it implodes, dealing {{ap|375|625|5000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies in the area and increasing their damage taken by 20% for 10 seconds. Black holes generated after 18 seconds of combat are larger and deal 15% more damage.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Azir"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Azir Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Desert"}, ["class"] = {"Summoner"}, ["abilityname"] = "Arise!", ["abilityicon"] = "Arise!.png", ["active"] = "Summons a Sand Soldier near a random enemy that lasts 6 seconds. Sand Soldiers attack nearby enemies whenever '''Azir''' attacks, dealing {{ap|150|275|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} in a line.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Warring Kingdoms", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Azir WarringKingdoms Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Warlord"}, ["class"] = {"Keeper", "Emperor"}, ["abilityname"] = "Emperor's Divide", ["abilityicon"] = "Emperor's Divide.png", ["active"] = "Calls forth a wall of charging soliders from behind him, dealing {{ap|200|350|8888}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT slow|slowing}} all enemies hit for 4 seconds. Enemies close to him are {{tip|TFT airborne|knocked back}}, while enemies further away are {{tip|TFT airborne|knocked up}} for 2 seconds.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Warring Kingdoms", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Azir WarringKingdoms Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Warlord"}, ["class"] = {"Keeper", "Emperor"}, ["abilityname"] = "Emperor's Divide", ["abilityicon"] = "Emperor's Divide.png", ["active"] = "Calls forth a wall of charging soliders from behind him, dealing {{ap|225|375|18888}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT slow|slowing}} all enemies hit for 3 seconds. Enemies close to him are {{tip|TFT airborne|knocked back}}, while enemies further away are {{tip|TFT airborne|knocked up}} for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Bard"] = { [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Astronaut", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Bard Astronaut Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Astro"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Traveler's Call", ["abilityicon"] = "Traveler's Call 2.png", ["passive"] = "Basic attacks against champions generate an additional {{ap|5|20|90}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|mana}}. Cannot gain mana in rounds with no enemy champions.", ["active"] = "If the bench is not full, spawns a meep on his owner's bench which can be sold for 1 XP. ''Otherwise, do nothing''. Meeps can stack on the same place.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Bard Bard", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Bard Bard Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Guild"}, ["class"] = {"Bard", "Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Tempered Fate", ["abilityicon"] = "Tempered Fate.png", ["active"] = "Sends magical energy toward the largest group of enemies, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.25|2|15}} seconds and causing them to take {{ap|15|20|9999}}% {{TFT AP}} increased damage while stunned. If he hits at least 1 enemy, he dances in celebration. At 3-Star, the cast covers the entire board.<br/>{{sbc|Guild Bonus:}} Gain 2 {{as|'''bonus''' mana}} per basic attack.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 240, ["startmana"] = 160, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Bard Bard", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Bard Bard Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Guild"}, ["class"] = {"Bard", "Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Tempered Fate", ["abilityicon"] = "Tempered Fate.png", ["active"] = "Sends magical energy toward the largest group of enemies, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.25|2|15}} seconds and causing them to take {{ap|15|20|9999}}% {{TFT AP}} increased damage while stunned. If he hits at least 1 enemy, he dances in celebration. At 3-Star, the cast covers the entire board.<br/>{{sbc|Guild Bonus:}} Gain 2 {{as|'''bonus''' mana}} per basic attack.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 240, ["startmana"] = 160, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Blitzcrank"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Blitzcrank Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Robot"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Rocket Grab", ["abilityicon"] = "Rocket Grab.png", ["active"] = "{{tip|TFT airborne|Pulls}} the farthest enemy into melee range, dealing {{ap|250 to 850 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|2.5}} seconds. Additionally his next basic attack {{tip|TFT airborne|knocks up}} his target for 1 second. Allies within range will prioritize attacking that enemy.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "iBlitzcrank", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Blitzcrank iBlitzcrank Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chrono"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Rocket Grab", ["abilityicon"] = "Rocket Grab.png", ["active"] = "{{tip|TFT airborne|Pulls}} the farthest enemy into melee range, dealing {{ap|200|350|850}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|2.5}} seconds. Additionally his next basic attack {{tip|TFT airborne|knocks up}} his target for 1 second. Allies within range will prioritize attacking that enemy.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 125, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "iBlitzcrank", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Blitzcrank iBlitzcrank Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chrono"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Rocket Grab", ["abilityicon"] = "Rocket Grab.png", ["active"] = "{{tip|TFT airborne|Pulls}} the farthest enemy into melee range, dealing {{ap|200|350|1337}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|2.5}} seconds. Additionally his next basic attack {{tip|TFT airborne|knocks up}} his target for 1 second. Allies within range will prioritize attacking that enemy.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 125, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Blitzcrank Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Scrap"}, ["class"] = {"Bodyguard", "Protector"}, ["abilityname"] = "Rocket Grab", ["abilityicon"] = "Rocket Grab.png", ["active"] = "{{tip|TFT airborne|Pulls}} the farthest enemy into melee range, dealing {{ap|150|300|900}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|2.5}} seconds. Additionally his next basic attack {{tip|TFT airborne|knocks up}} his target for 1 second. Allies within range will prioritize attacking that enemy.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 175, ["startmana"] = 175, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Blitzcrank Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Scrap"}, ["class"] = {"Bodyguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Rocket Grab", ["abilityicon"] = "Rocket Grab.png", ["active"] = "{{tip|TFT airborne|Pulls}} the farthest enemy into melee range, dealing {{ap|150|300|900}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds. Additionally his next basic attack {{tip|TFT airborne|knocks up}} his target for 1 second. Allies within range will prioritize attacking that enemy.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 175, ["startmana"] = 175, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Brand"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Brand Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Demon"}, ["class"] = {"Elementalist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Pyroclasm", ["abilityicon"] = "Pyroclasm.png", ["active"] = "Launches a bouncing fireball at the farthest enemy. The fireball bounces to a random enemy within 3 hexes of the last enemy hit up to {{ap|4|6|20}} times, dealing {{ap|250 to 650 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} with each bounce.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Brand Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Inferno"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Pyroclasm", ["abilityicon"] = "Pyroclasm.png", ["active"] = "Launches a bouncing fireball at the farthest enemy. The fireball bounces to a random enemy within 3 hexes of the last enemy hit up to {{ap|5|6|20}} times, dealing {{ap|225|300|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} with each bounce.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Eternal Dragon", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Brand EternalDragon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dragonsoul"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Dragonfire Pillar", ["abilityicon"] = "Pillar of Flame.png", ["active"] = "After a brief delay, causes the ground under the enemy with the {{as|highest '''current''' health}} to erupt in flames, dealing {{ap|200|300|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies within. If an enemy is caught within the epicenter, they are {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{ap|1.5|2|3}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Zombie", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Brand Zombie TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Abomination"}, ["class"] = {"Spellweaver"}, ["abilityname"] = "Sear", ["abilityicon"] = "Sear.png", ["active"] = "Launches a ball of fire at nearest non-seared enemy, searing them for {{ap|600|900|1500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over 12 seconds, and {{tip|TFT mana-lock|mana-locking}} himself for {{fd|1.5}} seconds. Seared enemies have {{ap|40|50|70}}% reduced {{as|magic resistance}}.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 20, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Zombie", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Brand Zombie TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Abomination"}, ["class"] = {"Spellweaver"}, ["abilityname"] = "Sear", ["abilityicon"] = "Sear.png", ["active"] = "Launches a ball of fire at nearest non-seared enemy, searing them for {{ap|650|950|1750}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over 12 seconds, and {{tip|TFT mana-lock|mana-locking}} himself for {{fd|1.5}} seconds. Seared enemies have {{ap|40|50|70}}% reduced {{as|magic resistance}}.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 20, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Debonair", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Brand Debonair Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Debonair"}, ["class"] = {"Arcanist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Sear", ["abilityicon"] = "Sear.png", ["active"] = "Launches a fireball at the nearest enemy, lighting them ablaze for 4 seconds and dealing {{ap|135|175|235}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. If the enemy is already lit, they suffer an explosion of {{ap|165|225|300}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} which {{tip|TFT stun|stuns}} them for {{ap|1|1.5|2}} seconds.<br />{{sbc|VIP Bonus:}} Fires a second fireball at a different target dealing 45% reduced damage, prioritizes ablazed enemies.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 20, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Braum"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Braum Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Glacial"}, ["class"] = {"Guardian"}, ["abilityname"] = "Unbreakable", ["abilityicon"] = "Unbreakable.png", ["active"] = "Puts up his shield at the farthest enemy for 4 seconds, absorbing and stopping all incoming missiles and reducing his damage taken from that direction by {{ap|70 to 90 3}}%.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 75, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Braum Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Glacial"}, ["class"] = {"Warden"}, ["abilityname"] = "Unbreakable", ["abilityicon"] = "Unbreakable.png", ["active"] = "Puts up his shield at the farthest enemy for 4 seconds, absorbing and stopping all incoming missiles and reducing his damage taken from that direction by {{ap|80|85|90}}%.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 65, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dragonslayer", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Braum Dragonslayer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dragonsoul"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Unbreakable", ["abilityicon"] = "Unbreakable.png", ["active"] = "Puts up his shield at the farthest enemy for 4 seconds, absorbing and stopping all incoming missiles and reducing his damage taken from that direction by {{ap|75|80|90}}% {{TFT AP}}.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Crime City", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Braum CrimeCity Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Syndicate"}, ["class"] = {"Bodyguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Vault Breaker", ["abilityicon"] = "Glacial Fissure.png", ["active"] = "Slams his vault door into the ground, creating a fissure towards his target. Enemies within 2 hexes of him and those struck by the fissure are {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{ap|2|3|6}} seconds and take {{ap|100|200|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 1100, ["mana"] = 200, ["startmana"] = 120, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Crime City", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Braum CrimeCity Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Syndicate"}, ["class"] = {"Bodyguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Vault Breaker", ["abilityicon"] = "Glacial Fissure.png", ["active"] = "Slams his vault door into the ground, creating a fissure towards his target. Enemies within 2 hexes of him and those struck by the fissure are {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{ap|2|2.75|8}} seconds and take {{ap|100|200|750}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 1100, ["mana"] = 200, ["startmana"] = 120, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Dragonslayer", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Braum Dragonslayer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Scalescorn"}, ["class"] = {"Guardian"}, ["abilityname"] = "Unbreakable", ["abilityicon"] = "Unbreakable.png", ["active"] = "Raises his shield for 4 seconds, reducing his damage taken from that direction by {{ap|60|70|80}}% {{TFT AP}}.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Caitlyn"] = { [3] = { ["skin"] = "Pulsefire", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Caitlyn Pulsefire Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chrono"}, ["class"] = {"Sniper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Ace in the Hole", ["abilityicon"] = "Ace in the Hole.png", ["active"] = "Takes aim at the furthest enemy for {{fd|1.1}} seconds, firing a deadly bullet towards them that deals {{ap|750|1500|2250}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the first enemy it hits.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 6, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Pulsefire", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Caitlyn Pulsefire Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chrono"}, ["class"] = {"Sniper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Ace in the Hole", ["abilityicon"] = "Ace in the Hole.png", ["active"] = "Takes aim at the furthest enemy for {{fd|1.1}} seconds, firing a deadly bullet towards them that deals {{ap|750|1500|2250}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the first enemy it hits.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 6, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Arcane", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Caitlyn Arcane Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Enforcer"}, ["class"] = {"Sniper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Ace in the Hole", ["abilityicon"] = "Ace in the Hole.png", ["active"] = "Takes aim at the furthest enemy for {{fd|1.1}} seconds, firing a deadly bullet towards them that deals {{ap|800|1400|2000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the first enemy it hits.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 110, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 15, ["mr"] = 15, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Arcane", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Caitlyn Arcane Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Enforcer"}, ["class"] = {"Sniper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Ace in the Hole", ["abilityicon"] = "Ace in the Hole.png", ["active"] = "Takes aim at the furthest enemy for {{fd|1.1}} seconds, firing a deadly bullet towards them that deals {{ap|900|1500|2250}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the first enemy it hits.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 15, ["mr"] = 15, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Camille"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Camille Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hextech"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "The Hextech Ultimatum", ["abilityicon"] = "The Hextech Ultimatum.png", ["active"] = "Singles out and leaps on her attack target, dealing {{ap|200 to 450 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT root|rooting}} them for {{ap|4 to 6 3}} seconds. Allies within range will prioritize attacking that enemy.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Camille Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Clockwork"}, ["class"] = {"Challenger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Defensive Sweep", ["abilityicon"] = "Tactical Sweep.png", ["active"] = "Gains a {{ap|225|300|425}} {{TFT AP}} shield for 4 seconds, then she sweeps her leg, dealing {{ap|150|200|300}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies in a cone. While the shield is active, her basic attacks heal her for {{ap|30|50|80}} {{TFT AP}}.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Camille Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Clockwork"}, ["class"] = {"Challenger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Defensive Sweep", ["abilityicon"] = "Tactical Sweep.png", ["active"] = "Gains a {{ap|225|300|425}} {{TFT AP}} shield for 4 seconds, then she sweeps her leg, dealing {{ap|200|275|375}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies in a cone. While the shield is active, her basic attacks heal her for {{ap|30|50|80}} {{TFT AP}}.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Cassiopeia"] = { [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Eternum", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Cassiopeia Eternum Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Battlecast"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Noxious Blast", ["abilityicon"] = "Noxious Blast.png", ["active"] = "Launches poison at the nearest unpoisoned enemy, causing them to take {{ap|750|1600|4000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over 14 seconds, and reducing the effectiveness of shields placed on them by 50%.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 25, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Spirit Blossom", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Cassiopeia SpiritBlossom NightBlossom Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dusk"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Petrifying Gaze", ["abilityicon"] = "Petrifying Gaze.png", ["active"] = "Projects a cone of magic energy at her target, dealing {{ap|275|400|2000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies hit, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|2.5|3|5}} seconds, and causing them to take 20% {{TFT AP}} increased damage while {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}}.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Cho'Gath"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Cho'Gath Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Void"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Rupture", ["abilityicon"] = "Rupture.png", ["active"] = "After a {{fd|1.5}}-second delay, ruptures a 2-hex circle dealing {{ap|200 to 600 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking up}} all enemies within, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5 to 2 3}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Cho'Gath Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Void"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Rupture", ["abilityicon"] = "Rupture.png", ["active"] = "After a {{fd|1.5}}-second delay, ruptures a 2-hex circle dealing {{ap|150|200|1000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking up}} all enemies within, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|2|2|4}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Shan Hai Scrolls", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Cho'Gath ShaiHaiScrolls Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Fabled"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Rupture", ["abilityicon"] = "Rupture.png", ["active"] = "Erupts a large area, dealing {{ap|200|400|2000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking}} up all enemies for {{ap|2|2.5|8}} seconds.<br />{{sbc|Fabled Bonus:}} Additionally {{tip|TFT airborne|knocks up}} all enemies on the board.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 180, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 100, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 70, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Cho'Gath Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mutant"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser", "Colossus"}, ["abilityname"] = "Feast", ["abilityicon"] = "Feast.png", ["active"] = "Devours the {{as|lowest health}} enemy within range, dealing {{ap|900|975|1050}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. If this kills the target, he gains a stack of Feast, up to {{ap|20|40|999}} stacks. Each stack of Feast permanently grants him {{as|2% '''bonus''' health}} and increased size.", ["hp"] = 1300, ["mana"] = 165, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 90, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Cho'Gath Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mutant"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser", "Colossus"}, ["abilityname"] = "Feast", ["abilityicon"] = "Feast.png", ["active"] = "Devours the {{as|lowest health}} enemy within range, dealing {{ap|850|950|1050}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. If this kills the target, he gains a stack of Feast, up to {{ap|30|60|999}} stacks. Each stack of Feast permanently grants him {{as|2% '''bonus''' health}} and increased size.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 165, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 100, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Corki"] = { [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Corki Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Yordle"}, ["class"] = {"Twinshot"}, ["abilityname"] = "Bombardment", ["abilityicon"] = "Missile Barrage.png", ["active"] = "Fires a missile at his target that explodes on impact, dealing {{ap|180|220|290}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby enemies.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 25, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Dragonwing", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Corki Dragonwing Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Revel"}, ["class"] = {"Cannoneer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Missile Barrage", ["abilityicon"] = "Big One.png", ["active"] = "Launches a barrage of 4 missiles towards his target, each dealing {{as|{{ap|60|60|150}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}. The final missile is The Big One and deals {{ap|125|200|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ {{ap|175|180|250}}% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}} in a large area.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Daeja"] = { [7] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["cost"] = 8, ["render"] = "Daeja TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mirage"}, ["class"] = {"Dragon"}, ["abilityname"] = "Windblast", ["abilityicon"] = "Ezreal Mystic Shot old.png", ["passive"] = "Basic attacks deal {{ap|25|40|150}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} and reduce the target's {{as|magic resistance}} by 3.", ["active"] = "Sends a wind blast toward the largest group of enemies, dealing {{ap|250|375|1800}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. For the next 10 seconds her basic attacks launch three barrages.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 90, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["cost"] = 7, ["render"] = "Daeja TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mirage"}, ["class"] = {"Dragon"}, ["abilityname"] = "Windblast", ["abilityicon"] = "Ezreal Mystic Shot old.png", ["passive"] = "Basic attacks deal {{ap|25|40|150}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} and reduce the target's {{as|magic resistance}} by 5.", ["active"] = "Sends a wind blast toward the largest group of enemies, dealing {{ap|275|375|1800}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 20, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Darius"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Darius Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Imperial"}, ["class"] = {"Knight"}, ["abilityname"] = "Decimate", ["abilityicon"] = "Decimate.png", ["active"] = "After a {{fd|0.75}}-second delay, swings his axe in a circle, dealing {{ap|150 to 250 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all adjacent enemies and healing himself for {{ap|100 to 200 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|health}} for each enemy hit.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Dreadnova", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Darius Dreadnova Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Space Pirate"}, ["class"] = {"Mana-Reaver"}, ["abilityname"] = "Dreadnova Guillotine", ["abilityicon"] = "Noxian Guillotine.png", ["active"] = "Dunks an enemy in 3-hex range, prioritizing his attack target, dealing {{ap|400|500|750}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}, doubled against enemies {{as|'''below''' 50% health}}. If this kills the target, he immediately casts again.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dreadnova", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Darius Dreadnova Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Space Pirate"}, ["class"] = {"Mana-Reaver"}, ["abilityname"] = "Dreadnova Guillotine", ["abilityicon"] = "Noxian Guillotine.png", ["active"] = "Dunks an enemy in 3-hex range, prioritizing his attack target, dealing {{ap|400|550|888}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}, doubled against enemies {{as|'''below''' 50% health}}. If this kills the target, he immediately casts again.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Lunar Beast", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Darius LunarBeast Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Fortune"}, ["class"] = {"Slayer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Fortune's Guillotine", ["abilityicon"] = "Noxian Guillotine.png", ["active"] = "Dunks an enemy dealing {{ap|550|850|1400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. While dunking, he is unstoppable. If this kills the target, he immediately casts again dealing {{ap|25|20|15}}% reduced damage.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "God-King", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Darius God-King TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Nightbringer"}, ["class"] = {"God-King", "Knight"}, ["abilityname"] = "God-Wolf's Carnage", ["abilityicon"] = "Forsaken Wolf profileicon.png", ["active"] = "Transforms into God-Wolf, becoming unstoppable as he lunges towards a nearby enemy. {{ap|3|4|10}} God-Wolves join him, each targeting their own prey. Enemies bitten by a God-Wolf are dealt {{as|{{ap|200|225|2000}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} and have their {{as|armor}} reduced by 50% for 8 seconds. After biting his prey, his next 2 basic attacks heal {{as|{{ap|15|20|50}}% {{TFT AP}} of his '''maximum''' health}}.", ["hp"] = 1050, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 90, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Crime City Nightmare", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Darius CrimeCityNightmare Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Syndicate"}, ["class"] = {"Bodyguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Decimate", ["abilityicon"] = "Decimate.png", ["active"] = "Swings his axe in a circle, dealing {{ap|200|275|350}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and healing himself for {{ap|120|140|160}} {{TFT AP}} for each enemy hit.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 70, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Crime City Nightmare", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Darius CrimeCityNightmare Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Syndicate"}, ["class"] = {"Bodyguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Decimate", ["abilityicon"] = "Decimate.png", ["active"] = "Swings his axe in a circle, dealing {{ap|200|275|350}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and healing himself for {{ap|120|140|160}} {{TFT AP}} for each enemy hit.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 70, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Diana"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Infernal", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Diana Infernal Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Inferno"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Flame Cascade", ["abilityicon"] = "Pale Cascade.png", ["active"] = "Creates {{ap|3|4|6}} orbs which rotate around her and explode for {{ap|80 to 120 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} when they collide with an enemy. She also shields herself for {{ap|150 to 350 3}} {{TFT AP}} health for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Diana Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Moonlight"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Pale Cascade", ["abilityicon"] = "Pale Cascade.png", ["active"] = "Shields herself against {{ap|200|300|400|500}} {{TFT AP}} damage over 4 seconds and summons {{ap|4|5|6|8}} orbs to orbit around her. These orbs explode for {{ap|70|80|90|100}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} when they contact an enemy, refreshing her shield when the final one explodes.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Lunar Goddess", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Diana LunarGoddess Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Spirit"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Pale Cascade", ["abilityicon"] = "Pale Cascade.png", ["active"] = "Shields herself against {{ap|200|300|450}} {{TFT AP}} damage over 4 seconds and summons {{ap|4|5|6}} orbs to orbit around her. These orbs explode for {{ap|80|85|90}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} when they contact an enemy, refreshing her shield when the final one explodes.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Dragonslayer", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Diana Dragonslayer Ruby Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dragonslayer", "Nightbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Moonfall", ["abilityicon"] = "Moonfall.png", ["active"] = "Calls forth moonlight, drawing in all nearby enemies, dealing {{ap|250|350|1500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|2|2.5|4}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 160, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dragonslayer", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Diana Dragonslayer Ruby Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Nightbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Moonfall", ["abilityicon"] = "Moonfall.png", ["active"] = "Calls forth moonlight, drawing in all nearby enemies, dealing {{ap|300|450|3000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|2|2.5|4}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 140, ["startmana"] = 70, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Dragonslayer", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Diana Dragonslayer Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Scalescorn"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Pale Cascade", ["abilityicon"] = "Pale Cascade.png", ["active"] = "Shields herself for {{ap|300|350|500}} {{TFT AP}} for 6 seconds and summons {{ap|5|6|8}} orbs around her. These orbs burst for {{ap|85|100|115}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} when they hit an enemy. When the final orb bursts, her shield refreshes.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Dr. Mundo"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Toxic", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Dr. Mundo Toxic Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Poison"}, ["class"] = {"Berserker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Adrenaline Rush", ["abilityicon"] = "Sadism.png", ["active"] = "Creates a toxic cloud around him for 8 seconds. The cloud deals {{ap|50|100|200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ {{fd|1.25}}% of his '''maximum''' health)}} {{as|magic damage}} every second to nearby enemies and heals for {{ap|100|125|150}}% of the damage dealt.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Dr. Mundo Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chemtech", "Mutant"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser"}, ["abilityname"] = "Zap Dose", ["abilityicon"] = "Maximum Dosage.png", ["active"] = "Injects himself with \"medicine\", healing {{as|35% of his '''maximum''' health}} and becoming energized for 5 seconds. While energized, he heals {{as|{{ap|25|35|100}}% his '''maximum''' health}} over the duration and deals {{ap|80|125|300}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to a random nearby enemy every second. At the end of the ability, he expels a burst of electricity that deals {{as|{{ap|15|20|50}}% {{TFT AP}} his '''current''' health|health}} as {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies within 2 hexes.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 155, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Draven"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Gladiator", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Draven Gladiator Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Imperial"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Spinning Axes", ["abilityicon"] = "Spinning Axe.png", ["active"] = "Starts spinning his axe, causing his next basic attack to gain {{as|{{ap|50|100|150}}% AD}} {{as|'''bonus''' on-hit physical damage}} and 100% {{as|attack speed}} for {{fd|5.75}} seconds, stacking up to two times.<br />The spinning axe ricochets off the target high up into the air, landing 2 seconds later at '''Draven's''' current position. If '''Draven''' catches an axe, ''Spinning Axe'' is reapplied for no additional cost on his next basic attack.<br />'''Draven''' can hold up to two ''Spinning Axes'' in his hands at once.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Ruined", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Draven Ruined Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Forgotten"}, ["class"] = {"Legionnaire"}, ["abilityname"] = "Spinning Axes", ["abilityicon"] = "Spinning Axe.png", ["active"] = "Starts spinning his axe, causing his next basic attack to gain {{ap|150|200|800}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ {{ap|170|180|340}}% AD)}} {{as|'''bonus''' on-hit physical damage}}.<br />The spinning axe ricochets off the target high up into the air, landing 2 seconds later at '''Draven's''' current position. If '''Draven''' catches an axe, ''Spinning Axe'' is reapplied for no additional cost on his next basic attack.<br />'''Draven''' can hold up to two ''Spinning Axes'' in his hands at once.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 90, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Ruined", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Draven Ruined Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Forgotten"}, ["class"] = {"Legionnaire"}, ["abilityname"] = "Spinning Axes", ["abilityicon"] = "Spinning Axe.png", ["active"] = "Starts spinning his axe, causing his next basic attack to gain {{ap|125|200|700}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ {{ap|140|150|400}}% AD)}} {{as|'''bonus''' on-hit physical damage}} and ignore {{as|50% of the target's armor}}.<br />The spinning axe ricochets off the target high up into the air, landing 2 seconds later at '''Draven's''' current position. If '''Draven''' catches an axe, ''Spinning Axe'' is reapplied for no additional cost on his next basic attack.<br />'''Draven''' can hold up to two ''Spinning Axes'' in his hands at once.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 85, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Debonair", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Draven Debonair Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Debonair"}, ["class"] = {"Challenger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Spinning Axes", ["abilityicon"] = "Spinning Axe.png", ["passive"] = "Ignores {{as|25% of his target's armor}}.", ["active"] = "Starts spinning his axe, causing his next basic attack to gain {{ap|120|150|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ {{ap|170|180|400}}% AD)}} {{as|'''bonus''' on-hit physical damage}}.<br />The spinning axe ricochets off the target high up into the air, landing 2 seconds later at '''Draven's''' current position. If '''Draven''' catches an axe, ''Spinning Axe'' is reapplied for no additional cost on his next basic attack.<br />'''Draven''' can hold up to two ''Spinning Axes'' in his hands at once.<br />{{sbc|VIP Bonus:}} Gains infinite attack range and ignores an additional {{as|25% his target's armor}}.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 85, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Ekko"] = { [3] = { ["skin"] = "PROJECT", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Ekko PROJECT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cybernetic"}, ["class"] = {"Infiltrator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Chronobreak", ["abilityicon"] = "Chronobreak.png", ["active"] = "Shatters the timeline, freezing all units in time before attacking each enemy, dealing {{ap|225|400|2000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} and applying on-hit effects. Ekko cannot die while he has stopped time.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "PROJECT", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Ekko PROJECT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cybernetic"}, ["class"] = {"Infiltrator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Chronobreak", ["abilityicon"] = "Chronobreak.png", ["active"] = "Shatters the timeline, freezing all units in time before attacking {{ap|5|7|20}} times, dealing {{ap|100|150|2000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}}, applying on-hit effects and slowing their {{as|attack speed}} by 50% for 7 seconds. Each strike targets the highest {{as|attack speed}} enemy and can target the same enemy multiple time. Ekko cannot die while he has stopped time.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Ekko Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Scrap"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Parallel Convergence", ["abilityicon"] = "Parallel Convergence.png", ["active"] = "Invokes an afterimage that bats a device towards the largest group of units. Upon landing, it deals {{ap|175|225|375}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies within and reduces their {{as|attack speed}} by {{ap|35|35|50}}% for 4 seconds. Allies inside gain {{ap|35|40|50}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed|attack speed}} for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Ekko Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Scrap"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin", "Innovator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Parallel Convergence", ["abilityicon"] = "Parallel Convergence.png", ["active"] = "Invokes an afterimage that bats a device towards the largest group of units. Upon landing, it deals {{ap|125|200|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies within and reduces their {{as|attack speed}} by {{ap|20|20|30}}% for 4 seconds. Allies inside gain {{ap|30|40|50}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed|attack speed}} for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Elise"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Elise Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Demon"}, ["class"] = {"Shapeshifter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Spider Form", ["abilityicon"] = "Spider Form.png", ["active"] = "Summons {{ap|1|2|4}} Spiderlings and transforms to her Spider Form, becoming a {{tip|TFT Melee|melee attacker}} for 60 seconds.<br />While in Spider Form, gains {{ap|60 to 120 3}}% life steal.<br />Each Spiderling has 500 {{as|health}}, 60 {{as|attack damage}} and {{fd|0.7}} {{as|attack speed}}, and can gain the {{TFTt|Demon}} bonus (if active).", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Blood Moon", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Elise BloodMoon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cultist"}, ["class"] = {"Keeper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Spider Form", ["abilityicon"] = "Spider Form.png", ["active"] = "Transforms into a spider, gaining {{as|{{ap|35|40|45}}% '''maximum''' health}} and causing her basic attacks to restore {{ap|40|80|160}} health.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Blood Moon", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Elise BloodMoon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cultist"}, ["class"] = {"Keeper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Spider Form", ["abilityicon"] = "Spider Form.png", ["active"] = "Transforms into a spider, gaining {{as|{{ap|25|30|45}}% {{TFT AP}} '''maximum''' health}} and causing her basic attacks to restore {{ap|40|80|160}} {{TFT AP}} health and inject her target with venom, increasing the cost of their next spell by {{ap|35|35|50}}%.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Blood Moon TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Elise BloodMoon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Whispers"}, ["class"] = {"Shapeshifter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Spider Form", ["abilityicon"] = "Spider Form.png", ["active"] = "Transforms into Spider Form for the rest of combat, losing 1 attack range and replacing her ability with Venomous Bite, which she immediate casts.<br />{{sbc|Venemous Bite:}} Her next basic attack deals {{ap|225|275|325}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}}. If this kills her target she ascends, becoming untargetable before dropping near the enemy with the lowest {{as|health}} and immediately casting Venomous Bite again.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Evelynn"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Evelynn Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Demon"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Last Caress", ["abilityicon"] = "Last Caress.png", ["active"] = "{{tip|TFT Root|Roots}} enemies standing in the 3 closest hexes in front of her for {{fd|0.35}} seconds, after which deals {{ap|200 to 400 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to those enemies and blinks back 3 hexes. Damage is increased to {{ap|200*3|300*4|400*5}} {{TFT AP}} <!-- {{ap|3|4|5}} multiplier --> against enemies {{as|'''below''' 50% health}}.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Blood Moon", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Evelynn BloodMoon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cultist"}, ["class"] = {"Shade"}, ["abilityname"] = "Last Caress", ["abilityicon"] = "Last Caress.png", ["active"] = "Deals {{ap|350|600|1500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to up to 3 nearby enemies, then teleports away. The damage is increased to {{ap|350*2.5|600*2.5|1500*2.5}} {{TFT AP}} against targets {{as|'''below''' 50% health}}.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Ezreal"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Frosted", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Ezreal Frosted Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Glacial"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Ice Shot", ["abilityicon"] = "Mystic Shot.png", ["active"] = "After a {{fd|0.25}}-second delay, fires a shard of ice at the {{as|lowest-health}} unit, dealing {{ap|250|450|900}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and applying on-hit effects.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 30, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Pulsefire", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Ezreal Pulsefire Level3 Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chrono"}, ["class"] = {"Blaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "E.M.P.", ["abilityicon"] = "Essence Flux.png", ["active"] = "Fires an electromagnetic pulse at a random enemy that explodes on impact in 2-hex radius, dealing {{ap|200|300|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all nearby enemies and increases the cost of their next spell cast by 40%.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Pulsefire", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Ezreal Pulsefire Level3 Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chrono"}, ["class"] = {"Blaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "E.M.P.", ["abilityicon"] = "Essence Flux.png", ["active"] = "Fires an electromagnetic pulse at a random enemy that explodes on impact in 2-hex radius, dealing {{ap|100|150|800}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all nearby enemies and increases the cost of their next spell cast by 30%.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Nottingham", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Ezreal Nottingham Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Elderwood"}, ["class"] = {"Dazzler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Flux Barrage", ["abilityicon"] = "Trueshot Barrage.png", ["active"] = "Fires a barrage toward the enemy with the {{as|highest attack speed}}, healing allies it passes through for {{ap|250|450|9999}} {{TFT AP}} and granting them and 50% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 5 seconds, while dealing {{ap|250|450|9999}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies and slowing their {{as|attack speed}} by 50% for 5 seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 90, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Ezreal Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Scrap"}, ["class"] = {"Innovator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Mystic Shot", ["abilityicon"] = "Mystic Shot.png", ["active"] = "Fires a missile at his target, dealing {{ap|25|50|100}} {{as|(+ 150% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}}. If the missile hits, he grants himself 20% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}, stacking up to 100% {{TFT AP}} at 5 stacks.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 15, ["mr"] = 15, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Ezreal Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Scrap"}, ["class"] = {"Innovator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Mystic Shot", ["abilityicon"] = "Mystic Shot.png", ["active"] = "Fires a missile at his target, dealing {{ap|25|50|100}} {{as|(+ 150% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}}. If the missile hits, he grants himself 18% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}, stacking up to 90% {{TFT AP}} at 5 stacks.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 15, ["mr"] = 15, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Frosted TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Ezreal Frosted TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Tempest"}, ["class"] = {"Swiftshot"}, ["abilityname"] = "Mystic Shot", ["abilityicon"] = "Mystic Shot.png", ["active"] = "Fires an energy bolt towards his target. The first enemy hit takes {{ap|175|250|350}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and grants him 10% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}, stacking up to 5 times.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 15, ["mr"] = 15, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Fiddlesticks"] = { [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original TFT", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Fiddlesticks Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Abomination", "Revenant"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Crowstorm", ["abilityicon"] = "Crowstorm.png", ["active"] = "After a brief channel, teleports behind his target and summons a murder of crows for {{ap|4|5|6}} seconds, dealing {{ap|150|200|750}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} per second to all enemies within. Enemies that die within the flock extend its duration by 1 second and heal him for {{as|25% of his '''missing''' health}}.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Fiora"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Fiora Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Noble"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Riposte", ["abilityicon"] = "Riposte.png", ["active"] = "Enters a defensive stance for {{fd|1.5}} seconds, becoming immune to damage and enemy spell effects. Upon exiting the stance, deals {{ap|100 to 400 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the closest enemy, favoring her attack target, and {{tip|TFT stun|stuns}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 450, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "PROJECT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Fiora PROJECT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cybernetic"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Riposte", ["abilityicon"] = "Riposte.png", ["active"] = "Enters a defensive stance for {{fd|1.5}} seconds, becoming immune to damage and enemy spell effects. Upon exiting the stance, deals {{ap|200|300|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the closest enemy, favoring her attack target, and {{tip|TFT stun|stuns}} them for {{ap|1.5|1.5|3}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 450, ["mana"] = 85, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "PROJECT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Fiora PROJECT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cybernetic"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Riposte", ["abilityicon"] = "Riposte.png", ["active"] = "Enters a defensive stance for {{fd|1.5}} seconds, becoming immune to damage and enemy spell effects. Upon exiting the stance, deals {{ap|200|300|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} up to 3-hex range, stop at the first enemy hit, favoring her attack target, and {{tip|TFT stun|stuns}} them for {{ap|1.5|1.5|3}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 85, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Soaring Sword", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Fiora SoaringSword TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Enlightened"}, ["class"] = {"Duelist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Riposte", ["abilityicon"] = "Grand Challenge 2.png", ["active"] = "Enters a defensive stance for {{fd|1.5}} seconds, becoming immune to damage and enemy spell effects. Upon exiting the stance, deals {{ap|250|400|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} up to 3-hex range, stop at the first enemy hit, favoring her attack target, and {{tip|TFT stun|stuns}} them for {{ap|1.5|2|3}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Soaring Sword", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Fiora SoaringSword TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Enlightened"}, ["class"] = {"Duelist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Riposte", ["abilityicon"] = "Grand Challenge 2.png", ["active"] = "Enters a defensive stance for {{fd|1.5}} seconds, becoming immune to damage and enemy spell effects. Upon exiting the stance, deals {{ap|250|400|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} up to 3-hex range, stop at the first enemy hit, favoring her attack target, and {{tip|TFT stun|stuns}} them for {{ap|2|2.5|4}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 95, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Pulsefire", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Fiora Pulsefire Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Enforcer"}, ["class"] = {"Challenger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Blade Waltz", ["abilityicon"] = "Grand Challenge.png", ["active"] = "Becomes untargetable as she strikes her target's vitals 4 times. Each strike deals {{as|170% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}, {{ap|50|100|300}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|true damage}}, and heals her for 20% of damage dealt. If the target dies, she will change target to the nearest enemy.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 140, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Fizz"] = { [3] = { ["skin"] = "Super Galaxy", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Fizz SuperGalaxy Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mech-Pilot"}, ["class"] = {"Infiltrator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Chum the Waters", ["abilityicon"] = "Chum the Waters.png", ["active"] = "Throws a lure that attracts a shark, causing it to emerge after a brief delay. It deals {{ap|350|500|2000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies caught, {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking}} them back and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Super Galaxy", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Fizz SuperGalaxy Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mech-Pilot"}, ["class"] = {"Infiltrator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Chum the Waters", ["abilityicon"] = "Chum the Waters.png", ["active"] = "Throws a lure that attracts a shark, causing it to emerge after a brief delay. It deals {{ap|350|550|4000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies caught, {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking}} them back and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Galio"] = { [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dragon Guardian", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Galio DragonGuardian TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Draconic", "Sentinel"}, ["class"] = {"Knight"}, ["abilityname"] = "Shield of Durand", ["abilityicon"] = "Shield of Durand.png", ["active"] = "Charges the area around him for {{fd|2.5}} seconds, {{tip|TFT taunt|taunting}} all enemies within while reducing incoming damage by {{ap|55|60|95}}%. Upon releasing the charge, deals {{ap|200|300|1500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies within 3 hexes and heals for 60% {{TFT AP}} of the damage blocked.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 180, ["startmana"] = 120, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Debonair", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Galio Debonair Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Socialite"}, ["class"] = {"Bodyguard", "Colossus"}, ["abilityname"] = "Colossal Entrance", ["abilityicon"] = "Hero's Entrance.png", ["passive"] = "{{tip|TFT crit|Critical strikes}} slam the ground, dealing {{ap|70|100|1999}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} to enemies around his target.", ["active"] = "Becomes invulnerable and leaps into the sky before crashing down on the largest group of enemies. Enemies within a large radius take {{ap|200|300|9001}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and are {{tip|TFT airborne|knocked}} into the sky for {{ap|1.5|1.75|9.5}} seconds. The lower the enemy's {{as|'''maximum''' health}} is compared to his, the longer they are {{tip|TFT airborne|knocked up}}. At 3-Star, the ability radius is larger.", ["hp"] = 1800, ["mana"] = 300, ["startmana"] = 200, ["ad"] = 110, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 70, ["mr"] = 70, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Debonair", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Galio Debonair Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Socialite"}, ["class"] = {"Bodyguard", "Colossus"}, ["abilityname"] = "Colossal Entrance", ["abilityicon"] = "Hero's Entrance.png", ["passive"] = "{{tip|TFT crit|Critical strikes}} slam the ground, dealing {{ap|70|100|1999}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} to enemies around his target.", ["active"] = "Becomes invulnerable and leaps into the sky before crashing down on the largest group of enemies. Enemies within a large radius take {{ap|125|175|9001}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ 10% of his '''maximum''' health)}} {{as|magic damage}} and are {{tip|TFT airborne|knocked}} into the sky for {{ap|1.5|1.5|10}} seconds. The lower the enemy's {{as|'''maximum''' health}} is compared to his, the longer they are {{tip|TFT airborne|knocked up}}. At 3-Star, the ability radius is larger.", ["hp"] = 1300, ["mana"] = 300, ["startmana"] = 200, ["ad"] = 110, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 70, ["mr"] = 70, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Gangplank"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Captain", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Gangplank Captain Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Pirate"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster", "Gunslinger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Powder Kegs", ["abilityicon"] = "Powder Keg.png", ["passive"] = "Periodically places barrels near enemies.", ["active"] = "Shoots his barrels, causing them all to explode in a chain reaction, dealing {{ap|150 to 350 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies caught in the blast and applying on-hit effects.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Dreadnova", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Gangplank Dreadnova Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Space Pirate"}, ["class"] = {"Demolitionist", "Mercenary"}, ["abilityname"] = "Orbital Strike", ["abilityicon"] = "Cannon Barrage.png", ["passive"] = "Upgrades:<br />• Larger Area: Increases impact area to a 4-hex radius.<br />• Faster Impact: Reduces the delay to {{fd|0.3}} seconds.<br />• Two Strikes: Impacts a second time after {{tt|{{fd|0.3}}|With ''Faster Impact''}} / {{tt|2|Default}} second delay, dealing 50% '''bonus''' damage.", ["active"] = "Calls down a large orbital strike around 3-hex his target after 2 second delay, dealing {{ap|450|600|9001}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies in that area.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 175, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dreadnova", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Gangplank Dreadnova Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Space Pirate"}, ["class"] = {"Demolitionist", "Mercenary"}, ["abilityname"] = "Orbital Strike", ["abilityicon"] = "Cannon Barrage.png", ["passive"] = "Upgrades:<br />• Larger Area: Increases impact area to a 4-hex radius.<br />• Faster Impact: Reduces the delay to {{fd|0.3}} seconds.<br />• Two Strikes: Impacts a second time after {{tt|{{fd|0.3}}|With ''Faster Impact''}} / {{tt|2|Default}} second delay, dealing 50% '''bonus''' damage.", ["active"] = "Calls down a large orbital strike around 3-hex his target after 2 second delay, dealing {{ap|525|675|9001}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies in that area.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 160, ["startmana"] = 70, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Gangplank Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mercenary"}, ["class"] = {"Twinshot"}, ["abilityname"] = "Parrrley", ["abilityicon"] = "Parrrley.png", ["active"] = "Shoots his target, dealing {{ap|110|150|200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ 170% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}}. If this kills a champion, he plunders {{as|1 gold}}.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Gangplank Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mercenary"}, ["class"] = {"Twinshot"}, ["abilityname"] = "Parrrley", ["abilityicon"] = "Parrrley.png", ["active"] = "Shoots his target, dealing {{ap|110|175|275}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ 170% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}}. If this kills a champion, he plunders {{as|1 gold}}.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Garen"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Garen Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Noble"}, ["class"] = {"Knight"}, ["abilityname"] = "Judgment", ["abilityicon"] = "Judgment.png", ["active"] = "Spins his sword for 4 seconds, becoming immune to {{as|magic damage}} and dealing {{ap|360/9 to 810/9 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to adjacent enemies each half-second. The spins can deal a total of {{ap|360 to 810 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Warring Kingdoms", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Garen WarringKingdoms Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Warlord"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Judgment", ["abilityicon"] = "Judgment.png", ["active"] = "Spins his sword for 4 seconds, dealing {{ap|450|675|1125}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby enemies and reducing incoming {{as|magic damage}} by 80% over the duration.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Warring Kingdoms", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Garen WarringKingdoms Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Warlord"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Judgment", ["abilityicon"] = "Judgment.png", ["active"] = "Spins his sword for 4 seconds, dealing {{ap|450|675|1250}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby enemies and reducing incoming {{as|magic damage}} by 80% over the duration.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "God-King", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Garen God-King TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dawnbringer"}, ["class"] = {"God-King", "Knight"}, ["abilityname"] = "God-Lion's Justice", ["abilityicon"] = "Divine Lion profileicon.png", ["active"] = "Calls down a sword that strikes a large area around his target, dealing {{as|{{ap|20|25|200}}% {{TFT AP}} of target's '''maximum''' health}} as {{as|magic damage}} and reducing their {{as|magic resistance}} by 50% for 8 seconds. He also gains a shield equal to {{as|{{ap|35|45|200}}% {{TFT AP}} of his '''maximum''' health}} for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 1050, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "God-King", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Garen God-King TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Victorious", "Dawnbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Knight"}, ["abilityname"] = "God-Lion's Justice", ["abilityicon"] = "Divine Lion profileicon.png", ["active"] = "Calls down a sword that strikes a large area around his target, dealing {{as|{{ap|25|35|200}}% {{TFT AP}} of target's '''maximum''' health}} as {{as|magic damage}} and reducing their {{as|magic resistance}} by 50% for 8 seconds. He also gains a shield equal to {{as|{{ap|40|55|200}}% {{TFT AP}} of his '''maximum''' health}} for 5 seconds.", ["hp"] = 1050, ["mana"] = 160, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Battle Academia", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Garen BattleAcademia Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Academy"}, ["class"] = {"Protector"}, ["abilityname"] = "Decisive Strike", ["abilityicon"] = "Decisive Strike.png", ["active"] = "Shrugs off all crowd control effects, empowering his next strike to deal {{as|200% AD}} {{as|(+ 15% {{TFT AP}} of his '''missing''' health)|health}} {{as|'''bonus''' physical damage}}. This ability can be cast while {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Gnar"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Gnar Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Wild", "Yordle"}, ["class"] = {"Shapeshifter"}, ["abilityname"] = "GNAR!", ["abilityicon"] = "Rage Gene 3.png", ["active"] = "Leaps towards an enemy and transforms into Mega Gnar, becoming a {{tip|TFT Melee|melee attacker}} for 60 seconds. After leaping, {{tip|TFT airborne|throws}} all enemies within 2 hexes of him 2 hexes towards his team, dealing {{ap|200 to 400 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for 2 seconds.<br />While in Mega Gnar form, gains {{ap|250 to 650 3}} {{as|health}} and {{ap|50 to 150 3}} {{as|attack damage}}.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Astronaut", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Gnar Astronaut Granite Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Astro"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "GNAR!", ["abilityicon"] = "Rage Gene 3.png", ["active"] = "Leaps towards his target and transforms into Mega Gnar, {{tip|TFT airborne|throwing}} nearby enemies, dealing {{ap|100|200|800}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.<br />While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar is {{tip|TFT melee|melee}} and gains {{ap|750|1250|5000}} {{as|health}} and {{ap|100|175|550}} {{as|attack damage}}.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Gentleman", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Gnar Gentleman Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Socialite", "Yordle"}, ["class"] = {"Striker"}, ["abilityname"] = "GNAR!", ["abilityicon"] = "Rage Gene 3.png", ["active"] = "Transforms into Mega Gnar and throws a boulder at the farthest enemy within 3-hex range, dealing {{ap|150|200|300}} {{as|(+ 175% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}} to all enemies it passes through.<br />While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar is {{tip|TFT melee|melee}}, his ability is his boulder toss, and he gains {{ap|500|750|1200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|health}} and his mana costs are reduced by 20.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Elderwood TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Gnar Elderwood TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Jade"}, ["class"] = {"Shapeshifter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Mega Gnar", ["abilityicon"] = "Rage Gene.png", ["active"] = "Transforms into Mega Form, jumping to his target and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking up}} nearby enemies for 1 second. He also gains {{ap|40|70|130}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack damage}} and {{ap|40|50|75}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' armor}}.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Gragas"] = { [5] = { ["skin"] = "Warden", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Gragas Warden TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dawnbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Drunken Rage", ["abilityicon"] = "Drunken Rage.png", ["active"] = " Drinks from his cask, granting him {{ap|35|45|60}}% damage reduction for 4 seconds, and causing his next basic attack to deal {{ap|175|250|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Warden", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Gragas Warden TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dawnbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Drunken Rage", ["abilityicon"] = "Drunken Rage.png", ["active"] = " Drinks from his cask, granting him {{ap|35|45|60}}% damage reduction for 4 seconds, and causing his next basic attack to deal {{ap|175|250|475}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Graves"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Cutthroat", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Graves Cutthroat Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Pirate"}, ["class"] = {"Gunslinger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Buckshot", ["abilityicon"] = "Buckshot.png", ["passive"] = "Basic attacks deal {{as|{{ap|5 to 15 3}}% AD}} {{as|'''bonus''' physical damage}} and hit all enemies in a 60° 2-hex cone, applying on-hit effects to all enemies hit.", ["hp"] = 450, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Jailbreak TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Graves Jailbreak TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Space Pirate"}, ["class"] = {"Blaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Smoke Grenade", ["abilityicon"] = "Smoke Screen.png", ["active"] = "Launches a smoke grenade toward the enemy with most {{as|attack speed}}. The grenade explodes on impact dealing {{ap|150|200|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby enemies and causing their attacks to {{tip|TFT miss|miss}} for {{ap|2|3|5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Jailbreak TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Graves Jailbreak TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Space Pirate"}, ["class"] = {"Blaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Smoke Grenade", ["abilityicon"] = "Smoke Screen.png", ["active"] = "Launches a smoke grenade toward the enemy with most {{as|attack speed}}. The grenade explodes on impact dealing {{ap|150|200|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby enemies and causing their attacks to {{tip|TFT miss|miss}} for {{ap|3|4|6}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Battle Professor", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Graves BattleProfessor Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Academy"}, ["class"] = {"Twinshot"}, ["abilityname"] = "Smoke Grenade", ["abilityicon"] = "Smoke Screen.png", ["active"] = "Launches a smoke grenade towards his current target. The grenade explodes on impact dealing {{ap|150|250|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby enemies and {{tip|TFT disarm|disarms}} enemies who remain within the smoke cloud for {{ap|2|2.5|3}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "EDG", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Graves EDG Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Tempest"}, ["class"] = {"Cannoneer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Quickdraw", ["abilityicon"] = "Graves Quickdraw.png", ["passive"] = "Attacks spread in a cone of 4 bullets in front of him, each strike the first enemy hit for {{ap|60|60|180}}% attack damage.", ["active"] = "Dashes towards his target, quickly fires two attacks, and grants himself {{ap|30|40|80}} Armor and Magic Resist for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Gwen"] = { [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Gwen Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Inanimate"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Skip 'n Slash", ["abilityicon"] = "Skip 'n Slash.png", ["active"] = "Dashes around her target and performs 3 rapid snips in a cone in front of her, each dealing {{ap|125|200|2222}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ {{ap|4|7|50}}% of target's '''maximum''' health)}} {{as|magic damage}} and stealing {{ap|2|2|11}} {{as|armor}} and {{as|magic resistance}} from their target. Every other cast, she will perform double the amount of snips. At 3-Star, the snips reach a much larger area.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 20, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Hecarim"] = { [4] = { ["skin"] = "Elderwood", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Hecarim Elderwood Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Elderwood"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Spirit of Life", ["abilityicon"] = "Spirit of Dread.png", ["active"] = "Creates an aura around him for 3 seconds. Each enemy within takes {{ap|250|400|750}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}, and heals him for {{ap|250|400|750}} {{TFT AP}} over the duration.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 110, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Original TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Hecarim TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Forgotten"}, ["class"] = {"Cavalier"}, ["abilityname"] = "Spirit of Dread", ["abilityicon"] = "Spirit of Dread.png", ["active"] = "Creates an aura around him for 3 seconds. Each enemy within takes {{ap|250|350|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}, and heals him for {{ap|250|350|500}} {{TFT AP}} over the duration.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Hecarim TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Forgotten"}, ["class"] = {"Cavalier"}, ["abilityname"] = "Spirit of Dread", ["abilityicon"] = "Spirit of Dread.png", ["active"] = "Creates an aura around him for 3 seconds. Each enemy within takes {{ap|200|400|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}, and heals him for {{ap|200|225|250}} {{TFT AP}} over the duration.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "High Noon TFT", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Hecarim HighNoon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ragewing"}, ["class"] = {"Cavalier"}, ["abilityname"] = "Onslaught of Shadows", ["abilityicon"] = "Onslaught of Shadows.png", ["active"] = "Summons spectral riders that charge through his target, dealing {{ap|100|200|1600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} enemies hit by {{ap|2.5|2.5|8}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 105, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "High Noon TFT", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Hecarim HighNoon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ragewing"}, ["class"] = {"Cavalier"}, ["abilityname"] = "Onslaught of Shadows", ["abilityicon"] = "Onslaught of Shadows.png", ["active"] = "Summons spectral riders that charge through his target, dealing {{ap|100|200|1600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} enemies hit by {{ap|1.5|2.5|8}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 105, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Heimerdinger"] = { [5] = { ["skin"] = "Dragon Trainer", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Heimerdinger DragonTrainer Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Draconic"}, ["class"] = {"Renewer", "Caretaker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Upgrade!!!", ["abilityicon"] = "UPGRADE!!!.png", ["active"] = "Empowers his Baby Dragon, causing its next attack to be overcharged, launching three fireballs across the battlefield, dealing {{ap|500|650|7777}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} while burning enemies for 6 seconds, dealing {{as|3% of their '''maximum''' health}} {{as|true damage}} each second and applying {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} for the duration.<br />If '''Heimerdinger''' does not have a turret, this spell will create one instead.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 140, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dragon Trainer", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Heimerdinger DragonTrainer Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Draconic"}, ["class"] = {"Renewer", "Caretaker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Upgrade!!!", ["abilityicon"] = "UPGRADE!!!.png", ["active"] = "Empowers his Baby Dragon, causing its next attack to be overcharged, launching three fireballs across the battlefield, dealing {{ap|425|600|3333}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} while burning enemies for 6 seconds, dealing {{as|3% of their '''maximum''' health}} {{as|true damage}} each second and applying {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} for the duration.<br />If '''Heimerdinger''' does not have a turret, this spell will create one instead.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 140, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Heimerdinger Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Yordle"}, ["class"] = {"Innovator", "Scholar"}, ["abilityname"] = "Rocket Swarm", ["abilityicon"] = "Hextech Micro-Rockets.png", ["active"] = "Fires a wave of 5 rockets that converge on his target. Each rocket deals {{ap|70|100|150}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. Every third cast fires 3 waves instead.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Dragon Trainer TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Heimerdinger DragonTrainer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Trainer"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Egg Toss", ["abilityicon"] = "CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade.png", ["active"] = "Lobs an egg at the highest {{as|health}} enemy, dealing {{ap|225|300|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5|1.75|2}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 15, ["mr"] = 15, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Idas"] = { [7] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["cost"] = 8, ["render"] = "Idas TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Shimmerscale"}, ["class"] = {"Dragon", "Guardian"}, ["abilityname"] = "Golden Scales", ["abilityicon"] = "Golden Aegis.png", ["active"] = "Hardens her scales for 2 seconds, reducing incoming damage by {{ap|50|75|300}}. She then roars, healing herself for {{ap|450|550|2500}} {{TFT AP}} and shielding other allies for {{ap|200|300|2000}} {{TFT AP}} for 5 seconds. The shield grants {{as|40% '''bonus''' attack speed}} while it holds.", ["hp"] = 1100, ["mana"] = 160, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["cost"] = 7, ["render"] = "Idas TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Shimmerscale"}, ["class"] = {"Dragon", "Guardian"}, ["abilityname"] = "Golden Scales", ["abilityicon"] = "Golden Aegis.png", ["active"] = "Hardens her scales for 2 seconds, reducing incoming damage by {{ap|30|50|300}}. She then roars, healing herself for {{ap|450|600|3000}} {{TFT AP}} and shielding other allies for {{ap|180|275|2000}} {{TFT AP}} for 5 seconds. The shield grants {{as|30% '''bonus''' attack speed}} while it holds.", ["hp"] = 1100, ["mana"] = 160, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Illaoi"] = { [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Resistance", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Illaoi Resistance Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Battlecast"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Tentacle Smash", ["abilityicon"] = "Tentacle Smash.png", ["active"] = "Slams a tentacle in a line in front of her, dealing {{ap|125|200|325}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and stealing {{ap|30|40|60}}% {{as|armor}} and {{as|magic resistance}} from each target hit for 6 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Illaoi Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mercenary"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser"}, ["abilityname"] = "Harsh Lesson", ["abilityicon"] = "Harsh Lesson.png", ["active"] = "Slams her target, linking their souls for 5 seconds and dealing {{ap|200|325|550}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. While linked, she is healed for {{ap|25|30|40}}% of the damage taken by her target.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Illaoi Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mercenary"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser"}, ["abilityname"] = "Harsh Lesson", ["abilityicon"] = "Harsh Lesson.png", ["active"] = "Slams her target, linking their souls for 5 seconds and dealing {{ap|250|375|650}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. While linked, she is healed for {{ap|30|35|45}}% of the damage taken by her target.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Cosmic Invoker TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Illaoi CosmicInvoker TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Astral"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser"}, ["abilityname"] = "Cosmic Smash", ["abilityicon"] = "Tentacle Smash.png", ["active"] = "Slams her idol into the ground, summoning 3 lashing tentacles and dealing {{ap|125|175|250}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies in a cone. She steals 40% {{as|armor}} and {{as|magic resistance}} from each enemy hit for 5 seconds.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Irelia"] = { [3] = { ["skin"] = "PROJECT", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Irelia PROJECT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cybernetic"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster", "Mana-Reaver"}, ["abilityname"] = "Bladesurge", ["abilityicon"] = "Bladesurge.png", ["active"] = "Dashes past her target in 3-hex range, basic attacking them for {{as|{{ap|175|250|500}}% {{TFT AP}} AD}} {{as|physical damage}}. If this kills the target, she casts again immediately at the enemy with the highest mana.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 30, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "PROJECT", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Irelia PROJECT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cybernetic"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster", "Mana-Reaver"}, ["abilityname"] = "Bladesurge", ["abilityicon"] = "Bladesurge.png", ["active"] = "Dashes past her target in 3-hex range, basic attacking them for {{as|{{ap|225|250|500}}% {{TFT AP}} AD}} {{as|physical damage}}. If this kills the target, she casts again immediately at the enemy with the highest mana.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 30, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 85, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Divine Sword", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Irelia DivineSword RoseQuartz Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Enlightened", "Divine"}, ["class"] = {"Adept"}, ["abilityname"] = "Bladestorm", ["abilityicon"] = "Vanguard's Edge.png", ["active"] = "Launches a storm of blades in front of her, dealing {{ap|200|300|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT disarm|disarming}} all enemies hit for {{ap|2.5|3|3.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Divine Sword", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Irelia DivineSword RoseQuartz Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Enlightened", "Divine"}, ["class"] = {"Adept"}, ["abilityname"] = "Bladestorm", ["abilityicon"] = "Vanguard's Edge.png", ["active"] = "Launches a storm of blades in front of her, dealing {{ap|200|300|700}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT disarm|disarming}} all enemies hit for {{ap|2.5|3|5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Sentinel", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Irelia Sentinel Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Sentinel"}, ["class"] = {"Skirmisher", "Legionnaire"}, ["abilityname"] = "Defiant Dance", ["abilityicon"] = "Defiant Dance.png", ["active"] = "Surrounds herself with blades for 4 seconds and reducing incoming damage by {{ap|30|40|50}}%, increasing by 10% each time she attacks, up to 80%. When the effect ends she strikes her target, dealing {{ap|250|400|650}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Aviator", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Irelia Aviator Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Scrap"}, ["class"] = {"Striker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Bladesurge", ["abilityicon"] = "Bladesurge.png", ["active"] = "Dashes to her target, striking them for {{ap|75|100|550}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ 190% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}}. If she kills the target, she Bladesurges again to the enemy with the {{as|lowest health}}.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Ivern"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Ivern Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Woodland"}, ["class"] = {"Druid"}, ["abilityname"] = "Triggerseed", ["abilityicon"] = "Triggerseed.png", ["active"] = "Shields the {{as|lowest-health}} ally for {{ap|200 to 400 3}} {{TFT AP}} health for 5 seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Old God", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Ivern OldGod TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Revenant"}, ["class"] = {"Invoker", "Renewer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Daisy!", ["abilityicon"] = "Daisy!.png", ["active"] = "Summons his Sentinel friend Daisy to fight with him, gifting her 100% of his ability power. Daisy immediately casts Shockwave upon arrival. If Daisy is already summoned, '''Ivern''' grants her {{ap|100|150|300}} {{TFT AP}} ability power and commands her to cast Shockwave again.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 180, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Old God", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Ivern OldGod TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Revenant"}, ["class"] = {"Invoker", "Renewer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Daisy!", ["abilityicon"] = "Daisy!.png", ["active"] = "Summons his Sentinel friend Daisy to fight with him, gifting her 100% of his ability power. Daisy immediately casts Shockwave upon arrival. If Daisy is already summoned, '''Ivern''' grants her {{ap|100|150|300}} {{TFT AP}} ability power and commands her to cast Shockwave again.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 180, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Janna"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Janna Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cloud"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Monsoon", ["abilityicon"] = "Monsoon.png", ["active"] = "Summons a '''Monsoon''' with 3-hex radius around her, healing allies therein for {{as|{{ap|25|35|200}}% {{TFT AP}} of their '''maximum''' health}} over 3 seconds, with each tick of healing occurring every {{fd|0.5}} seconds. Nearby enemies are {{tip|TFT airborne|knocked back}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Star Guardian", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Janna StarGuardian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Star Guardian"}, ["class"] = {"Paragon"}, ["abilityname"] = "Howling Gale", ["abilityicon"] = "Howling Gale.png", ["active"] = "Summons five tornados which fly forward in a large cone. Tornados grant allies they pass through {{ap|80|125|500}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|attack speed}} for 5 seconds, while {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking up}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} enemies for {{ap|1.5|1.5|8}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 20, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Sacred Sword", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Janna SacredSword Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Enlightened"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Eye of the Storm", ["abilityicon"] = "Zephyr.png", ["active"] = "Shields the {{ap|2|3|4}} {{as|lowest-health}} allies for {{ap|250|300|400}} {{TFT AP}} for 4 seconds. Shielded allies gain {{ap|20|30|60}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack damage}} for the duration.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Sacred Sword", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Janna SacredSword Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Enlightened"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Eye of the Storm", ["abilityicon"] = "Zephyr.png", ["active"] = "Shields the {{ap|2|3|4}} {{as|lowest-health}} allies for {{ap|250|275|350}} {{TFT AP}} for 4 seconds. Shielded allies gain {{ap|20|30|60}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack damage}} for the duration.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Hextech", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Janna Hextech Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Scrap"}, ["class"] = {"Enchanter", "Scholar"}, ["abilityname"] = "Monsoon", ["abilityicon"] = "Monsoon.png", ["active"] = "Summons a Monsoon, healing all allies by {{ap|275|350|1000}} {{TFT AP}} over 3 seconds. When the spell is cast, nearby enemies are {{tip|TFT airborne|knocked back}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{ap|0.5|0.5|4}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 180, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Jarvan IV"] = { [3] = { ["skin"] = "Dark Star", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Jarvan IV DarkStar Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dark Star"}, ["class"] = {"Protector"}, ["abilityname"] = "Ageless Standard", ["abilityicon"] = "Demacian Standard.png", ["active"] = "Calls down his standard to a nearby location, granting all nearby allies in 3-hex radius {{ap|65|75|85}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 6 seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dark Star", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Jarvan IV DarkStar Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dark Star"}, ["class"] = {"Protector"}, ["abilityname"] = "Ageless Standard", ["abilityicon"] = "Demacian Standard.png", ["active"] = "Calls down his standard to a nearby location, granting all nearby allies in 3-hex radius {{ap|50|60|75}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 6 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Warring Kingdoms", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Jarvan IV WarringKingdoms Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Warlord"}, ["class"] = {"Keeper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Dragon Strike", ["abilityicon"] = "Dragon Strike.png", ["active"] = "Throws his standard near the farthest enemy then pulls himself toward them with his lance, dealing {{ap|175|250|750}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies he passes through, {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking}} them up and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for 1 second.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Warring Kingdoms", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Jarvan IV WarringKingdoms Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Warlord"}, ["class"] = {"Keeper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Dragon Strike", ["abilityicon"] = "Dragon Strike.png", ["active"] = "Throws his standard near the farthest enemy then pulls himself toward them with his lance, dealing {{ap|175|250|750}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies he passes through, {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking}} them up and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for 1 second.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Hextech", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Jarvan IV Hextech Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hextech"}, ["class"] = {"Striker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Ageless Standard", ["abilityicon"] = "Demacian Standard.png", ["active"] = "Calls down his standard to a nearby location, granting all nearby allies {{ap|40|55|80}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 5 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Jax"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "God Staff", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Jax GodStaff Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Light"}, ["class"] = {"Berserker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Counter Strike", ["abilityicon"] = "Grandmaster's Might.png", ["active"] = "{{tip|TFT Dodge|Dodges}} all incoming attacks for 2 seconds, then strikes all nearby enemies, dealing {{ap|150|300|550}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "God Staff", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Jax GodStaff Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Divine"}, ["class"] = {"Duelist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Counter Strike", ["abilityicon"] = "Grandmaster's Might.png", ["active"] = "{{tip|TFT Dodge|Dodges}} all incoming basic attacks for 2 seconds, then strikes all nearby enemies, dealing {{ap|150|250|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 110, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "God Staff", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Jax GodStaff Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Divine"}, ["class"] = {"Duelist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Counter Strike", ["abilityicon"] = "Grandmaster's Might.png", ["active"] = "{{tip|TFT Dodge|Dodges}} all incoming basic attacks for 2 seconds, then strikes all nearby enemies, dealing {{ap|150|250|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 110, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Warden", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Jax Warden TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ironclad"}, ["class"] = {"Skirmisher"}, ["abilityname"] = "Empowered Strike", ["abilityicon"] = "Leap Strike.png", ["active"] = " Slams his target for {{as|{{ap|200|220|300}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} and gains {{ap|30|35|100}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}, that stacks with each cast, for the rest of combat. Leaps to the nearest enemy if no target is in his attack range.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 20, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Warden", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Jax Warden TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ironclad"}, ["class"] = {"Skirmisher"}, ["abilityname"] = "Empowered Strike", ["abilityicon"] = "Leap Strike.png", ["active"] = " Slams his target for {{as|{{ap|220|240|500}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} and gains {{ap|20|30|100}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}, that stacks with each cast, for the rest of combat. Leaps to the nearest enemy if no target is in his attack range.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 20, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Jayce"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Jayce Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hextech"}, ["class"] = {"Shapeshifter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Mercury Cannon", ["abilityicon"] = "Transform Mercury Cannon.png", ["active"] = "{{tip|TFT Airborne|Knocks}} an adjacent enemy up to 3 hexes away, dealing {{ap|200 to 500 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT Stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|2.5 to 6 3}} seconds. Then transforms to his Cannon Form, becoming a {{tip|TFT Ranged|ranged attacker}} for 60 seconds, gaining maximum {{as|attack speed}} for his next {{ap|3 to 7 3}} basic attacks.<br />While in Cannon Form, attack range is increased by 3 hexes.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Forsaken", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Jayce Forsaken Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Space Pirate"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "To the Skies!", ["abilityicon"] = "To the Skies!.png", ["active"] = "Jumps into the air and slams his hammer, dealing {{ap|450|600|1200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby enemies in 1-hex radius.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Forsaken", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Jayce Forsaken Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Space Pirate"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "To the Skies!", ["abilityicon"] = "To the Skies!.png", ["active"] = "Jumps into the air and slams his hammer, dealing {{ap|450|600|1200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby enemies in 1-hex radius.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Arcane", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Jayce Arcane Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Enforcer"}, ["class"] = {"Innovator", "Transformer"}, ["abilityname"] = "To the Skies! / Shock Blast", ["abilityicon"] = "Transform Mercury Cannon.png", ["passive"] = "While in {{tip|TFT melee|melee}} form, gain 40 {{as|'''bonus''' armor}} and {{as|'''bonus''' magic resistance}}.<br /> While in {{tip|TFT ranged|ranged}} form, gain {{ap|45|70|1000}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack damage}} and increases his attack range to 4 hexes.", ["active"] = "{{sbc|Melee - To the Skies!}}: Overcharges himself, becoming unstoppable and gaining a {{ap|375|550|3000}} {{TFT AP}} shield for 3 seconds. He then attacks twice, cleaving enemies in front of him for {{as|{{ap|160|170|1000}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} before leaping to the skies and slamming down on his target. Enemies within 2 hexes take the same damage and have their {{as|armor}} and {{as|magic resistance}} reduced by {{ap|50|50|70}}% for 5 seconds.<br />{{sbc|Ranged - Shock Blast:}} Summons an acceleration gate, granting allies within the same row {{ap|20|40|1000}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 5 seconds. He then replaces his next 3 attacks with orbs of electricity that deal {{as|{{ap|170|180|500}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} in an area around his target. The 3rd orb has an increased area of effect.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 90, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Arcane", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Jayce Arcane Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Enforcer"}, ["class"] = {"Innovator", "Transformer"}, ["abilityname"] = "To the Skies! / Shock Blast", ["abilityicon"] = "Transform Mercury Cannon.png", ["passive"] = "While in {{tip|TFT melee|melee}} form, gain 40 {{as|'''bonus''' armor}} and {{as|'''bonus''' magic resistance}}.<br /> While in {{tip|TFT ranged|ranged}} form, gain {{ap|45|60|500}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack damage}} and increases his attack range to 4 hexes.", ["active"] = "{{sbc|Melee - To the Skies!}}: Overcharges himself, becoming unstoppable and gaining a {{ap|375|550|3000}} {{TFT AP}} shield for 3 seconds. He then attacks twice, cleaving enemies in front of him for {{as|{{ap|160|170|1000}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} before leaping to the skies and slamming down on his target. Enemies within 2 hexes take the same damage and have their {{as|armor}} and {{as|magic resistance}} reduced by {{ap|50|50|70}}% for 5 seconds.<br />{{sbc|Ranged - Shock Blast:}} Summons an acceleration gate, granting allies within the same row {{ap|20|40|1000}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 5 seconds. He then replaces his next 3 attacks with orbs of electricity that deal {{as|{{ap|170|175|500}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} in an area around his target. The 3rd orb has an increased area of effect.", ["hp"] = 999, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 85, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Jayce Brighthammer", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Jayce Brighthammer Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Guild"}, ["class"] = {"Shapeshifter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Mercurial Justice", ["abilityicon"] = "Jayce Thundering Blow.png", ["active"] = "Transforms to melee form, replacing his Ability with Mercury Judgement. Slams the ground around target, deal {{ap|225|300|800}} magic damage and knock up enemies for 1.5 seconds in a large area. {{sbc|Mercury Judgement:}}: Leaps into the air, gain a {{ap|200|325|1500}} shield and an additional 100 per nearby enemy for 3 seconds.<br/>{{sbc|Guild Bonus:}} Gain 4 Attack Damage and Ability Power", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 90, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Jhin"] = { [3] = { ["skin"] = "Dark Cosmic", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Jhin DarkCosmic Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dark Star"}, ["class"] = {"Sniper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Whisper", ["abilityicon"] = "Whisper.png", ["passive"] = "Converts every {{as|1% '''bonus''' attack speed}} he has into {{as|{{fd|0.8}} '''bonus''' attack damage}}. Additionally, every fourth basic attack deals {{as|{{ap|244|344|4444}}% {{TFT AP}} AD}} {{as|physical damage}}.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 4, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 90, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 6, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dark Cosmic", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Jhin DarkCosmic Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dark Star"}, ["class"] = {"Sniper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Whisper", ["abilityicon"] = "Whisper.png", ["passive"] = "Attacks {{ap|0.85|0.9|1.2}} times per second, regardless of {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}.<br />Converts every {{as|1% '''bonus''' attack speed}} he has into {{as|{{fd|0.8}} '''bonus''' attack damage}}.<br />Additionally, every fourth basic attack deals {{as|{{ap|344|444|4444}}% {{TFT AP}} AD}} {{as|physical damage}}.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 4, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 85, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 6, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Blood Moon", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Jhin BloodMoon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cultist"}, ["class"] = {"Sharpshooter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Whisper", ["abilityicon"] = "Whisper.png", ["passive"] = "Attacks {{ap|0.85|0.9|1.2}} times per second, regardless of {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}.<br />Converts every {{as|1% '''bonus''' attack speed}} he has into {{as|{{fd|0.8}} '''bonus''' attack damage}}.<br />Additionally, every fourth basic attack deals {{as|{{ap|444|475|1234}}% {{TFT AP}} AD}} {{as|physical damage}}.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 4, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 100, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Jhin Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Clockwork"}, ["class"] = {"Sniper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Curtain Call", ["abilityicon"] = "Curtain Call.png", ["passive"] = "Has a fixed attack speed of {{ap|0.9|0.9|1.4}} and converts every {{as|1% of '''bonus''' attack speed}} into {{as|{{fd|0.8}} '''bonus''' attack damage}}.", ["active"] = "Transforms his weapon into a powerful sniper rifle for his next four shots. Each shot deals {{as|{{ap|150|200|300}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}, reduced by 50% for each target they pierce through. The fourth shot is guaranteed to {{tip|TFT crit|critically strike}} and deals {{pp|key=%|type=target's '''missing''' health|0 to 100 for 11|0 to 100|key1=%|formula=1% per 1% of target's '''missing''' health|color=health}} {{TFT AP}} more damage.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 90, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Jhin Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Clockwork"}, ["class"] = {"Sniper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Curtain Call", ["abilityicon"] = "Curtain Call.png", ["passive"] = "Has a fixed attack speed of {{ap|0.9|0.9|1.4}} and converts every {{as|1% of '''bonus''' attack speed}} into {{as|{{fd|0.8}} '''bonus''' attack damage}}.", ["active"] = "Transforms his weapon into a powerful sniper rifle for his next four shots. Each shot deals {{as|{{ap|175|200|300}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}, reduced by 50% for each target they pierce through. The fourth shot is guaranteed to {{tip|TFT crit|critically strike}} and deals {{pp|key=%|type=target's '''missing''' health|0 to 100 for 11|0 to 100|key1=%|formula=1% per 1% of target's '''missing''' health|color=health}} {{TFT AP}} more damage.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 85, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Jinx"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Jinx Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hextech"}, ["class"] = {"Gunslinger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Get Excited!", ["abilityicon"] = "Get Excited!.png", ["passive"] = "After her first takedown, gains {{ap|60 to 100 3}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}.<br />After her second takedown, swaps to her rocket launcher, causing her basic attacks to deal {{ap|100 to 300 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} to all enemies adjacent to her target.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Odyssey", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Jinx Odyssey Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Rebel"}, ["class"] = {"Blaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Get Excited!", ["abilityicon"] = "Get Excited!.png", ["passive"] = "After her first takedown, gains {{ap|60|75|100}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}.<br />After her second takedown, swaps to her rocket launcher, causing her basic attacks to deal {{ap|125|200|750}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} to all enemies adjacent to her target.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Odyssey", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Jinx Odyssey Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Rebel"}, ["class"] = {"Blaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Get Excited!", ["abilityicon"] = "Get Excited!.png", ["passive"] = "After her first takedown, gains {{ap|50|75|125}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}.<br />After her second takedown, swaps to her rocket launcher, causing her basic attacks to deal {{ap|150|250|1000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} to all enemies adjacent to her target.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Firecracker", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Jinx Firecracker Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Fortune"}, ["class"] = {"Sharpshooter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Fishbones", ["abilityicon"] = "Switcheroo!.png", ["active"] = "Fires a rocket, dealing {{ap|150|250|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to her target and all adjacent enemies and {{tip|TFT stun|stuns}} them for {{ap|1.5|2|2.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 70, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Arcane", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Jinx Arcane Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Scrap", "Sister"}, ["class"] = {"Twinshot"}, ["abilityname"] = "Super Mega Death Rocket", ["abilityicon"] = "Super Mega Death Rocket!.png", ["active"] = "Rides her rocket into the sky, then comes crashing down near the center-most enemy, dealing {{ap|425|650|8888}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies around the epicenter, and 50% to all other enemies in in a large area. The epicenter burns every unit except her for 5 seconds, dealing {{as|{{ap|2|3|4}}% of the target's '''maximum''' health}} each second as {{as|true damage}}, and applying {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} for the duration.<br />She then swaps to her rocket launcher for the rest of combat, causing her basic attacks to explode for {{as|{{ap|200|210|888}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} in a small area around her target.", ["hp"] = 888, ["mana"] = 99, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 88, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Jinx Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Rival", "Scrap"}, ["class"] = {"Twinshot"}, ["abilityname"] = "Super Mega Death Rocket", ["abilityicon"] = "Super Mega Death Rocket!.png", ["active"] = "Rides her rocket into the sky, then comes crashing down near the center-most enemy, dealing {{ap|450|650|8888}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies around the epicenter, and 50% to all other enemies in in a large area. The epicenter burns every unit except her for 5 seconds, dealing {{as|{{ap|2|3|4}}% of the target's '''maximum''' health}} each second as {{as|true damage}}, and applying {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} for the duration.<br />She then swaps to her rocket launcher for the rest of combat, causing basic attacks to explode for {{as|{{ap|210|220|888}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} in a small area around her target. With her rocket launcher, she targets a random valid targets with each attack.", ["hp"] = 888, ["mana"] = 99, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Firecracker TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Jinx Firecracker Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Revel"}, ["class"] = {"Cannoneer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Flame Chompers", ["abilityicon"] = "Flame Chompers!.png", ["active"] = "Summons a line of traps centered on her target. Traps detonate after a brief delay, dealing {{ap|250|350|550}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} enemies hit for {{ap|1.5|2|2.5}} seconds. She gains 10 {{as|mana}} for each empty trap.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Kai'Sa"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Kai'Sa Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Void"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin", "Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Killer Instinct", ["abilityicon"] = "Killer Instinct.png", ["active"] = "Dashes to the farthest enemy, gaining a {{ap|400 to 1000 3}} {{TFT AP}} damage shield and {{as|{{ap|50 to 100 3}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}}} for 3 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 1.25, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Bullet Angel", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Kai'Sa BulletAngel Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Valkyrie"}, ["class"] = {"Infiltrator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Missile Rain", ["abilityicon"] = "Icathian Rain.png", ["active"] = "Launches {{ap|4|6|9}} missiles towards each nearby enemy in 2-hex range that deal 50 {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} each, up to {{ap|200|300|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Kai'Sa Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mutant"}, ["class"] = {"Challenger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Icathian Monsoon", ["abilityicon"] = "Icathian Rain 2.png", ["active"] = "Dashes to the hex furthest from all enemies and then fires a volley of {{ap|12|18|100}} missiles spread evenly among all enemies that each deal {{ap|70|90|180}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. She fires an additional missile for each time she has basic attacked in combat.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 1.1, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Kai'Sa Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mutant"}, ["class"] = {"Challenger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Icathian Monsoon", ["abilityicon"] = "Icathian Rain 2.png", ["active"] = "Dashes to the hex furthest from all enemies and then fires a volley of {{ap|12|18|100}} missiles spread evenly among all enemies that each deal {{ap|75|100|180}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. She fires an additional missile for each time she has basic attacked in combat.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 160, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 1.2, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Lagoon Dragon TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Kai'Sa LagoonDragonRender.png", ["origin"] = {"Lagoon"}, ["class"] = {"Dragonmancer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Tidal Burst", ["abilityicon"] = "Icathian Rain 2.png", ["active"] = "Kai'sa fires missiles split between her target and nearby enemies that each deal magic damage.This increases by 2 missiles each cast, up to Maximum missiles. When at maximum missiles, each missiles deals 10% more damage.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 45, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 35, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Kalista"] = { [4] = { ["skin"] = "Blood Moon", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Kalista BloodMoon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cultist"}, ["class"] = {"Duelist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Rend", ["abilityicon"] = "Rend.png", ["passive"] = "Spears remain in her target, each one capable of dealing {{as|{{ap|4|6|9}}% {{TFT AP}} of target's '''maximum''' health}} {{as|magic damage}} when removed. She removes the spears when doing so would kill the target.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Blood Moon", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Kalista BloodMoon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cultist"}, ["class"] = {"Duelist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Rend", ["abilityicon"] = "Rend.png", ["passive"] = "Spears remain in her target, each one capable of dealing {{as|{{ap|4|6|9}}% {{TFT AP}} of target's '''maximum''' health}} {{as|magic damage}} when removed. She removes the spears when doing so would kill the target.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Original TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Kalista TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Abomination"}, ["class"] = {"Legionnaire"}, ["abilityname"] = "Pierce", ["abilityicon"] = "Pierce.png", ["active"] = "Hurls a spear towards the farthest enemy, dealing {{ap|350|600|1000}} {{as|(+ {{ap|180|200|240}}% {{TFT AP}} AD)}} {{as|physical damage}} to the first enemy it hits. If this kills the target, the spear continues and will deal any excess damage to the next enemy it hits.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 15, ["mr"] = 15, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Kalista TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Abomination"}, ["class"] = {"Legionnaire"}, ["abilityname"] = "Pierce", ["abilityicon"] = "Pierce.png", ["active"] = "Hurls a spear towards the farthest enemy, dealing {{ap|350|600|900}} {{as|(+ {{ap|180|200|220}}% {{TFT AP}} AD)}} {{as|physical damage}} to the first enemy it hits. If this kills the target, the spear continues and will deal any excess damage to the next enemy it hits.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 15, ["mr"] = 15, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Karma"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Dawnbringer", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Karma Dawnbringer Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Lunar"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Inspire", ["abilityicon"] = "Defiance.png", ["active"] = "At the start of combat, tethers to her closest ally. Shields the tethered ally (or a random one if the tether is dead) for 5 seconds, absorbing the next {{ap|250|400|800}} {{TFT AP}} damage. While the shield holds, the ally receives {{ap|35|50|100}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Dark Star", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Karma DarkStar Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dark Star"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Inspire", ["abilityicon"] = "Defiance.png", ["active"] = "At the start of combat, tethers to her closest ally. Shields the tethered ally (or a random one if the tether is dead) for 5 seconds, absorbing the next {{ap|250|400|800}} {{TFT AP}} damage. While the shield holds, the ally receives {{ap|50|75|125}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dark Star", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Karma DarkStar Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dark Star"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Inspire", ["abilityicon"] = "Defiance.png", ["active"] = "At the start of combat, tethers to her closest ally. Shields the tethered ally (or a random one if the tether is dead) for 5 seconds, absorbing the next {{ap|300|450|900}} {{TFT AP}} damage. While the shield holds, the ally receives {{ap|70|90|150}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Dawnbringer", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Karma Dawnbringer Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dawnbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Invoker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Soulflare", ["abilityicon"] = "Soulflare.png", ["active"] = "Fires a burst of energy towards a random enemy's location that detonates upon impact, dealing {{ap|225|280|700}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to adjacent enemies, and reducing her {{as|'''maximum''' mana}} by {{ap|15|15|30}}, down to a minimum of 10. After each cast she {{tip|TFT mana-lock|mana-locks}} herself for {{fd|1.5}} seconds. Every third cast launches three bursts of energy toward different targets instead of one.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dawnbringer", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Karma Dawnbringer Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dawnbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Invoker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Soulflare", ["abilityicon"] = "Soulflare.png", ["active"] = "Fires a burst of energy towards a random enemy's location that detonates upon impact, dealing {{ap|230|300|850}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to adjacent enemies, and reducing her {{as|'''maximum''' mana}} by {{ap|15|15|40}}, down to a minimum of 10. After each cast she {{tip|TFT mana-lock|mana-locks}} herself for {{fd|1.5}} seconds. Every third cast launches three bursts of energy toward different targets instead of one.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Tranquility Dragon TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Karma TranquilityDragon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Jade"}, ["class"] = {"Dragonmancer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Inner Flame", ["abilityicon"] = "Inner Flame.png", ["active"] = "Fires a burst of energy towards her target, dealing {{ap|225|300|375}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} in an small area around the first enemy hit.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Karthus"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Karthus Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Phantom"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Requiem", ["abilityicon"] = "Requiem.png", ["active"] = "Channels for {{fd|2.25}} seconds to deal {{ap|350 to 850 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to {{ap|5 to 9 3}} random enemies.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Kassadin"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["variant"] = "old3", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Kassadin Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Void"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Nether Blade", ["abilityicon"] = "Nether Blade.png", ["passive"] = "Basic attacks reduce target's {{as|'''current''' mana}} by {{ap|25 to 75 3}}, granting a shield for the same amount lasting 4 seconds. The shield can stack.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Cosmic Reaver", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Kassadin CosmicReaver Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Celestial"}, ["class"] = {"Mana-Reaver"}, ["abilityname"] = "Force Pulse", ["abilityicon"] = "Force Pulse.png", ["active"] = "Releases a wave of energy in front of him, dealing {{ap|250|400|800}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT disarm|disarming}} all targets hit for {{ap|2.5|3|3.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["variant"] = "old3", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Kassadin Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mutant"}, ["class"] = {"Protector"}, ["abilityname"] = "Null Sphere", ["abilityicon"] = "Null Sphere.png", ["active"] = "Fires an orb of void energy at his target, dealing {{ap|250|325|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}, increases the {{as|mana cost}} of their next spell cast by 50%, and grants himself 25% damage reduction for 5 seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["variant"] = "old3", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Kassadin Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mutant"}, ["class"] = {"Scholar"}, ["abilityname"] = "Null Sphere", ["abilityicon"] = "Null Sphere.png", ["active"] = "Fires an orb of void energy at his target, dealing {{ap|250|325|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and increases the {{as|mana cost}} of their next spell cast by 50%. He also grants himself a {{ap|150|250|350}} {{TFT AP}} shield and 25% damage reduction for 5 seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Katarina"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "High Command", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Katarina HighCommand Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Imperial"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Death Lotus", ["abilityicon"] = "Death Lotus.png", ["active"] = "Channels for {{fd|2.5}} seconds, while throwing 15 knives at {{ap|4 to 8 3}} enemies within 2 hexes, dealing {{ap|675/15 to 1425/15 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} per tick and applying {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} for 3 seconds. The channel can deal a total of {{ap|675 to 1425 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 450, ["mana"] = 85, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Warring Kingdoms", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Katarina WarringKingdoms Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Warlord", "Fortune"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Death Lotus", ["abilityicon"] = "Death Lotus.png", ["active"] = "Channels for {{fd|2.5}} seconds, throwing knives at {{ap|4|6|8}} nearby enemies, dealing {{ap|750|900|1600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over the duration and applying {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} on them for 5 seconds.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Warring Kingdoms", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Katarina WarringKingdoms Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Warlord", "Fortune"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Death Lotus", ["abilityicon"] = "Death Lotus.png", ["active"] = "Channels for {{fd|2.5}} seconds, throwing knives at {{ap|4|5|6}} nearby enemies, dealing {{ap|650|1000|1500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over the duration and applying {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} on them for 5 seconds.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Death Sworn", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Katarina DeathSworn TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Forgotten"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Sinister Blade", ["abilityicon"] = "Bouncing Blade.png", ["active"] = "Throws a dagger at the farthest enemy, dealing {{ap|180|250|420}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. When the dagger lands near the target '''Katarina''' teleports to it and immediately launches 3 additional daggers at the nearest enemies that each deal {{ap|90|125|210}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. Enemies hit are applied {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} for 6 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 20, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Battle Academia", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Katarina BattleAcademia Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Academy"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Shunpo", ["abilityicon"] = "Shunpo.png", ["active"] = "Blinks behind the enemy with the {{as|lowest health}} within 3 hexes and slashes all adjacent enemies, dealing {{ap|160|200|250}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. For each enemy killed with this ability, she gains 20 {{as|mana}}.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Kayle"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Kayle Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Noble"}, ["class"] = {"Knight"}, ["abilityname"] = "Divine Judgement", ["abilityicon"] = "Divine Judgement.png", ["active"] = "Targets the {{ap|1 to 3 3}} allies with the {{as|lowest health}}, making them immune to damage for {{ap|2 to 3 3}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Aether Wing", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Kayle AetherWing Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Valkyrie"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Divine Ascent", ["abilityicon"] = "Divine Ascent.png", ["active"] = "Ascends until the end of combat, causing her basic attacks to launch waves that deal {{ap|125|200|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} to enemies.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Transcended", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Kayle Transcended Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Divine"}, ["class"] = {"Executioner"}, ["abilityname"] = "Divine Ascension", ["abilityicon"] = "Divine Ascent.png", ["active"] = "Ascends until the end of combat, causing her basic attacks to launch waves that deal {{ap|110|150|350}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} to enemies.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Viridian", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Kayle Viridian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Redeemed", "Verdant"}, ["class"] = {"Legionnaire"}, ["abilityname"] = "Divine Ascent", ["abilityicon"] = "Divine Ascent.png", ["passive"] = "Ascends every {{ap|5|5|1}} seconds. Each bonus stacks with the one before, until she is fully ascended.<br />{{sbc|1st:}} Basic attacks deal {{as|{{ap|90|100|1000}}% AD}} {{as|'''bonus''' true damage}}.<br />{{sbc|2nd:}} Basic attacks explode around the target dealing her AD and bonus true damage to nearby enemies.<br />{{sbc|3rd:}} Every 15th basic attack grants her damage immunity for 1 second.<br />{{sbc|4th:}} Hits cause swords to rain down, dealing {{ap|80|125|4000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 5, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 1.1, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Viridian", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Kayle Viridian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Redeemed"}, ["class"] = {"Legionnaire"}, ["abilityname"] = "Divine Ascent", ["abilityicon"] = "Divine Ascent.png", ["passive"] = "Ascends every {{ap|5|5|1}} seconds. Each bonus stacks with the one before, until she is fully ascended.<br />{{sbc|1st:}} Basic attacks deal {{as|{{ap|50|60|1000}}% AD}} {{as|'''bonus''' true damage}}.<br />{{sbc|2nd:}} Basic attacks explode around the target dealing her AD and bonus true damage to nearby enemies.<br />{{sbc|3rd:}} Every 12th basic attack grants her damage immunity for 1 second.<br />{{sbc|4th:}} Hits cause swords to rain down, dealing {{ap|90|150|4000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 5, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 85, ["as"] = 1.15, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Kayn"] = { [4] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Kayn Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Tormented"}, ["class"] = {"Shade"}, ["abilityname"] = "Reaping Slash", ["abilityicon"] = "Reaping Slash.png", ["active"] = "Dashes towards his target then slashes all adjacent enemies, dealing {{ap|375|575|6666}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and increasing the cost of their next spell by 33%. If the slash hits exactly one target, he immediately casts again.<br />[[File:Rhaast OriginalSquare.png|20px|border|link=]] {{sbc|Rhaast:}} Heals for 50% of the damage dealt by the spell.<br />[[File:Shadow Assassin OriginalSquare.png|20px|border|link=]] {{sbc|Shadow Assassin:}} Deals an additional 50% damage for the first 10 seconds of combat.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Nightbringer TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Kayn Nightbringer Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ragewing", "Shimmerscale"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Blade's Reach", ["abilityicon"] = "Blade's Reach.png", ["active"] = "Sweeps his scythe in a line through his target, dealing {{as|250% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} and an additional {{ap|100|150|225}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the first enemy hit.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 45, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Kennen"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Kennen Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ninja", "Yordle"}, ["class"] = {"Elementalist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Slicing Maelstrom", ["abilityicon"] = "Slicing Maelstrom.png", ["active"] = "Summons a storm around himself for 3 seconds, dealing {{ap|225/6 to 675/6 3|round=2}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} each {{fd|0.5}} seconds to enemies within 2 hexes of him. Each enemy struck 3 times is {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{fd|1.5}} seconds. The storm can deal a total of {{ap|225 to 675 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Kennen Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ninja"}, ["class"] = {"Keeper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Slicing Maelstrom", ["abilityicon"] = "Slicing Maelstrom.png", ["active"] = "Summons a storm around him for 3 seconds, calling down lightning bolts on all enemies in the area every {{fd|0.5}} seconds and dealing {{ap|300|450|1200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over the duration. Each enemy struck by 3 lightning bolts is {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Kennen Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ninja"}, ["class"] = {"Keeper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Slicing Maelstrom", ["abilityicon"] = "Slicing Maelstrom.png", ["active"] = "Summons a storm around him for 3 seconds, calling down lightning bolts on all enemies in the area every {{fd|0.5}} seconds and dealing {{ap|350|550|1200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over the duration. Each enemy struck by 3 lightning bolts is {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Infernal", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Kennen Infernal TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hellion"}, ["class"] = {"Skirmisher"}, ["abilityname"] = "Flame Rush", ["abilityicon"] = "Lightning Rush.png", ["active"] = "Engulfs himself in flame, dashing behind his target, then to the farthest enemy. Enemies he passes through are zapped dealing {{ap|150|225|350}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5|2|2.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Infernal", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Kennen Infernal TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hellion"}, ["class"] = {"Skirmisher"}, ["abilityname"] = "Flame Rush", ["abilityicon"] = "Lightning Rush.png", ["active"] = "Engulfs himself in flame, dashing behind his target, then to the farthest enemy. Enemies he passes through are zapped dealing {{ap|150|225|350}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5|2|2.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Kha'Zix"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Kha'Zix Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Void"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Taste their Fear", ["abilityicon"] = "Taste Their Fear.png", ["active"] = "Slashes the nearest enemy, dealing {{ap|150 to 350 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the target enemy.<br />If the enemy has no adjacent teammates, instead deals {{ap|400 to 800 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 65, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [2] = { ["skin"] = "Guardian of the Sands", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Kha'Zix GuardianoftheSands Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Desert"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Arid Assault", ["abilityicon"] = "Evolved Adaptive Cloaking.png", ["active"] = "{{tip|TFT invisible|Stealths}} and attacks the {{as|lowest-health}} enemy with {{as|{{as|500|1000|2000}} increased movement speed}}, dealing {{ap|100|200|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' physical damage|AD}}, {{tip|TFT crit|critically striking}}, and gaining {{ap|5 to 15 3}} {{as|mana}}.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Kha'Zix Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Void"}, ["class"] = {"Infiltrator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Taste their Fear", ["abilityicon"] = "Taste Their Fear.png", ["active"] = "Slashes the nearest enemy in 3-hex range, priority for his attack target, dealing {{ap|200|275|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the target enemy.<br />If the enemy has no adjacent teammates, instead deals <!--triple damage-->{{ap|600|825|1200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 65, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Championship", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Kha'Zix Championship TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dawnbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Taste their Fear", ["abilityicon"] = "Taste Their Fear.png", ["active"] = "Slashes the nearest enemy in 3-hex range, prioritizing his attack target, dealing {{ap|250|350|550}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the target enemy.<br />If the enemy has no adjacent teammates, instead deals {{ap|250*3|350*3|550*3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Championship", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Kha'Zix Championship TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dawnbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Taste their Fear", ["abilityicon"] = "Taste Their Fear.png", ["active"] = "Slashes the nearest enemy in 3-hex range, prioritizing his attack target, dealing {{ap|250|350|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the target enemy.<br />If the enemy has no adjacent teammates, instead deals {{ap|250*3|350*3|450*3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Kha'Zix Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mutant"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Void Assault", ["abilityicon"] = "Void Assault.png", ["active"] = "Leaps towards the {{as|lowest health}} enemy, striking them for {{ap|175|225|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ {{ap|180|185|260}}% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}} and increasing their {{as|'''maximum''' mana}} by 50% until they cast.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 90, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Kindred"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Kindred Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Phantom"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Lamb's Respite", ["abilityicon"] = "Lamb's Respite.png", ["active"] = "Creates a circular zone around themselves for {{ap|3 to 5 3}} seconds that prevents allies within from dropping below {{ap|300 to 900 3}} health or dying.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [2] = { ["skin"] = "Shadowfire", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Kindred Shadowfire Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Shadow", "Inferno"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Dance of Dread", ["abilityicon"] = "Mounting Dread.png", ["active"] = "Lamb leaps away from her target by 2-hex, while Wolf mauls '''Kindred's''' target, dealing {{ap|150|325|650}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and applying {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} for 5 seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 35, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Spirit Blossom", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Kindred SpiritBlossom Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Spirit"}, ["class"] = {"Hunter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Dance of Dread", ["abilityicon"] = "Mounting Dread.png", ["active"] = "Wolf mauls their target, dealing {{ap|450|650|1000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and applying {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} to their target for 5 seconds, while Lamb leaps away from their target.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 35, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Spirit Blossom", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Kindred SpiritBlossom Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Spirit"}, ["class"] = {"Executioner"}, ["abilityname"] = "Dance of Dread", ["abilityicon"] = "Mounting Dread.png", ["active"] = "Wolf mauls their target, dealing {{ap|400|600|1000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and applying {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} to their target for 5 seconds, while Lamb leaps away from their target.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 35, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Original TFT", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Kindred TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Eternal"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger", "Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Lamb's Respite", ["abilityicon"] = "Lamb's Respite.png", ["active"] = "Creates a circular zone around themselves for {{ap|2.5|3|10}} seconds that prevents allies within from dropping below {{ap|100|100|2500}} {{TFT AP}} health or dying. While active, Wolf is invulnerable.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 200, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Kled"] = { [5] = { ["skin"] = "Marauder", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Kled Marauder TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hellion"}, ["class"] = {"Cavalier"}, ["abilityname"] = "Violent Tendencies", ["abilityicon"] = "Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard.png", ["passive"] = "Every 4th basic attack deals {{as|200% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}. Additionally, Kled enters combat on Skaarl, granting him a shield for {{as|80% {{TFT AP}} of his '''maximum''' health}}. When the shield is broken he dismounts, briefly becoming untargetable and granting him {{ap|70|80|100}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}.", ["hp"] = 400, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Marauder", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Kled Marauder TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hellion"}, ["class"] = {"Cavalier"}, ["abilityname"] = "Violent Tendencies", ["abilityicon"] = "Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard.png", ["passive"] = "Every 4th basic attack deals {{as|150% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}. Additionally, Kled enters combat on Skaarl, granting him a shield for {{as|80% {{TFT AP}} of his '''maximum''' health}}. When the shield is broken he dismounts, briefly becoming untargetable and granting him {{ap|70|80|110}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}.", ["hp"] = 400, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Kog'Maw"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Caterpillar", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Kog'Maw Caterpillar Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Poison"}, ["class"] = {"Predator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Living Artillery", ["abilityicon"] = "Living Artillery.png", ["active"] = "After a {{fd|0.35}}-second delay, launches an acidic blob at a random enemy, dealing {{ap|150|300|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Battlecast", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Kog'Maw Battlecast Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Battlecast"}, ["class"] = {"Blaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Barrage", ["abilityicon"] = "Bio-Arcane Barrage.png", ["active"] = "For 3 seconds, gains infinite attack range, 80% {{as|attack speed}}, and his basic attacks deal {{as|{{ap|2|4|8}}% {{TFT AP}} of target's '''maximum''' health}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 30, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Arcanist", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Kog'Maw Arcanist Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mutant"}, ["class"] = {"Sniper", "Twinshot"}, ["abilityname"] = "Barrage", ["abilityicon"] = "Bio-Arcane Barrage.png", ["active"] = "For 3 seconds, gains infinite attack range, 75% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}, and his basic attacks deal {{as|8% {{TFT AP}} of target's '''maximum''' health}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 30, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 35, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["LeBlanc"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Elderwood", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "LeBlanc Elderwood Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Woodland"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin", "Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Ethereal Chain", ["abilityicon"] = "Ethereal Chains.png", ["active"] = "Launches an ethereal chain at a random enemy, dealing {{ap|225|475|800}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and, after a {{fd|0.5}} seconds delay, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Coven", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "LeBlanc Coven TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Coven"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Ethereal Chain", ["abilityicon"] = "Ethereal Chains.png", ["active"] = "Launches an ethereal chain at a random enemy, dealing {{ap|100|150|250}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and, after a {{fd|0.5}}-second delay, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5|2|2.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 20, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Lee Sin"] = { [4] = { ["skin"] = "God Fist", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Lee Sin GodFist Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Divine"}, ["class"] = {"Duelist"}, ["abilityname"] = "God Fist", ["abilityicon"] = "Dragon's Rage.png", ["active"] = "Punches his target, dealing {{ap|250|450|1000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}, {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking}} them back to the edge of the battlefield, and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|2|3|10}} seconds. Any enemies the target collides with during the knockback are also dealt half the damage and {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{ap|1|2|10}} seconds.<br />If the target cannot be pushed any further, they are knocked out of the battlefield instead, removing them from combat. If the target is still alive, he will dash to them. At 3-Star, his punch hits in an area around the primary target and knocks out any enemies directly hit regardless of their board position.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "God Fist", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Lee Sin GodFist Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Divine"}, ["class"] = {"Duelist"}, ["abilityname"] = "God Fist", ["abilityicon"] = "Dragon's Rage.png", ["active"] = "Punches his target, dealing {{ap|200|375|1000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}, {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking}} them back to the edge of the battlefield, and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|2|3|10}} seconds. Any enemies the target collides with during the knockback are also dealt half the damage and {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{ap|1|2|10}} seconds.<br />If the target cannot be pushed any further, they are knocked out of the battlefield instead, removing them from combat. If the target is still alive, he will dash to them. At 3-Star, his punch hits in an area around the primary target and knocks out any enemies directly hit regardless of their board position.", ["hp"] = 999, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Nightbringer", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Lee Sin Nightbringer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Nightbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Skirmisher"}, ["abilityname"] = "Cripple", ["abilityicon"] = "Tempest.png", ["active"] = "Slams the ground, dealing {{ap|250|350|700}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby enemies and slowing their {{as|attack speed}} by 50% for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Nightbringer", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Lee Sin Nightbringer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Nightbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Skirmisher"}, ["abilityname"] = "Cripple", ["abilityicon"] = "Tempest.png", ["active"] = "Slams the ground, dealing {{ap|200|350|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby enemies and slowing their {{as|attack speed}} by 50% for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Storm Dragon TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Lee Sin Nightbringer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Tempest"}, ["class"] = {"Dragonmancer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Dragon's Rage", ["abilityicon"] = "Dragon's Rage.png", ["active"] = "Kicks his target, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5|2|2.5}} seconds and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking them back}}. The target and all enemies they hit take {{ap|275|325|425}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Leona"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Leona Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Noble"}, ["class"] = {"Guardian"}, ["abilityname"] = "Solar Flare", ["abilityicon"] = "Solar Flare.png", ["active"] = "After a {{fd|0.625}}-second delay, calls down a solar ray upon the target, dealing {{ap|175 to 325 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies around the target area and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} any enemy in the center for {{ap|5 to 9 3}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 100, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [2] = { ["skin"] = "Lunar Eclipse", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Leona LunarEclipse TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Lunar"}, ["class"] = {"Warden"}, ["abilityname"] = "Lunar Barrier", ["abilityicon"] = "Eclipse.png", ["active"] = "Giantize herself and reduces all incoming damage by {{ap|40|80|120}} {{TFT AP}} for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "PROJECT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Leona PROJECT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cybernetic"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Cyber Barrier", ["abilityicon"] = "Eclipse.png", ["active"] = "Giantize herself and reduces all incoming damage by {{ap|40|80|200}} {{TFT AP}} for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "PROJECT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Leona PROJECT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cybernetic"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Cyber Barrier", ["abilityicon"] = "Eclipse.png", ["active"] = "Giantize herself and reduces all incoming damage by {{ap|40|80|400}} {{TFT AP}} for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Solar Eclipse", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Leona SolarEclipse TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Redeemed"}, ["class"] = {"Knight"}, ["abilityname"] = "Solar Barrier", ["abilityicon"] = "Eclipse.png", ["active"] = "Raises her shield and reduces all incoming damage by {{ap|30|60|250}} {{TFT AP}} for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Solar Eclipse", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Leona SolarEclipse TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Redeemed"}, ["class"] = {"Knight"}, ["abilityname"] = "Solar Barrier", ["abilityicon"] = "Eclipse.png", ["active"] = "Raises her shield and reduces all incoming damage by {{ap|30|40|120}} {{TFT AP}} for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Battle Academia", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Leona BattleAcademia Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Academy"}, ["class"] = {"Bodyguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Solar Eclipse", ["abilityicon"] = "Solar Flare.png", ["active"] = "Calls down a beacon of light upon herself, granting herself a {{ap|400|650|1000}} {{TFT AP}} shield for {{ap|5|5|8}} seconds. All allies within 2 hexes gain {{ap|30|50|80}} {{as|'''bonus''' armor}} and {{as|'''bonus''' magic resistance}} for the same duration.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Debonair", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Leona Debonair Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Debonair"}, ["class"] = {"Bodyguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Solar Eclipse", ["abilityicon"] = "Solar Flare.png", ["active"] = "Calls down a beacon of light upon herself, granting herself a {{ap|400|650|1000}} {{TFT AP}} shield for {{ap|5|5|8}} seconds. All allies within 2 hexes gain {{ap|30|50|80}} {{as|'''bonus''' armor}} and {{as|'''bonus''' magic resistance}} for the same duration.<br />{{sbc|VIP Bonus:}} Heal {{as|{{fd|1.25}}% '''maximum''' health}} every second for each unit targeting her.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Lunar Eclipse", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Leona LunarEclipse Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mirage"}, ["class"] = {"Guardian"}, ["abilityname"] = "Solar Barrier", ["abilityicon"] = "Eclipse.png", ["active"] = "Creates a barrier around herself, reducing all incoming damage by {{ap|30|40|60}} {{TFT AP}} for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Lillia"] = { [4] = { ["skin"] = "Spirit Blossom", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Lillia SpiritBlossom NightBlossom Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dusk"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Lilting Lullaby", ["abilityicon"] = "Lilting Lullaby.png", ["active"] = "Casts a magical lullaby, causing {{ap|2|3|10}} waking enemies with the {{as|highest '''current''' health}} to fall asleep for {{ap|3|4|8}} seconds. Enemies will awaken if they take {{ap|500|750|1000}} damage while sleeping, dealing 500 {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} to them.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 80, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Nightbringer TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Lillia Nightbringer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Scalescorn"}, ["class"] = {"Cavalier", "Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Watch Out!", ["abilityicon"] = "Watch Out! Eep!.png", ["active"] = "Strikes a small area around her target's current location, dealing {{ap|180|275|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} spread amongst all enemies hit and {{ap|215|275|350}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} to the enemy at the center of the blast.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Lissandra"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Lissandra Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Glacial"}, ["class"] = {"Elementalist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Frozen Tomb", ["abilityicon"] = "Frozen Tomb.png", ["active"] = "Encases a 3 hexes away enemy in ice, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds and dealing {{ap|175 to 475 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies within 2 hexes of her target.<br />If she is {{as|'''below''' 50% health}}, she instead encases herself, additionally becoming untargetable.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 95, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Coven", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Lissandra Coven Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Moonlight"}, ["class"] = {"Dazzler"}, ["abilityname"] = "1000 Daggers", ["abilityicon"] = "Ice Shard.png", ["active"] = "Hurls a dagger towards the enemy with the most {{as|attack damage}}, dealing {{ap|350|450|550|750}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the first target it hits. After hitting its initial target or at its final destination, the dagger explodes dealing {{ap|175|225|300|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby targets.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Coven TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Lissandra Coven TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Coven"}, ["class"] = {"Renewer"}, ["abilityname"] = "1000 Daggers", ["abilityicon"] = "Ice Shard.png", ["active"] = "Hurls a dagger towards the enemy with the most {{as|attack damage}}, dealing {{ap|280|330|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the first target it hits. After hitting its initial target or at its final destination, the dagger explodes dealing {{ap|140|165|225}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby targets. All enemies hit by this spell have their {{as|attack damage}} reduced by 40% for 8 seconds.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Blade Queen", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Lissandra BladeQueen Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chemtech"}, ["class"] = {"Scholar"}, ["abilityname"] = "Iron Maiden", ["abilityicon"] = "Frozen Tomb.png", ["active"] = "Encases her target in an iron maiden, dealing {{ap|250|325|550}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies within 2 hexes and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds. If she is {{as|'''below''' 50% health}}, she encases herself instead, dealing damage to surrounding enemies and becoming untargetable and invulnerable for 2 seconds. Damage from this ability reduces {{as|attack damage}} by 30% for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 70, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Lucian"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Lucian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Noble"}, ["class"] = {"Gunslinger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Relentless Pursuit", ["abilityicon"] = "Relentless Pursuit.png", ["active"] = "Dashes away from the current target and then attacks twice. The first attack is a standard basic attack that deals {{as|physical damage}}, while the second deals {{ap|125 to 375 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 35, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Lucian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Light"}, ["class"] = {"Soulbound"}, ["abilityname"] = "The Culling", ["abilityicon"] = "The Culling.png", ["active"] = "Fires 12 {{as|(+ 400% '''total''' attack speed)}} bullets in a direction for 4 seconds, each dealing {{as|50% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}, applying on-hit effects, and dealing {{ap|40|50|100}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.<br />'''Lucian''' will dash during ''The Culling'' to keep hitting enemies.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "PROJECT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Lucian PROJECT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cybernetic"}, ["class"] = {"Blaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Relentless Pursuit", ["abilityicon"] = "Relentless Pursuit.png", ["active"] = "Dashes away from the current target and then attacks twice. The first attack is a standard basic attack that deals {{as|physical damage}}, while the second deals {{ap|150|200|375}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 35, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "PROJECT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Lucian PROJECT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cybernetic"}, ["class"] = {"Blaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Relentless Pursuit", ["abilityicon"] = "Relentless Pursuit.png", ["active"] = "Dashes away from the current target and then attacks twice. The first attack is a standard basic attack that deals {{as|physical damage}}, while the second deals {{ap|175|250|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 30, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Lucian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Sentinel"}, ["class"] = {"Cannoneer"}, ["abilityname"] = "The Culling", ["abilityicon"] = "The Culling.png", ["active"] = "Faces the farthest enemy and fires 16 shots in that direction for 4 seconds, dashing on occasion to keep hitting enemies. Each shot deals {{as|50% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} and {{ap|40|70|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. He also fires extra shots based on his {{as|attack speed}}. Every other shot counts as a basic attack.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Victorious", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Lucian Victorious Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hextech"}, ["class"] = {"Twinshot"}, ["abilityname"] = "Relentless Pursuit", ["abilityicon"] = "Relentless Pursuit.png", ["active"] = "Dashes away from his current target and fires {{ap|2|2|3}} shots at nearby enemies that each deal {{ap|170|260|295}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Lulu"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Lulu Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Yordle"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Wild Growth", ["abilityicon"] = "Wild Growth.png", ["active"] = "Giantize and grants {{ap|1 to 3 3}} allies {{ap|300 to 500 3}} {{as|'''bonus''' health}} for 6 seconds, {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking up}} enemies adjacent to the affected allies for {{fd|1.25}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Cosmic Enchantress", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Lulu CosmicEnchantress Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Celestial"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Mass Polymorph", ["abilityicon"] = "Whimsy.png", ["active"] = "Polymorphs the {{ap|2|4|12}} nearest enemies for {{ap|3|3|8}} seconds, rendering them {{tip|TFT disarm|unable}} to attack or cast, and causing them to hop around aimlessly. Polymorphed enemies take {{ap|5|10|25}}% {{TFT AP}} increased damage from all sources.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Cosmic Enchantress", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Lulu CosmicEnchantress Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Celestial"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Mass Polymorph", ["abilityicon"] = "Whimsy.png", ["active"] = "Polymorphs the {{ap|2|4|12}} nearest enemies for {{ap|3|3|8}} seconds, rendering them {{tip|TFT disarm|unable}} to attack or cast, and causing them to hop around aimlessly. Polymorphed enemies take {{ap|5|10|25}}% {{TFT AP}} increased damage from all sources.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Lulu Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Elderwood"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Wild Growth", ["abilityicon"] = "Wild Growth.png", ["active"] = "Makes a low health ally giant, granting them {{ap|400|600|950}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' health}} for the rest of combat and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking up}} enemies near them for 1 second. Casting the spell multiple times on the same target heals them by the same amount instead.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Lulu Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Elderwood"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Wild Growth", ["abilityicon"] = "Wild Growth.png", ["active"] = "Makes a {{as|low-health}} ally giant, granting them {{ap|400|600|950}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' health}} for the rest of combat and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking up}} enemies near them for 1 second. Casting the spell multiple times on the same target heals them by the same amount instead.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 140, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Wicked TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Lulu Wicked TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hellion"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Whimsy", ["abilityicon"] = "Whimsy.png", ["active"] = "Enchants the {{ap|3|4|6}} units nearest to her. If this enchants an ally, they gain {{ap|70|80|120}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 4 seconds. If this enchants an enemy, they are {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} and transformed into a docile feline for {{ap|1.5|2|2.5}} seconds, causing them to take 20% increased damage. If there are less than {{ap|3|4|5}} units nearby, she will enchant herself.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Wicked TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Lulu Wicked TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hellion"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Whimsy", ["abilityicon"] = "Whimsy.png", ["active"] = "Enchants the {{ap|3|4|5}} units nearest to her. If this enchants an ally, they gain {{ap|70|80|120}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 5 seconds. If this enchants an enemy, they are {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} and transformed into a docile feline for {{fd|1.5}} seconds, causing them to take 20% increased damage. If there are less than {{ap|3|4|5}} units nearby, she will enchant herself.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Lulu Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Yordle"}, ["class"] = {"Enchanter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Wild Growth", ["abilityicon"] = "Wild Growth.png", ["active"] = "Enlarges {{ap|1|2|3}} {{as|low health}} allies, granting them {{ap|325|350|375}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' health}} and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking up}} enemies near them. If the ally is already enlarged, they are healed instead.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Lulu Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Yordle"}, ["class"] = {"Enchanter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Wild Growth", ["abilityicon"] = "Wild Growth.png", ["active"] = "Enlarges {{ap|1|2|3}} {{as|low health}} allies, granting them {{ap|350|370|390}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' health}} and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking up}} enemies near them. If the ally is already enlarged, they are healed instead.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Dragon Trainer TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Lulu DragonTrainer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Trainer"}, ["class"] = {"Evoker", "Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Whimsy", ["abilityicon"] = "Whimsy.png", ["active"] = "Enchants the nearest {{ap|3|4|5}} units. Enchanted allies gain {{ap|70|80|120}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 5 seconds. Enchanted enemies are {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} and transformed into harmless dragonlings for {{fd|1.5}} seconds, taking 20% increased damage while {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}}. If there are fewer units nearby, she will enchant herself.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 140, ["startmana"] = 70, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Lux"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Elementalist", ["tier"] = 7, ["render"] = "Lux Elementalist Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Variable"}, ["class"] = {"Avatar"}, ["abilityname"] = "Final Spark", ["abilityicon"] = "Final Spark.png", ["active"] = "Fires an elemental blast dealing {{ap|550|900|99999}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies in a line. If at least one enemy is killed, restores 50 {{as|mana}}.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Dark Cosmic", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Lux DarkCosmic Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dark Star"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Lurid Binding", ["abilityicon"] = "Lucent Singularity.png", ["active"] = "Fires a sphere of darkness towards the farthest enemy that passes through enemies, dealing {{ap|200|300|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5|2|2.5}}.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Lunar Empress", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Lux LunarEmpress Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Divine"}, ["class"] = {"Dazzler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Light Binding", ["abilityicon"] = "Light Binding.png", ["active"] = "Fires a sphere of light towards the farthest enemy. Enemies in the sphere's path take {{ap|300|400|700}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and are {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{ap|1.5|2|3}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Lunar Empress TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Lux LunarEmpress TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Redeemed"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Prismatic Illumination", ["abilityicon"] = "Prismatic Barrier.png", ["active"] = "Launches her wand toward her farthest ally, which returns to her shortly after reaching them. '''Lux''' and each ally touched by the wand are shielded by {{ap|120|180|360}} {{TFT AP}} for 3 seconds. Additionally, '''Lux''' empowers her next basic attack to deal {{ap|400|600|1000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Lunar Empress TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Lux LunarEmpress TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Redeemed"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Prismatic Illumination", ["abilityicon"] = "Prismatic Barrier.png", ["active"] = "Launches her wand toward her farthest ally, which returns to her shortly after reaching them. '''Lux''' and each ally touched by the wand are shielded by {{ap|120|180|360}} {{TFT AP}} for 3 seconds. Additionally, '''Lux''' empowers her next basic attack to deal {{ap|400|600|1000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Prestige Battle Academia", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Lux PrestigeBattleAcademia Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Academy"}, ["class"] = {"Arcanist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Final Spark", ["abilityicon"] = "Final Spark.png", ["active"] = "After gathering energy, fires a beam towards the farthest enemy target, dealing {{ap|225|375|900}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. If she kills a unit with her beam, she gains 20 {{as|mana}}.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Malphite"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Malphite Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mountain"}, ["class"] = {"Warden"}, ["abilityname"] = "Unstoppable Force", ["abilityicon"] = "Unstoppable Force.png", ["active"] = "Charges to a random enemy, dealing {{ap|150|300|1000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby enemies within 2-hex radius, {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking}} them into the air for 1 second, and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|2|2.5|5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Odyssey", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Malphite Odyssey Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Rebel"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Energy Shield", ["abilityicon"] = "Granite Shield.png", ["passive"] = "Starts combat with a shield equal to {{as|{{ap|40|45|60}}% {{TFT AP}} of his '''maximum''' health}}.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Odyssey", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Malphite Odyssey Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Rebel"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Energy Shield", ["abilityicon"] = "Granite Shield.png", ["passive"] = "Starts combat with a shield equal to {{as|{{ap|40|45|70}}% {{TFT AP}} of his '''maximum''' health}}.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 30, }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Coral Reef", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Malphite CoralReef Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Lagoon"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser"}, ["abilityname"] = "Coral Shield", ["abilityicon"] = "Granite Shield.png", ["passive"] = "Malphite shields himself for 5 seconds. to {{as|{{ap|200|250|325}}% {{TFT AP}}}}.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 90, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [8] = { ["skin"] = "DWG", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Malphite DWG Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Supers"}, ["class"] = {"Mascot"}, ["abilityname"] = "Ground Slam", ["abilityicon"] = "Ground Slam.png", ["passive"] = "Starts combat with a shield equal to {{as|{{ap|40|45|70}}% {{TFT AP}} of his '''maximum''' health}}.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Malzahar"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Overlord", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Malzahar Overlord Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Shadow"}, ["class"] = {"Summoner"}, ["abilityname"] = "Shadow Swarm", ["abilityicon"] = "Void Swarm.png", ["active"] = "Summons {{ap|2 to 4 3}} Shadow Spawns, who hit for {{ap|40|70|100}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} each attack. Each Shadow Spawn has {{ap|250|300|400}} {{as|health}} and can gain the {{TFTt|Shadow}} bonus (if active).", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Malzahar Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mutant"}, ["class"] = {"Arcanist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Malefic Visions", ["abilityicon"] = "Malefic Visions.png", ["active"] = "Infects the mind of the closest unafflicted target, dealing {{ap|650|850|1100}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over 8 seconds and reduces their {{as|magic resistance}} by 40% for the duration. If an afflicted target dies, this ability spreads to the nearest {{ap|1|1|2}} unafflicted targets with the remaining duration.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Malzahar Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mutant"}, ["class"] = {"Arcanist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Malefic Visions", ["abilityicon"] = "Malefic Visions.png", ["active"] = "Infects the mind of the closest unafflicted target, dealing {{ap|650|900|1100}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over 8 seconds and reduces their {{as|magic resistance}} by 40% for the duration. If an afflicted target dies, this ability spreads to the nearest {{ap|1|1|2}} unafflicted targets with the remaining duration.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Maokai"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Maokai Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Woodland"}, ["class"] = {"Druid"}, ["abilityname"] = "Sap Magic", ["abilityicon"] = "Sap Magic.png", ["passive"] = "After being damaged by an enemy spell, the next basic attack heals him for {{ap|100 to 200 3}} {{TFT AP}} health.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Maokai Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Elderwood"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Bramble Smash", ["abilityicon"] = "Bramble Smash.png", ["active"] = "Smashes the ground sending forward a shockwave, dealing {{ap|225|350|550}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and slowing their {{as|attack speed}} by 50% for 3 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Maokai Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Elderwood"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Bramble Smash", ["abilityicon"] = "Bramble Smash.png", ["active"] = "Smashes the ground sending forward a shockwave, dealing {{ap|225|350|550}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and slowing their {{as|attack speed}} by 50% for 3 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Master Yi"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Assassin", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Master Yi Assassin Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Shadow"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic", "Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Meditate", ["abilityicon"] = "Meditate.png", ["active"] = "Meditates, becoming untargetable for 1 second and healing {{as|30% {{TFT AP}} of '''maximum''' health|health}} over the duration. Afterwards, for 6 seconds, gains 100% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} and basic attacks deal {{ap|40|80|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage on-hit}}, but cannot gain mana for the duration. ''Meditate'' ends if he is full health.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 1.1, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Chosen", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Master Yi Chosen Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Rebel"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Chosen One", ["abilityicon"] = "Meditate.png", ["active"] = "For 5 seconds, gains massively increased movement speed, heals for {{as|12% {{TFT AP}} of '''maximum''' health}} each second, and deals {{ap|75|100|200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' true damage}} with his basic attacks.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 55, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Chosen", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Master Yi Chosen Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Rebel"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Chosen One", ["abilityicon"] = "Meditate.png", ["active"] = "For 5 seconds, gains massively increased movement speed, heals for {{as|12% {{TFT AP}} of '''maximum''' health}} each second, and deals {{ap|70|95|150}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' true damage}} with his basic attacks.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 55, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Miss Fortune"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Captain Fortune", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Miss Fortune Captain Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Pirate"}, ["class"] = {"Gunslinger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Bullet Time", ["abilityicon"] = "Bullet Time.png", ["active"] = "Channels and fires 14 waves of bullets in a 45° cone at the farthest target for 3 seconds, dealing a total of {{ap|1300 to 2700 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies within over the duration.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.95, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Gun Goddess", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Miss Fortune GunGoddess Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Valkyrie"}, ["class"] = {"Blaster", "Mercenary"}, ["abilityname"] = "Bullet Time", ["abilityicon"] = "Bullet Time.png", ["passive"] = "Upgrades:<br />• Larger Cone: Fire in a larger cone of 60°.<br />• Shield: Grants a {{ap|400|700|1000}} {{TFT AP}} health shield on cast.<br />• More Waves: Fire 5 more bullet waves.", ["active"] = "Channels and fires 12 waves of bullets in a 45° cone at the farthest target for {{fd|2.25}} seconds, dealing {{as|{{ap|60|80|999}}% {{TFT AP}} of target's '''maximum''' health}} in {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies within over the duration.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 175, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Ruined", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Miss Fortune Ruined Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Forgotten"}, ["class"] = {"Cannoneer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Make It Rain", ["abilityicon"] = "Make It Rain.png", ["active"] = "Rains 4 waves of bullets down around her target, dealing a total of {{ap|250|375|550}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over the duration to enemies in the area and applying {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} for 6 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 20, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Captain Fortune", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Miss Fortune Captain Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mercenary"}, ["class"] = {"Sniper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Make It Rain", ["abilityicon"] = "Make It Rain.png", ["active"] = "Rains 4 waves of bullets down around a random enemy, dealing {{ap|275|375|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies in the area and applying {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} for 6 seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Captain Fortune", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Miss Fortune Captain Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mercenary"}, ["class"] = {"Sniper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Make It Rain", ["abilityicon"] = "Make It Rain.png", ["active"] = "Rains 4 waves of bullets down around a random enemy, dealing {{ap|275|375|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies in the area and applying {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} for 6 seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Mordekaiser"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Mordekaiser Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Phantom"}, ["class"] = {"Knight"}, ["abilityname"] = "Obliterate", ["abilityicon"] = "Obliterate.png", ["active"] = "Slams his mace on the area in front of him, dealing {{ap|250 to 750 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies within.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Dark Star", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Mordekaiser DarkStar Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dark Star"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Indestructible", ["abilityicon"] = "Indestructible.png", ["active"] = "Gains a shield that absorbs {{ap|350|500|800}} {{TFT AP}} damage that lasts 8 seconds. While the shield persists, deals {{ap|50|75|125}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} per second to all nearby enemies.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dark Star", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Mordekaiser DarkStar Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dark Star"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Indestructible", ["abilityicon"] = "Indestructible.png", ["active"] = "Gains a shield that absorbs {{ap|350|500|850}} {{TFT AP}} damage that lasts 8 seconds. While the shield persists, deals {{ap|75|100|200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} per second to all nearby enemies.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Infernal TFT", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Mordekaiser Infernal TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dragonslayer"}, ["class"] = {"Legionnaire"}, ["abilityname"] = "Infernal Rise", ["abilityicon"] = "Realm of Death.png", ["active"] = "Shields himself for {{as|50% {{TFT AP}} of his '''maximum''' health}} for 5 seconds, empowering his mace to deal {{ap|450|600|5000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} and gain 1 hex of range for the same duration.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 130, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Morgana"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Morgana Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Demon"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Soul Shackles", ["abilityicon"] = "Soul Shackles.png", ["active"] = "After a {{fd|0.5}}-second delay, fires chains to nearby enemies up to 2 hexes away, dealing {{ap|175 to 425 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. After 3 seconds, all chained enemies are {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{ap|2 to 6 3}} seconds and take the same {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Majestic Empress", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Morgana MajesticEmpress RoseQuartz Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Enlightened"}, ["class"] = {"Dazzler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Tormented Shadow", ["abilityicon"] = "Soul Shackles.png", ["active"] = "Hallows the ground beneath a random enemy, dealing {{ap|250|400|2000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies within over 5 seconds and reducing enemies' {{as|magic resistance}} by 40% while they remain inside. Also heals her for {{ap|20|25|30}}% the damage dealt.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Majestic Empress", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Morgana MajesticEmpress RoseQuartz Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Enlightened"}, ["class"] = {"Syphoner"}, ["abilityname"] = "Hallowed Ground", ["abilityicon"] = "Soul Shackles.png", ["active"] = "Hallows the ground beneath a random enemy, dealing {{ap|250|400|1600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies within over 5 seconds and reducing enemies' {{as|attack damage}} by {{ap|40|40|80}}% while they remain inside.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Coven", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Morgana Coven Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Nightbringer", "Coven"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Soul Shackles", ["abilityicon"] = "Soul Shackles.png", ["active"] = "Fires chains to nearby enemies within 2 hexes, dealing {{ap|250|300|550}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. After 3 seconds, all chained enemies are dealt {{ap|250|300|550}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{ap|2.5|3|4}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Blade Mistress", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Morgana BladeMistress Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Syndicate"}, ["class"] = {"Enchanter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Soul Shackles", ["abilityicon"] = "Soul Shackles.png", ["active"] = "Shields herself by {{ap|475|575|675}} {{TFT AP}} for 3 seconds. She then shackles herself to all enemies in a 2 hex radius, and deals {{ap|80|125|175}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} per second to them, as long as the shield holds.<br />If the shield expires without being broken, all targets are {{tip|TFT Stun|stunned}} for a {{ap|1.5|2|2.5}} seconds. If the shield is broken, she instead refunds herself 30 {{as|mana}}.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 130, ["startmana"] = 70, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Nami"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Deep Sea", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Nami DeapSea Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ocean"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Tidal Wave", ["abilityicon"] = "Tidal Wave.png", ["active"] = "Summons a massive tidal wave which deals {{ap|100|200|300}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies hit, {{tip|airborne|knocking up}} and {{tip|TFT Stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5 to 2.5 3}} seconds. Allies hit are empowered for the next 8 seconds, making their basic attacks deal an additional {{ap|25|50|300}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage on-hit}}.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Splendid Staff", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Nami SplendidStaff RoseQuartz Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Enlightened"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Aqua Prison", ["abilityicon"] = "Aqua Prison.png", ["active"] = "Traps the closest enemy in a bubble, dealing {{ap|225|325|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|2.5|3|4}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Cosmic Destiny TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Nami CosmicDestiny TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Astral"}, ["class"] = {"Mage", "Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Ebb and Flow", ["abilityicon"] = "Ebb and Flow.png", ["active"] = "Launches a wave at her target that bounces to 2 additional targets, prioritizing low {{as|health}} targets. Enemies hit take {{ap|100|150|200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and allies hit heal for {{ap|275|300|325}} {{TFT AP}}.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Nasus"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Lunar Guardian", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Nasus LunarGuardian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Light"}, ["class"] = {"Warden"}, ["abilityname"] = "Fury of the Dawn", ["abilityicon"] = "Fury of the Sands.png", ["active"] = "Giantize and Surrounds himself in light for 7 seconds, gaining {{ap|250 to 550 3}} {{as|'''maximum''' health}} and dealing {{ap|50 to 90 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} every second to adjacent enemies.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Lunar Guardian", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Nasus LunarGuardian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Divine"}, ["class"] = {"Syphoner"}, ["abilityname"] = "Wither", ["abilityicon"] = "Wither.png", ["active"] = "Withers the enemy with the {{as|highest percent health}}, dealing {{ap|350|550|850}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over 5 seconds, and slowing their {{as|attack speed}} and {{as|movement speed}} by 50% for the duration.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Nautilus"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Nautilus Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ocean"}, ["class"] = {"Warden"}, ["abilityname"] = "Depth Charge", ["abilityicon"] = "Depth Charge.png", ["active"] = "Sends out a depth charge that seeks out the farthest enemy, {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking them up}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|3|4|6}} seconds, while also dealing {{ap|100|200|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies it passes through.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "AstroNautilus", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Nautilus AstroNautilus Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Astro"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Impact Crater", ["abilityicon"] = "Depth Charge.png", ["active"] = "Erupts the ground beneath his target, {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking}} them up and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|3|3|6}} seconds, and dealing {{ap|100|200|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. Enemies adjacent to the target receive half of this effect.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Shan Hai Scrolls", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Nautilus ShanHaiScrolls Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Fabled"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Impact Crater", ["abilityicon"] = "Depth Charge.png", ["active"] = "Erupts the ground beneath his target, {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking}} them up and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|3|4|5}} seconds, and dealing {{ap|300|450|1000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.<br />{{sbc|Fabled Bonus:}} Reduces incoming damage by 50% for 5 seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 85, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 55, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Warden TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Nautilus Warden TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ironclad"}, ["class"] = {"Knight"}, ["abilityname"] = "Anchor Slam", ["abilityicon"] = "Depth Charge.png", ["active"] = "Erupts the ground beneath his target, {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking}} them up and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|3|4|6}} seconds, and dealing {{ap|200|30|750}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. Enemies adjacent to the target receive half of this effect.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Warden TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Nautilus Warden TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ironclad"}, ["class"] = {"Knight"}, ["abilityname"] = "Anchor Slam", ["abilityicon"] = "Depth Charge.png", ["active"] = "Erupts the ground beneath his target, {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking}} them up and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|3|4|6}} seconds, and dealing {{ap|200|30|750}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. Enemies adjacent to the target receive half of this effect.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Nilah"] = { [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Nilah Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Lagoon"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Slipstream", ["abilityicon"] = "Nilah Slipstream.png", ["active"] = "Cracks her whip-blade at target, dash through them and deal {{ap|185|225|400}}% physical damage. If this does damage to a shield, steals {{ap|80|100|300}}% of the damage as shield. If her target is shielded or killed, she instantly recasts.", ["hp"] = 80, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Neeko"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Neeko Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Woodland"}, ["class"] = {"Druid"}, ["abilityname"] = "Blooming Burst", ["abilityicon"] = "Blooming Burst.png", ["active"] = "Throws a seed at a random target that explodes for {{ap|100|200|350}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} three times with {{pp|type=the number of detonations|1;1;3|label1=Number of detonations|label=Radius (Hex)|key=-hex radius}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Star Guardian", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Neeko StarGuardian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Star Guardian"}, ["class"] = {"Protector"}, ["abilityname"] = "Pop Blossom", ["abilityicon"] = "Pop Blossom.png", ["active"] = "Leaps into the air and slams into the ground, dealing {{ap|200|275|550}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} all nearby enemies in 2-hex radius for {{ap|1.5|2|2.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Star Guardian", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Neeko StarGuardian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Star Guardian"}, ["class"] = {"Protector"}, ["abilityname"] = "Pop Blossom", ["abilityicon"] = "Pop Blossom.png", ["active"] = "Leaps into the air and slams into the ground, dealing {{ap|150|250|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} all nearby enemies in 2-hex radius for {{ap|1.5|2|2.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 110, ["startmana"] = 35, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Shan Hai Scrolls", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Neeko ShanHaiScrolls Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Fabled"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Blooming Burst", ["abilityicon"] = "Blooming Burst.png", ["active"] = "Throws a seed at a random target that explodes for {{ap|250|325|425}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} three times. Each explosion affects a larger area than the last.<br />{{sbc|Fabled Bonus:}} The third explosion is empowered to deal {{ap|300|450|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} instead.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Neeko Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Jade"}, ["class"] = {"Shapeshifter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Inherent Glamour", ["abilityicon"] = "Inherent Glamour.png", ["active"] = "Once per combat she disguises herself as the nearest allied champion, adding their {{as|'''bonus''' attack damage}}, {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}, and {{as|ability power}} to her own and copying all other stats except {{as|health}}. She then gains a {{ap|275|400|2000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ {{ap|10|20|50}}% of ally's '''maximum''' health)}} shield.<br /> When the shield breaks she transforms back to her base form and casts Pop Blossom, dealing {{ap|300|425|1500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby enemies and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds. She then casts Pop Blossom every 100 {{as|mana}}.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Nidalee"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Nidalee Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Wild"}, ["class"] = {"Shapeshifter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Primal Surge", ["abilityicon"] = "Aspect of the Cougar 2.png", ["active"] = "After a {{fd|0.5}}-second delay, heals herself and the ally with the {{as|lowest health}} over 6 seconds, healing them for a total of {{ap|150 to 600 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|health}}, then transforms to her Cat Form, becoming a {{tip|TFT Melee|melee attacker}} for 60 seconds.<br />While in Cat Form, gains {{ap|20 to 120 3}} {{as|attack damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 85, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Warring Kingdoms", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Nidalee WarringKingdoms Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Warlord"}, ["class"] = {"Sharpshooter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Javelin Toss", ["abilityicon"] = "Javelin Toss.png", ["active"] = "Throws her javelin at the farthest enemy, dealing {{ap|225|350|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. This damage is increased by 20% per hex traveled.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Warring Kingdoms", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Nidalee WarringKingdoms Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Warlord"}, ["class"] = {"Sharpshooter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Javelin Toss", ["abilityicon"] = "Javelin Toss.png", ["active"] = "Throws her javelin at the farthest enemy, dealing {{ap|100|175|350}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. This damage is increased by 80% per hex traveled.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Dawnbringer", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Nidalee Dawnbringer Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dawnbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Skirmisher"}, ["abilityname"] = "Aspect of the Cougar", ["abilityicon"] = "Aspect of the Cougar 2.png", ["active"] = "Transforms into a cougar, leaping to the target with the {{as|lowest health}}. While in cougar form, her attack range is reduced to 1 hex, gains 45% {{tip|TFT dodge|dodge}} chance, and every 4th basic attack deals {{ap|200|300|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dawnbringer", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Nidalee Dawnbringer Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dawnbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Skirmisher"}, ["abilityname"] = "Aspect of the Cougar", ["abilityicon"] = "Aspect of the Cougar 2.png", ["active"] = "Transforms into a cougar, leaping to the target with the {{as|lowest health}}. While in cougar form, her attack range is reduced to 1 hex, gains {{ap|30|50|75}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}, 40% {{tip|TFT dodge|dodge}} chance, and every 4th basic attack deals {{ap|200|300|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Cosmic Huntress TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Nidalee CosmicHuntress TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Astral"}, ["class"] = {"Shapeshifter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Primal Surge", ["abilityicon"] = "Primal Surge.png", ["active"] = "Transforms into Cougar Form for the rest of combat, reducing her attack range to 1 and gaining {{as|'''bonus''' movement speed}} and {{ap|40}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}. While in cougar form, every 3rd attack swipes her target for {{as|225 AD}} {{as|physical damage}}.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Nocturne"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Eternum", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Nocturne Eternum Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Steel"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Steel Blades", ["abilityicon"] = "Steel Blades.png", ["passive"] = "Every third basic attack damages all adjacent enemies and applies on-hit effects. It also heals for {{ap|50|60|70}}% of the damage dealt.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Eternum", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Nocturne Eternum Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Battlecast"}, ["class"] = {"Infiltrator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Unspeakable Horror", ["abilityicon"] = "Unspeakable Horror.png", ["active"] = "Terrifies his target, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them with fear for {{ap|2|2.5|4}} seconds and dealing {{ap|200|250|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over the duration.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Old God TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Nocturne OldGod TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Revenant"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Umbra Blades", ["abilityicon"] = "Umbra Blades.png", ["passive"] = "Every third basic attack damages all adjacent enemies dealing {{as|125% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} and heals for {{ap|90|95|100}}% {{TFT AP}} of the damage dealt. If only one target is hit, gains {{ap|30|35|40}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 3 seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Old God TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Nocturne OldGod TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Revenant"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Umbra Blades", ["abilityicon"] = "Umbra Blades.png", ["passive"] = "Every third basic attack damages all adjacent enemies dealing 100 {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ 70% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}} and heals for 100% of the damage dealt. If only one target is hit, gains 35% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 3 seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Hextech", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Nocturne Hextech Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hextech"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Unspeakable Horror", ["abilityicon"] = "Unspeakable Horror.png", ["active"] = "Terrifies his target, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them with fear for {{ap|2|2.5|3}} seconds and dealing {{ap|190|300|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over the duration.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Nomsy"] = { [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["cost"] = 6, ["render"] = "Nomsy TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Prodigy"}, ["class"] = {"Dragon"}, ["abilityname"] = "Fireballs!", ["abilityicon"] = "Brand Pyroclasm old.png", ["active"] = "Lob massive fireball towards curret target that explodes on impact, dealing magic damage to enemies within 1 hex, bounce additional fireballs outward that deal parts of the damage.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Nunu & Willump"] = { [4] = { ["skin"] = "Sasquatch", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Nunu Sasquatch Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Elderwood"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Consume", ["abilityicon"] = "Consume.png", ["active"] = "Willump bites his target, dealing {{ap|450|650|1800}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. If the target has less {{as|'''current''' health}} than he does before the bite, it deals an additional 50% damage and deals {{as|true damage}} instead.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 85, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Sasquatch", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Nunu Sasquatch Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Elderwood"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Consume", ["abilityicon"] = "Consume.png", ["active"] = "Willump bites his target, dealing {{ap|450|700|1500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. If the target has less {{as|'''current''' health}} than he does before the bite, it deals an additional 50% damage and deals {{as|true damage}} instead.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 85, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Zombie", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Nunu Zombie TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Abomination"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Consume", ["abilityicon"] = "Consume.png", ["active"] = "Willump bites his target, dealing {{ap|500|750|1800}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. If the target has less {{as|'''current''' health}} than he does before the bite, it deals an additional 50% damage and deals {{as|true damage}} instead.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Zombie", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Nunu Zombie TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Abomination"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Consume", ["abilityicon"] = "Consume.png", ["active"] = "Willump bites his target, dealing {{ap|450|700|1600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. If the target has less {{as|'''current''' health}} than he does before the bite, it deals an additional 50% damage and deals {{as|true damage}} instead.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Nunu Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mirage"}, ["class"] = {"Cavalier"}, ["abilityname"] = "Consume", ["abilityicon"] = "Consume.png", ["active"] = "Willump bites his target, dealing {{ap|350|500|900}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. If the target has less {{as|'''current''' health}} than he does before the bite, it deals an additional 33% damage and deals {{as|true damage}} instead.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Olaf"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Glacial", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Olaf Glacial Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Glacial"}, ["class"] = {"Berserker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Ragnarok", ["abilityicon"] = "Ragnarok.png", ["active"] = "Giantize himself and gains {{ap|125|150|450}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}, {{as|{{pp|type='''missing''' health|key=%|0 to 50 for 11|key1=%|0 to 100|formula=0.5% per 1% missing health}}|health}} lifesteal, and immunity to crowd control for the rest of the round.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dragonslayer", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Olaf Dragonslayer Amethyst Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dragonsoul"}, ["class"] = {"Slayer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Ragnarok", ["abilityicon"] = "Ragnarok.png", ["active"] = "Gains {{ap|150|175|350}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}, immunity to attack damage debuffs, crowd control immunity, and his attacks cleave in a cone in front of him for {{as|50% {{TFT AP}} AD}} {{as|physical damage}} for the rest of combat.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 85, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Sentinel", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Olaf Sentinel Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Sentinel"}, ["class"] = {"Skirmisher"}, ["abilityname"] = "Berserker Rage", ["abilityicon"] = "Berserker Rage.png", ["passive"] = "Gains {{ap|2|3|4}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for each {{as|1% of '''missing''' health}}, and his basic attacks heal him for {{ap|20|30|70}} {{TFT AP}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Dragonslayer TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Olaf Dragonslayer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Scalescorn"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser", "Warrior"}, ["abilityname"] = "Recklessness", ["abilityicon"] = "Reckless Swing.png", ["passive"] = "He seeks glorious death, permanently gaining 5 {{as|'''bonus''' attack damage}} (10 in Hyper Roll) whenever he dies.", ["active"] = "Strikes his target, dealing {{as|200% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} and gaining {{ap|40|50|60}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 6 seconds. If he's below 50% {{as|health}}, the {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} is doubled.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Orianna"] = { [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Orianna Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Clockwork"}, ["class"] = {"Enchanter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Command: Shockwave", ["abilityicon"] = "Command Shockwave.png", ["active"] = "Sends out her ball towards the largest group of champions, then commands it to release a shockwave. Allies within 2 hexes gain a {{ap|100|150|400}} {{TFT AP}} shield for 4 seconds, while enemies within the area are briefly {{tip|TFT airborne|knocked up}} and dealt {{ap|350|550|1200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. Enemies adjacent to the ball are drawn in and {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{ap|1|1|4}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 130, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Orianna Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Clockwork"}, ["class"] = {"Enchanter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Command: Shockwave", ["abilityicon"] = "Command Shockwave.png", ["active"] = "Sends out her ball towards the largest group of champions, then commands it to release a shockwave. Allies within 2 hexes gain a {{ap|125|200|700}} {{TFT AP}} shield for 4 seconds, while enemies within the area are briefly {{tip|TFT airborne|knocked up}} and dealt {{ap|300|425|1500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. Enemies adjacent to the ball are drawn in and {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{ap|1|1|4}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Ornn"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Thunder Lord", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Ornn ThunderLord Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Electric"}, ["class"] = {"Warden"}, ["abilityname"] = "Lightning Breath", ["abilityicon"] = "Bellows Breath.png", ["active"] = "Breathes lightning in a cone, dealing {{ap|125|250|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies therein, and increasing their chance to be {{tip|TFT crit|critical struck}} by 25% for the next 10 seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Elderwood", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Ornn Elderwood TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Elderwood"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard", "Blacksmith"}, ["abilityname"] = "Stampede", ["abilityicon"] = "Call of the Forge God.png", ["active"] = "Summons an elemental from behind the farthest enemy to travel towards him, slowing the {{as|attack speed}} of enemies hit by 50% for 3 seconds and dealing {{ap|175|275|9999}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. If the elemental runs into Ornn, he headbutts it, redirecting it towards another distant enemy, {{tip|TFT Stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5|2|15}} seconds and dealing {{ap|150|250|750}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 160, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 100, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Thunder Lord TFT", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Ornn ThunderLord TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Tempest"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser", "Legend"}, ["abilityname"] = "Stampede", ["abilityicon"] = "Call of the Forge God.png", ["active"] = "Summons an elemental that charges towards him through the farthest enemy, dealing {{ap|175|275|575}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies hit and slowing their {{as|attack speed}} by 50% for 3 seconds. When the elemental reaches him, he redirects it towards another distant enemy, dealing {{ap|175|275|575}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies hit and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 180, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 70, ["mr"] = 70, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Pantheon"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Dragonslayer", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Pantheon Dragonslayer Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dragon"}, ["class"] = {"Guardian"}, ["abilityname"] = "Grand Starfall", ["abilityicon"] = "Grand Starfall.png", ["active"] = "Leaps in the air, becoming untargetable, and crashes down towards the farthest enemy, {{tip|TFT Stun|stunning}} the target for 2 seconds.<br />As he travels towards his target all enemies that come in contact with him take {{as|{{ap|10 to 30 3}}% {{TFT AP}} of their '''maximum''' health}} {{as|magic damage}} and receive a burn for 10 seconds, dealing {{as|2% {{TFT AP}} of target's '''maximum''' health}} {{as|true damage}} each second and applying {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} for the duration.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 200, ["startmana"] = 150, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 70, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Dragonslayer", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Pantheon Dragonslayer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dragonslayer"}, ["class"] = {"Skirmisher"}, ["abilityname"] = "Aegis Assault", ["abilityicon"] = "Pantheon Aegis Assault 2.png", ["active"] = "Braces his shield, reducing all incoming damage by 65% {{TFT AP}} for 4 seconds, and dealing {{as|{{ap|400|450|650}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} in the area in front of him over the duration. Enemies hit are applied {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} for 8 seconds.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Ashen Conqueror TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Pantheon Ashen Knight TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Whispers"}, ["class"] = {"Warrior"}, ["abilityname"] = "Aegis Assault", ["abilityicon"] = "Pantheon Aegis Assault.png", ["passive"] = "Takes {{ap|20|25|40}}% less damage.", ["active"] = "Braces his shield, doubling the passive effectiveness and dealing {{ap|280|300|400}}% Attack Damage in the area in front of him over the duration. Reduces the incoming healing of targets hit by 50% for 3 seconds.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Poppy"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Poppy Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Yordle"}, ["class"] = {"Knight"}, ["abilityname"] = "Keeper's Verdict", ["abilityicon"] = "Keeper's Verdict.png", ["active"] = "After charging for {{fd|0.75}} seconds, creates a shockwave in a line that can hit up to {{ap|1 to 3 3}} enemies, dealing {{ap|300 to 700 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}, {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking up}} for 1 second and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|2 to 4 3}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Star Guardian", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Poppy StarGuardian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Star Guardian"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Buckler Toss", ["abilityicon"] = "Iron Ambassador.png", ["active"] = "Throws her buckler at the furthest enemy, dealing {{ap|100|150|200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and applying on-hit effects. The buckler bounces back to her, granting her a shield for {{ap|200|300|400}} {{TFT AP}} health.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Star Guardian", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Poppy StarGuardian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Star Guardian"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Buckler Toss", ["abilityicon"] = "Iron Ambassador.png", ["active"] = "Throws her buckler at the furthest enemy, dealing {{ap|100|150|225}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and applying on-hit effects. The buckler bounces back to her, granting her a shield for {{ap|200|300|450}} {{TFT AP}} health.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Noxus", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Poppy Noxus TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hellion"}, ["class"] = {"Knight"}, ["abilityname"] = "Buckler Toss", ["abilityicon"] = "Iron Ambassador.png", ["active"] = "Throws her buckler at the furthest enemy, dealing {{ap|150|250|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and applying on-hit effects. The buckler bounces back to her, granting her a shield for {{ap|250|375|525}} {{TFT AP}} health.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Noxus", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Poppy Noxus TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hellion"}, ["class"] = {"Knight"}, ["abilityname"] = "Buckler Toss", ["abilityicon"] = "Iron Ambassador.png", ["active"] = "Throws her buckler at the furthest enemy, dealing {{ap|150|250|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and applying on-hit effects. The buckler bounces back to her, granting her a shield for {{ap|250|375|525}} {{TFT AP}} health.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Poppy Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Yordle"}, ["class"] = {"Bodyguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Buckler Toss", ["abilityicon"] = "Iron Ambassador.png", ["active"] = "Throws her buckler at the farthest enemy, dealing {{as|{{ap|180|210|240}}% '''maximum''' armor}} {{as|magic damage}}. The buckler then bounces back, granting her a {{ap|225|275|325}} {{TFT AP}} shield.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Poppy Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Yordle"}, ["class"] = {"Bodyguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Buckler Toss", ["abilityicon"] = "Iron Ambassador.png", ["active"] = "Throws her buckler at the farthest enemy, dealing {{as|{{ap|180|220|280}}% '''maximum''' armor}} {{as|magic damage}}. The buckler then bounces back, granting her a {{ap|225|275|325}} {{TFT AP}} shield.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Pyke"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Pyke Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Pirate"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Phantom Undertow", ["abilityicon"] = "Phantom Undertow.png", ["active"] = "Leaves an afterimage at his location, then dashes behind the farthest enemy. After 1 second, his afterimage returns to him, dealing {{ap|150 to 250 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies it passes through and and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5 to 2.5 3}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Blood Moon", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Pyke BloodMoon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cultist"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Phantom Undertow", ["abilityicon"] = "Phantom Undertow.png", ["active"] = "Leaves a phantom at his location, then dashes behind the farthest enemy. After 1 second, his phantom returns to him, dealing {{ap|125|200|375}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies it passes through and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|2|2.5|4}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Blood Moon", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Pyke BloodMoon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cultist"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin", "Slayer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Phantom Undertow", ["abilityicon"] = "Phantom Undertow.png", ["active"] = "Leaves a phantom at his location, then dashes behind the farthest enemy. After 1 second, his phantom returns to him, dealing {{ap|100|175|275}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies it passes through and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|2|2.5|4}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Sentinel", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Pyke Sentinel Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Sentinel"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Phantom Undertow", ["abilityicon"] = "Phantom Undertow.png", ["active"] = "Leaves a phantom at his location, then dashes behind the farthest enemy. After 1 second, his phantom returns to him, dealing {{ap|150|225|325}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies it passes through and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5|2|3}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Ashen Knight TFT", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Pyke Ashen Knight Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Whispers"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Death From Below", ["abilityicon"] = "Death from Below.png", ["active"] = "Dives toward the enemy with the lowest {{as|health}} and slashes in an X, dealing {{ap|325|425|5000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to his target and {{ap|150|225|4500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to other enemies struck. Enemies hit are applied {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} for 8 seconds. If he hits an enemy at or {{as|'''below''' {{ap|25|33|100}}% health}}, he executes them and immediately recasts Death From Below.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Qiyana"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Qiyana Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Variable"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Elemental Blade", ["abilityicon"] = "Edge of Ixtal.png", ["active"] = "Dash to the optimum position if available and throws a 2-hex wind blast through them, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} enemies for {{ap|2.5|3.5|4.5}} seconds and dealing {{ap|300|500|900}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Shockblade TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Qiyana Shockblade TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Tempest"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Elemental Blade", ["abilityicon"] = "Edge of Ixtal.png", ["active"] = "Dashes to the best position to strike enemies with her blade, dealing {{ap|200|250|325}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT disarm|disarming}} enemies hit for {{ap|1.5|1.75|2}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Quinn"] = { [6] = { ["skin"] = "Corsair", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Quinn Corsair Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mercenary"}, ["class"] = {"Challenger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Disarming Assault", ["abilityicon"] = "Blinding Assault.png", ["active"] = "Sends Valor out at the target with the {{as|highest attack speed}}, dealing {{ap|200|300|700}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the target and nearby enemies. Enemies hit are also {{tip|TFT disarm|disarmed}} for {{ap|2|2.5|3}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 140, ["startmana"] = 70, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Corsair", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Quinn Corsair Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mercenary"}, ["class"] = {"Challenger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Disarming Assault", ["abilityicon"] = "Blinding Assault.png", ["active"] = "Sends Valor out at the target with the {{as|highest attack speed}}, dealing {{ap|200|300|650}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the target and nearby enemies. Enemies hit are also {{tip|TFT disarm|disarmed}} for {{ap|1.5|2|2.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 140, ["startmana"] = 70, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Rakan"] = { [3] = { ["skin"] = "Cosmic Dawn", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Rakan CosmicDawn Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Celestial"}, ["class"] = {"Protector"}, ["abilityname"] = "Grand Entrance", ["abilityicon"] = "Grand Entrance.png", ["active"] = "Dashes next to the furthest enemy within (attack range + 1) hexes then leaps into the air, {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking}} them up for 1 second and dealing {{ap|175|275|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all adjacent enemies in 1-hex radius and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Cosmic Dawn", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Rakan CosmicDawn Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Celestial"}, ["class"] = {"Protector"}, ["abilityname"] = "Grand Entrance", ["abilityicon"] = "Grand Entrance.png", ["active"] = "Dashes next to the furthest enemy within (attack range + 1) hexes then leaps into the air, {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking}} them up for 1 second and dealing {{ap|175|275|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all adjacent enemies in 1-hex radius and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Elderwood", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Rakan Elderwood TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Elderwood"}, ["class"] = {"Keeper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Disarming Diversion", ["abilityicon"] = "The Quickness.png", ["active"] = "Dashes to the furthest enemy within attack range, {{tip|TFT disarm|disarming}} all units he passes through for {{ap|2.5|3|4}} seconds and {{tip|TFT Taunt|taunting}} his target. He then shields himself by {{ap|200|400|800}} {{TFT AP}} for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "iG", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Rakan iG Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Sentinel"}, ["class"] = {"Renewer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Gleaming Quill", ["abilityicon"] = "Battle Dance 2.png", ["active"] = "Launches a feather toward his target, dealing {{ap|350|500|800}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the first enemy hit. He then heals all nearby allies for {{as|{{ap|35|50|70}}% of their '''missing''' health}}, with an increased radius if the feather killed an enemy.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Arcana", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Rakan Arcana Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ragewing"}, ["class"] = {"Guardian", "Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Disarming Diversion", ["abilityicon"] = "Battle Dance 2.png", ["active"] = "Rakan dashes the furthest enemy within his attack range, disarming all units he passes through, and taunting his target. Then for 4 seconds, Rakan creates a shield on himself and his attacks grant him an additional shield.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 15, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Rek'Sai"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Rek'Sai Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Void"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Burrow", ["abilityicon"] = "Burrow.png", ["active"] = "Burrows, becoming untargetable for 1 second while healing each {{fd|0.5}} seconds for {{ap|150 to 450 3}} {{TFT AP}} health in total. She then emerges at her target, dealing {{ap|200 to 500 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking them up}} for {{fd|1.75}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [2] = { ["skin"] = "Eternum", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Rek'Sai Eternum Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Steel"}, ["class"] = {"Predator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Furious Bite", ["abilityicon"] = "Furious Bite.png", ["active"] = "Bites an enemy, dealing {{ap|250|550|1000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|true damage}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Rek'Sai Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mutant"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser", "Striker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Furious Bite", ["abilityicon"] = "Furious Bite.png", ["active"] = "Bites her target, dealing {{ap|100|150|200}} {{as|(+ 125% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}} and healing for {{ap|200|225|400}} {{TFT AP}}. If she casts her ability again on a target she already bit, the heal is increased to {{ap|275|350|600}} {{TFT AP}}.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Rell"] = { [5] = { ["skin"] = "Battle Queen", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Rell BattleQueen TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Redeemed", "Ironclad"}, ["class"] = {"Cavalier"}, ["abilityname"] = "Attract and Repel", ["abilityicon"] = "Attract and Repel.png", ["active"] = "Leaps into the air, creating a tether between herself and her farthest ally. When she lands the tether breaks, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} all enemies in its path for {{ap|1.5|2|8}} seconds. This effect also grants a {{ap|300|450|3000}} {{TFT AP}} shield for 4 seconds to nearby allies in the same area.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Battle Queen", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Rell BattleQueen TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Redeemed", "Ironclad"}, ["class"] = {"Cavalier"}, ["abilityname"] = "Attract and Repel", ["abilityicon"] = "Attract and Repel.png", ["active"] = "Leaps into the air, creating a tether between herself and her farthest ally. When she lands the tether breaks, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} all enemies in its path for {{ap|1.5|2|8}} seconds. This effect also grants a {{ap|300|450|3000}} {{TFT AP}} shield for 4 seconds to nearby allies in the same area.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Renekton"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Renekton Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Desert"}, ["class"] = {"Berserker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Cull the Meek", ["abilityicon"] = "Cull the Meek.png", ["active"] = "Swings his blade, dealing {{ap|150|275|475}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby enemies and healing himself for {{ap|150|225|300}} {{TFT AP}} health per enemy hit.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Renata Glasc"] = { [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Renata Glasc Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chemtech"}, ["class"] = {"Scholar"}, ["abilityname"] = "Toxic Wave", ["abilityicon"] = "Renata Glasc Hostile Takeover.png", ["active"] = "Unleashes a toxic poison wave towards the largest group of nearby enemies within 6 hexes, poisoning all enemies caught in its path for 15 seconds. Poisoned enemies suffer 20% reduced {{as|attack speed}} and take {{ap|50|75|250}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} per second. Damage dealt by the poison can stack.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Rengar"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Rengar Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Wild"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Savagery", ["abilityicon"] = "Savagery.png", ["active"] = "Leaps to and stabs the enemy with the {{as|lowest health}}, dealing {{as|{{ap|200 to 400 3}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} and applying on-hit effects to his target. After this leap, for the next 6 seconds, gains 25% {{as|critical strike chance}} and increases his {{as|'''total''' attack speed}} by {{ap|30 to 70 3}}%.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Riven"] = { [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Pulsefire", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Riven Pulsefire Ulti Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chrono"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Energy Slash", ["abilityicon"] = "Wind Slash.png", ["active"] = "Dashes and shields herself for {{ap|200|350|1200}} {{TFT AP}} health, then slashes forward dealing {{ap|100|150|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby enemies.<br />Every third cast, leaps into the air and launches a wave of energy that deals {{ap|300|500|1500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 25, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Spirit Blossom", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Riven SpiritBlossom Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dusk"}, ["class"] = {"Keeper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Sweeping Strikes", ["abilityicon"] = "Sweeping Strikes TFT.png", ["active"] = "Dashes and shields herself for {{ap|175|250|750}} {{TFT AP}} health, then slashes forward dealing {{ap|175|250|750}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby enemies.<br />Every third cast, leaps into the air and launches a wave of energy that deals {{ap|300|450|1350}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 20, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Dawnbringer", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Riven Dawnbringer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dawnbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Legionnaire"}, ["abilityname"] = "Blade of the Dawn", ["abilityicon"] = "Blade of the Exile.png", ["active"] = "Empowers her blade after a {{fd|0.3}}-second delay, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} nearby enemies for {{fd|1.5}} seconds while dealing {{ap|100|200|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. For the next 8 seconds, she gains {{as|{{ap|90|100|130}}% '''bonus''' attack damage}}.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 85, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dawnbringer", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Riven Dawnbringer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dawnbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Legionnaire"}, ["abilityname"] = "Blade of the Dawn", ["abilityicon"] = "Blade of the Exile.png", ["active"] = "Empowers her blade after a {{fd|0.3}}-second delay, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} nearby enemies for {{fd|1.5}} seconds while dealing {{ap|100|200|300}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. For the next 8 seconds, she gains {{as|{{ap|90|100|115}}% '''bonus''' attack damage}}.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Rumble"] = { [3] = { ["skin"] = "Super Galaxy", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Rumble SuperGalaxy Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mech-Pilot"}, ["class"] = {"Demolitionist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Flamespitter", ["abilityicon"] = "Flamespitter.png", ["active"] = "Torches his enemies, dealing {{ap|350|500|1000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} in a 2-hex cone over 3 seconds with each tick of damage occurring every {{fd|0.25}} seconds, and applying {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} on them for 5 seconds.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Super Galaxy", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Rumble SuperGalaxy Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mech-Pilot"}, ["class"] = {"Demolitionist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Flamespitter", ["abilityicon"] = "Flamespitter.png", ["active"] = "Torches his enemies, dealing {{ap|500|750|1650}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} in a 2-hex cone over 3 seconds with each tick of damage occurring every {{fd|0.25}} seconds, and applying {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} on them for 5 seconds.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Ryze"] = { [5] = { ["skin"] = "Zombie TFT", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Ryze Zombie TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Forgotten", "Abomination"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Rune Prison", ["abilityicon"] = "Rune Prison.png", ["active"] = "Imprisons the nearest enemy, dealing {{ap|200|250|800}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for a {{ap|1.5|2|4}} seconds. His next cast is then empowered to spread from his target, applying the same damage and half the {{tip|TFT stun|stun}} duration to all enemies in a large area around the target.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 20, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Ryze Whitebeard TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Ryze RyzeWhitebeard Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Guild"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Overload", ["abilityicon"] = "Overload.png", ["active"] = "Hurls 1 arcane orb at his target, dealing {{as|{{ap|180|260|420}}% {{TFT AP}} '''maximum''' mana|mana}} {{as|magic damage}}. Each cast increases his {{as|'''maximum''' mana}} by 20 and the number of orbs thrown by 1.<br/>{{sbc|Guild Bonus:}} Gain 10 ability power.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 20, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Samira"] = { [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Samira Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Daredevil"}, ["class"] = {"Sharpshooter", "Slayer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Inferno Trigger", ["abilityicon"] = "Samira Rank S.png", ["active"] = "Dashes and becomes unstoppable, unleashing {{ap|3|3|10}} {{TFT AP}} shots per second at {{ap|3|3|9}} enemies within {{fd|2.5}} hexes for 2 seconds, each shot deals {{ap|10|20|777}} {{as|(+ {{ap|30|40|60}}% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}}. For the duration, also gains 100% {{tip|TFT dodge|dodge}} chance.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 4, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Samira Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Imperial"}, ["class"] = {"Challenger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Flair", ["abilityicon"] = "Flair.png", ["active"] = "If a target is adjacent to her, she slashes with her blade in a cone towards them dealing {{as|{{ap|175|180|190}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} to all enemies within and reducing their {{as|armor}} by {{ap|10|15|20}} {{TFT AP}}. This armor reduction can stack.<br /> If no targets are adjacent, she fires an empowered shot at her target with the same effects and refunds 20 {{as|mana}}.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 35, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Sejuani"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Sejuani Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Glacial"}, ["class"] = {"Knight"}, ["abilityname"] = "Glacial Prison", ["abilityicon"] = "Glacial Prison.png", ["active"] = "After a 2 second delay, creates a glacial prison on an enemy, dealing {{ap|100 to 250 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies within 2 hexes of her target and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|2 to 5 3}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Firecracker", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Sejuani Firecracker Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Fortune"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Firecracker", ["abilityicon"] = "Glacial Prison.png", ["active"] = "Throws a giant firecracker at the enemy she is currently attacking, that explodes after a 2-second delay. Enemies within the detonation radius receive {{ap|100|200|800}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and are {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{ap|2.5|3|6}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 70, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Firecracker", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Sejuani Firecracker Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Fortune"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Firecracker", ["abilityicon"] = "Glacial Prison.png", ["active"] = "Throws a giant firecracker at the enemy she is currently attacking, that explodes after a 2-second delay. Enemies within the detonation radius receive {{ap|100|200|1600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and are {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{ap|2.5|2.5|8}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 160, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Darkrider TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Sejuani Darkrider TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Nightbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Cavalier"}, ["abilityname"] = "Fury of the North", ["abilityicon"] = "Fury of the North.png", ["active"] = "Signals Bristle to charge, dealing {{ap|300|450|750}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} the target for {{ap|2|3|4}} seconds. She then gains Frost Armor, granting her {{ap|100|150|300}} {{as|'''bonus''' armor}} and {{as|'''bonus''' magic resistance}} for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Darkrider TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Sejuani Darkrider TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Nightbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler", "Cavalier"}, ["abilityname"] = "Fury of the North", ["abilityicon"] = "Fury of the North.png", ["active"] = "Signals Bristle to charge, dealing {{ap|300|450|750}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} the target for {{ap|2|3|4}} seconds. She then gains Frost Armor, granting her {{ap|60|100|200}} {{as|'''bonus''' armor}} and {{as|'''bonus''' magic resistance}} for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Hextech", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Sejuani Hextech Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Enforcer", "Hextech"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser"}, ["abilityname"] = "Fury of the North", ["abilityicon"] = "Fury of the North.png", ["active"] = "Signals Bristle to charge, dealing {{ap|300|450|750}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} the target for {{ap|1.5|1.5|2}} seconds. She then gains Frost Armor, granting her {{ap|50|75|125}} {{as|'''bonus''' armor}} and {{as|'''bonus''' magic resistance}} for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 20, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Sejuani Dawnchaser TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Sejuani SejuaniDawnchaser Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Guild"}, ["class"] = {"Cavalier"}, ["abilityname"] = "Warrior's Wrath", ["abilityicon"] = "Winter's Wrath.png", ["active"] = "Swings her mace wide, hitting all enemies in a cone for {{as|6% {{TFT AP}} '''maximum''' health|health}} {{as|magic damage}}. She quickly strike again, repeating the damage on her target and the enemy directly behind it and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5|1.75|2}} seconds.<br/>{{sbc|Guild Bonus:}} Gain 100 {{as|'''bonus''' health}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Senna"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Senna Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Shadow"}, ["class"] = {"Soulbound"}, ["abilityname"] = "Piercing Darkness", ["abilityicon"] = "Piercing Darkness.png", ["active"] = "Fires a beam through her furthest ally (or a nearest enemy if there is no ally), dealing {{ap|50 to 150 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies hit by the beam, and granting allies {{ap|20|45|70}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage on-hit}} for 5 seconds.", ["hp"] = 450, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Senna Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Sentinel"}, ["class"] = {"Cannoneer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Last Embrace", ["abilityicon"] = "Last Embrace.png", ["active"] = "Launches black mist toward the farthest enemy. The first enemy hit along the path is {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{fd|1.5}} seconds, and all nearby enemies are dealt {{ap|200|300|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 15, ["mr"] = 15, ["behavior"] = "Ranged", }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Prestige True Damage", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Senna PrestigeTrueDamage Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Socialite"}, ["class"] = {"Enchanter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Piercing Darkness", ["abilityicon"] = "Piercing Darkness.png", ["active"] = "Fires a beam in the direction of her target, dealing {{ap|100|140|200}} {{as|(+ 150% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}} to all enemies hit. For each enemy hit, she heals the {{as|lowest health}} ally for 60% {{TFT AP}} of the damage dealt.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged", }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "High Noon TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Senna HighNoon TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ragewing"}, ["class"] = {"Cannoneer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Last Embrace", ["abilityicon"] = "Last Embrace.png", ["active"] = "Launches black mist toward the farthest enemy, striking the first enemy hit and dealing {{as|200% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} in a small area. The first enemy hit is dealt an additional {{ap|300|400|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 15, ["mr"] = 15, ["behavior"] = "Ranged", }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "High Noon TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Senna HighNoon TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ragewing"}, ["class"] = {"Cannoneer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Last Embrace", ["abilityicon"] = "Last Embrace.png", ["active"] = "Launches black mist toward the farthest enemy, striking the first enemy hit and dealing {{as|200% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} in a small area. The first enemy hit is dealt an additional {{ap|300|400|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 15, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 15, ["mr"] = 15, ["behavior"] = "Ranged", }, }, ["Seraphine"] = { [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Seraphine Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Socialite"}, ["class"] = {"Innovator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Encore", ["abilityicon"] = "Encore.png", ["active"] = "Projects her song towards the largest group of units. The song deals {{ap|275|450|1200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies. Allies it passes through are healed {{ap|250|350|1000}} {{TFT AP}} and gain {{ap|30|50|100}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Seraphine Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Socialite"}, ["class"] = {"Innovator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Encore", ["abilityicon"] = "Encore.png", ["active"] = "Projects her song towards the largest group of units. The song deals {{ap|250|400|1200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies. Allies it passes through are healed {{ap|250|350|1000}} {{TFT AP}} and gain {{ap|30|45|100}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 130, ["startmana"] = 70, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Ocean Song", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Seraphine OceanSong Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Lagoon"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic", "Envoker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Serenade of the Seas", ["abilityicon"] = "Encore.png", ["active"] = "Seraphine sings a serenade of the seas, granting a shield and bonus damage per attack to all allies within 2 hexes for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 175, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Sett"] = { [4] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Sett Render.png", ["origin"] = {"The Boss"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Showstopper", ["abilityicon"] = "The Show Stopper.png", ["active"] = "Grabs his target and {{tip|TFT airborne|slams}} them forward, dealing {{as|{{ap|40|60|400}}% {{TFT AP}} of target's '''maximum''' health}} {{as|magic damage}} to them, and {{as|{{ap|20|30|200}}% {{TFT AP}} of the slammed enemy's '''maximum''' health}} {{as|magic damage}} to all other enemies in a large area.", ["hp"] = 1100, ["mana"] = 175, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Sett Render.png", ["origin"] = {"The Boss"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Showstopper", ["abilityicon"] = "The Show Stopper.png", ["active"] = "Grabs his target and {{tip|TFT airborne|slams}} them forward, dealing {{as|{{ap|40|60|800}}% {{TFT AP}} of target's '''maximum''' health}} {{as|magic damage}} to them, and {{as|{{ap|20|30|400}}% {{TFT AP}} of the slammed enemy's '''maximum''' health}} {{as|magic damage}} to all other enemies in a large area.", ["hp"] = 1100, ["mana"] = 175, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Prestige Obsidian Dragon TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Sett PrestigeObsidianDragon TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Draconic"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Haymaker", ["abilityicon"] = "Haymaker.png", ["active"] = "Pulls back for a punch, shredding {{ap|20|25|30}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|armor}} for 10 seconds (stacks) and dealing {{as|{{ap|170|185|200}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} to all enemies in the area.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Prestige Obsidian Dragon TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Sett PrestigeObsidianDragon TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Draconic"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Haymaker", ["abilityicon"] = "Haymaker.png", ["active"] = "Pulls back for a punch, shredding {{ap|20|25|40}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|armor}} for 10 seconds (stacks) and dealing {{as|{{ap|170|185|200}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} to all enemies in the area.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Obsidian Dragon TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Sett ObsidianDragon TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ragewing"}, ["class"] = {"Dragonmancer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Knuckle Down", ["abilityicon"] = "Knuckle Down.png", ["active"] = "For the next 4 seconds he gains {{ap|50|60|80}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' armor}} and {{as|'''bonus''' magic resistance}}, and every other punch deals {{as|170% AD}} {{as|'''bonus''' physical damage}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Shaco"] = { [3] = { ["skin"] = "Dark Star", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Shaco DarkStar Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dark Star"}, ["class"] = {"Infiltrator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Deceive", ["abilityicon"] = "Deceive.png", ["active"] = "{{tip|TFT invisible|Teleports}} and backstabs his target, dealing {{as|{{ap|200|225|250}}% {{TFT AP}} AD}} {{as|physical damage}}, while also {{tip|TFT crit|critically striking}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dark Star", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Shaco DarkStar Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dark Star"}, ["class"] = {"Infiltrator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Deceive", ["abilityicon"] = "Deceive.png", ["active"] = "{{tip|TFT invisible|Teleports}} and backstabs his target, dealing {{as|{{ap|250|275|300}}% {{TFT AP}} AD}} {{as|physical damage}}, while also {{tip|TFT crit|critically striking}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Crime City Nightmare", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Shaco CrimeCityNightmare Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Syndicate"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Deceive", ["abilityicon"] = "Deceive.png", ["active"] = "Dips into the shadows, briefly becoming untargetable. His next attack is empowered to deal {{ap|90|110|130}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ 185% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}}, and is guaranteed to {{tip|TFT crit|critically strike}} against targets {{as|'''below''' 50% health}}.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Shen"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Shen Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ninja"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Spirit's Refuge", ["abilityicon"] = "Spirit's Refuge.png", ["active"] = "Creates a zone around himself that follows him for {{ap|3 to 5 3}} seconds, allowing adjacent allies to {{tip|TFT dodge|dodge}} all incoming basic attacks.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Pulsefire", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Shen Pulsefire Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chrono"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Future's Refuge", ["abilityicon"] = "Spirit's Refuge.png", ["active"] = "Creates a zone around himself that follows him for {{ap|2.5|3|5}} seconds, allowing adjacent allies to {{tip|TFT dodge|dodge}} all incoming basic attacks. While active, he gains {{ap|15|30|45}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic resistance}}.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Pulsefire", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Shen Pulsefire Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chrono"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Future's Refuge", ["abilityicon"] = "Spirit's Refuge.png", ["active"] = "Creates a zone around himself that follows him for {{ap|2.5|3|5}} seconds, allowing adjacent allies to {{tip|TFT dodge|dodge}} all incoming basic attacks. While active, he gains {{ap|15|30|45}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic resistance}}.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Shen Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ninja"}, ["class"] = {"Adept", "Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Shadow Dash", ["abilityicon"] = "Stand United.png", ["active"] = "Dashes past his target, shielding himself for {{ap|500|800|4000}} {{TFT AP}} damage and {{tip|TFT taunt|taunting}} all adjacent enemies for {{ap|4|4|8}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Shen Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ninja"}, ["class"] = {"Adept", "Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Shadow Dash", ["abilityicon"] = "Stand United.png", ["active"] = "Dashes past his target, shielding himself for {{ap|500|800|4000}} {{TFT AP}} damage, {{tip|TFT taunt|taunting}} all adjacent enemies for {{ap|4|4|8}} seconds, but {{tip|TFT mana-lock|mana-locking}} himself for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Infernal TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Shen Infernal Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ragewing"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser", "Warrior"}, ["abilityname"] = "Flame's Refuge", ["abilityicon"] = "Spirit's Refuge.png", ["active"] = "Creates a zone around himself for {{ap|2.5|3|4}} seconds, in which all nearby allies to {{tip|TFT dodge|dodge}} all incoming basic attacks. While it's active, he gains {{ap|50|75|100}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic resistance}}", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 45, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Shi Oh Yu"] = { [7] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["cost"] = 8, ["render"] = "Shi Oh Yu TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Jade"}, ["class"] = {"Dragon", "Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Jade Form", ["abilityicon"] = "Gathering Fire.png", ["active"] = "Enters Jade stance, gaining {{ap|20|25|50}}% {{TFT AP}} damage reduction, immunity to crowd control, and empowering her next 3 basic attacks to have bonus effects.<br />Attack 1: Deals {{as|{{ap|325|350|1000}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stuns}} the target for {{fd|1.25}} seconds.<br />Attack 2: Deals {{as|{{ap|325|350|1000}}% AD}} {{as|true damage}}.<br />Attack 3: Ends the stance, dealing {{as|{{ap|325|350|1000}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} to all enemies in a line and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking them up}} for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 1650, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["cost"] = 7, ["render"] = "Shi Oh Yu TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Jade"}, ["class"] = {"Dragon", "Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Jade Form", ["abilityicon"] = "Gathering Fire.png", ["active"] = "Enters Jade stance, gaining {{ap|20|25|50}}% {{TFT AP}} damage reduction, immunity to crowd control, and empowering her next 3 basic attacks to have bonus effects.<br />Attack 1: Deals {{as|{{ap|250|275|1000}}}} {{as|physical damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stuns}} the target for {{fd|1.25}} seconds.<br />Attack 2: Deals {{as|{{ap|250|275|1000}}}} {{as|true damage}}.<br />Attack 3: Ends the stance, dealing {{as|{{ap|250|275|1000}}}} {{as|physical damage}} to all enemies in a line and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking them up}} for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 1650, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Shyvana"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Shyvana Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dragon"}, ["class"] = {"Shapeshifter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Dragon's Descent", ["abilityicon"] = "Dragon's Descent.png", ["active"] = "Dashes up to 2 hexes away from her current target and transforms to her Dragon Form, becoming a {{tip|TFT Ranged|ranged attacker}} for 60 seconds.<br />While in Dragon Form, gains {{ap|100 to 200 3}} {{as|attack damage}} and basic attacks apply a burn on enemies hit for 3 seconds, dealing a total of {{ap|200 to 400 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 85, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Shyvana TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dragonsoul"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Dragon's Descent", ["abilityicon"] = "Dragon's Descent.png", ["active"] = "Dashes up to 2 hexes away from her current target and transforms to her Dragon Form, becoming a {{tip|TFT Ranged|ranged attacker}} for 60 seconds.<br />While in Dragon Form, gains {{as|{{ap|40|45|50}}% '''bonus''' health}}, {{as|{{ap|30|60|120}} attack damage}} and basic attacks apply a burn on enemies hit for 2 seconds, dealing a total of {{ap|125|250|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee", }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Original TFT", ["tier"] = 5, ["cost"] = 10, ["render"] = "Shyvana TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ragewing"}, ["class"] = {"Dragon", "Shapeshifter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Dragon's Descent", ["abilityicon"] = "Dragon's Descent.png", ["active"] = "Transforms into Dragon Form for the rest of combat, replacing her ability with Flame Breath. She then becomes untargetable before dive-bombing the largest group of enemies, dealing {{ap|250|400|2000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.<br />{{sbc|Flame Breath:}} Breathes fire in a cone, dealing {{as|{{ap|50|66|500}}% of the enemy's '''maximum''' health}} as {{as|magic damage}}, at 3-Star the size is doubled.", ["hp"] = 1920, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 120, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 55, ["mr"] = 55, ["behavior"] = "Melee", }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original TFT", ["tier"] = 5, ["cost"] = 8, ["render"] = "Shyvana TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ragewing"}, ["class"] = {"Dragon", "Shapeshifter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Dragon's Descent", ["abilityicon"] = "Dragon's Descent.png", ["active"] = "Transforms into Dragon Form for the rest of combat, replacing her ability with Flame Breath. She then becomes untargetable before dive-bombing the largest group of enemies, dealing {{ap|100|175|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.<br />{{sbc|Flame Breath:}} Breathes fire in a cone, dealing {{ap|1050|1650|30000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 140, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 70, ["mr"] = 70, ["behavior"] = "Melee", }, }, ["Silco"] = { [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Silco Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mastermind"}, ["class"] = {"Scholar"}, ["abilityname"] = "Unstable Concoction", ["abilityicon"] = "Goes Where He Pleases.png", ["active"] = "Injects an unstable concoction into {{ap|1|1|5}} of his {{as|lowest health}} allies, granting them {{as|50% '''maximum''' health}}, {{ap|50|125|666}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}, and immunity to crowd control for {{ap|6|7|10}} seconds. When the concoction wears off, unstable units die by explosion, dealing {{ap|350|600|5000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby enemies. The explosion radius is doubled at 3-Star.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Singed"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Singed Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Poison"}, ["class"] = {"Alchemist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Poison Trail", ["abilityicon"] = "Poison Trail.png", ["passive"] = "Leaves a toxic cloud for {{fd|3.25}} seconds wherever he moves, poisoning enemies who stand in it for {{ap|225|300|2000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over 6 seconds, with each tick of damage occurring every {{fd|0.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 0, ["as"] = 0.001, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Alchemist" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Singed Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chemtech"}, ["class"] = {"Innovator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Fling", ["abilityicon"] = "Fling.png", ["active"] = "{{tip|TFT airborne|Flings}} a nearby enemy towards the largest cluster of enemies, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} his target for {{ap|1.5|2|3}} seconds when they land. All adjacent enemies take {{ap|125|175|250}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and are briefly {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Singed Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chemtech"}, ["class"] = {"Innovator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Fling", ["abilityicon"] = "Fling.png", ["active"] = "{{tip|TFT airborne|Flings}} a nearby enemy towards the largest cluster of enemies, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} his target for {{ap|1.5|2|3}} seconds when they land. All adjacent enemies take {{ap|125|175|250}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and are briefly {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}}.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Sion"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Warmonger", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Sion Warmonger Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Shadow"}, ["class"] = {"Berserker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Decimating Smash", ["abilityicon"] = "Decimating Smash.png", ["active"] = "Winds up for {{fd|0.75}} seconds, then smashes his axe down a 2-hex line in front of him, {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking up}} and dealing {{ap|200|350|700}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies hit.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Sion Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Imperial"}, ["class"] = {"Colossus", "Protector"}, ["abilityname"] = "Decimating Smash", ["abilityicon"] = "Decimating Smash.png", ["active"] = "Winds up for a moment, then smashes his axe down. All enemies within a large area are {{tip|TFT airborne|knocked up}}, {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{ap|2.5|3|6}} seconds, and dealt {{ap|125|200|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 1850, ["mana"] = 200, ["startmana"] = 125, ["ad"] = 100, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Sivir"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Sivir Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Desert"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Ricochet", ["abilityicon"] = "Ricochet.png", ["active"] = "For the next 5 seconds, basic attacks bounce up to {{ap|5|7|9}} times to nearby enemies within 2-hex range of their, dealing {{as|{{ap|100 to 150 3}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} and applying on-hit effects.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 65, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Blood Moon", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Sivir BloodMoon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cultist"}, ["class"] = {"Sharpshooter"}, ["abilityname"] = "On the Hunt", ["abilityicon"] = "On the Hunt.png", ["active"] = "Rallies allies with 2 hexes, granting them {{ap|40|50|70}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 5 seconds. Additionally, grants herself {{ap|100|200|350}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack damage}} for the duration.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Victorious", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Sivir Victorious Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hextech"}, ["class"] = {"Striker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Ricochet", ["abilityicon"] = "Ricochet.png", ["active"] = "For the next 5 seconds, grants herself {{ap|30|60|300}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} and her attacks bounce up to 4 times within 5 hexes dealing {{as|30% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} to enemies hit.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Skarner"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Skarner Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Crystal"}, ["class"] = {"Predator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Crystalline Exoskeleton", ["abilityicon"] = "Crystalline Exoskeleton.png", ["active"] = "Shields himself for {{ap|150 to 750 3}} {{TFT AP}} health for 8 seconds. While the shield persists, gains {{ap|50|75|100}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 65, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Cosmic Sting TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Skarner CosmicSting TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Astral"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser"}, ["abilityname"] = "Crystalline Exoskeleton", ["abilityicon"] = "Crystalline Exoskeleton.png", ["active"] = "Shields himself for {{ap|450|550|700}} {{TFT AP}} for 8 seconds. While the shield persists, gains {{ap|175|200|225}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Sohm"] = { [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["cost"] = 7, ["render"] = "Sohm TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Lagoon"}, ["class"] = {"Mage", "Dragon"}, ["abilityname"] = "Tideblossom", ["abilityicon"] = "Nilah Formless Blade.png", ["active"] = "Sends out a tide to an unmarked target, marking them with a Tideblossom and dealing magic damage to enemies along the way. Tideblossoms transfer to a nearby target if the enemy dies. After 3 casts, his next cast instead summons a vortex under each Tideblossom, dealing magic damage to enemies in the area.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 30, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Sona"] = { [3] = { ["skin"] = "Odyssey", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Sona Odyssey Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Rebel"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Aria of Perseverance", ["abilityicon"] = "Aria of Perseverance.png", ["active"] = "Heals {{ap|2|3|4}} injured allies for {{ap|150|200|300}} {{TFT AP}} health and cleanses them of {{tip|TFT Stun|stuns}}.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Guqin TFT", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Sona Guqin Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Revel"}, ["class"] = {"Evoker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Crescendo", ["abilityicon"] = "Crescendo.png", ["active"] = "Plays her ultimate chord toward the farthest enemy, dealing {{ap|190|275|1000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies and {{tip|TFT Stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1|1|4}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 160, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Soraka"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Celestine", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Soraka Celestine Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Light"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Equinox", ["abilityicon"] = "Equinox.png", ["active"] = "Calms the 1-hex radius area around a random enemy for {{ap|3 to 7 3}} seconds, dealing {{ap|150 to 450 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies standing in it and {{tip|TFT mana-lock|mana-locking}} them.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Star Guardian", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Soraka StarGuardian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Star Guardian"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Wish", ["abilityicon"] = "Wish.png", ["active"] = "Heals all allies for {{ap|375|500|20000}} {{TFT AP}} health.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Star Guardian", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Soraka StarGuardian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Star Guardian"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Wish", ["abilityicon"] = "Wish.png", ["active"] = "Heals all allies for {{ap|325|500|20000}} {{TFT AP}} health.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Dawnbringer", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Soraka Dawnbringer Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dawnbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Renewer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Equinox", ["abilityicon"] = "Equinox.png", ["active"] = "Calms the 1-hex raidus area around the enemy with the highest {{as|'''current''' mana}} dealing {{ap|150|250|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies standing in it and increases the mana cost of her target's next ability 35%.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dawnbringer", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Soraka Dawnbringer Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dawnbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Renewer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Equinox", ["abilityicon"] = "Equinox.png", ["active"] = "Calms the 1-hex raidus area around the enemy with the highest {{as|'''current''' mana}} dealing {{ap|200|275|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies standing in it and increases the mana cost of her target's next ability 35%.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Dawnbringer TFT", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Soraka Dawnbringer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Jade"}, ["class"] = {"Starcaller"}, ["abilityname"] = "Starfall", ["abilityicon"] = "Wish.png", ["passive"] = " While any ally is {{as|'''below''' 50% health}}, gain 15 {{as|'''bonus''' mana}} per basic attack.", ["active"] = "Calls down a shower of stars over the next 2 seconds. Allies are healed for {{ap|120|180|1000}} {{TFT AP}} each time a star hits them.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 200, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dawnbringer TFT", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Soraka Dawnbringer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Jade"}, ["class"] = {"Starcaller"}, ["abilityname"] = "Starfall", ["abilityicon"] = "Wish.png", ["passive"] = " While any ally is {{as|'''below''' 50% health}}, gain 15 {{as|'''bonus''' mana}} per basic attack.", ["active"] = "Calls down a shower of stars over the next 2 seconds. Allies are healed for {{ap|105|165|1000}} {{TFT AP}} each time a star hits them.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 200, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Swain"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Swain Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Demon", "Imperial"}, ["class"] = {"Shapeshifter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Demonflare", ["abilityicon"] = "Demonic Ascension.png", ["active"] = "Transforms to his Demon Form for 6 seconds.<br />While in Demon Form, drains health from enemies within 2 hexes of him, dealing {{ap|480/12 to 1440/12 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and healing himself for {{ap|360/12 to 1080/12 3}} {{TFT AP}} each {{fd|0.5}} seconds for each enemy in range. At the end of the transformation, sends out a Soul Flare, dealing {{ap|300 to 900 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies within 2 hexes.<br />In total, for each enemy, the drain can deal {{ap|480 to 1440 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and heal for {{ap|360 to 1080 3}} {{TFT AP}} health.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dragon Master", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Swain DragonMaster Amethyst Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dragonsoul"}, ["class"] = {"Syphoner"}, ["abilityname"] = "Draconic Ascension", ["abilityicon"] = "Demonic Ascension.png", ["active"] = "Transforms to his Dragon Form for 6 seconds.<br />While in Dragon Form, he gains {{as|{{ap|60|65|100}}% '''maximum''' health}}, deals {{ap|75|150|1000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} each second to enemies with {{ap|2.5|2.5|5}} hexes and breathes a cone of fire every 2 seconds that deals {{ap|175|350|5000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}, applies {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} for the rest of the duration and burns them, dealing {{as|25% '''maximum''' health}} {{as|true damage}} over 10 seconds.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 80, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Swain Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Imperial"}, ["class"] = {"Arcanist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Death's Hand", ["abilityicon"] = "Death's Hand.png", ["active"] = "Unleashes piercing bolts of eldritch power in a cone towards his target, dealing {{ap|250|340|480}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies within and healing {{ap|225|250|350}} {{TFT AP}} for each enemy hit.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 85, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Hextech", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Swain Hextech Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hextech"}, ["class"] = {"Arcanist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Death's Hand", ["abilityicon"] = "Death's Hand.png", ["active"] = "Unleashes piercing bolts of eldritch power in a cone towards his target, dealing {{ap|250|350|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies within and healing {{ap|250|330|350}} {{TFT AP}} for each enemy hit.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 85, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "DragonMaster", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Swain DragonMaster TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ragewing"}, ["class"] = {"Dragonmancer", "Shapeshifter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Draconic Ascension", ["abilityicon"] = "Demonic Ascension.png", ["active"] = "Transforms into Dragon Form, replacing his attacks with fireballs that deal {{ap|70|110|165}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and replacing his ability with Greater Fireball.<br />{{sbc|Greater Fireball:}} His next fireball deals 100% more damage and explodes in an area around his target.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 45, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "DragonMaster", ["tier"] = 4, ["cost"] = 7, ["render"] = "Swain DragonMaster TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Darkflight"}, ["class"] = {"Dragon"}, ["abilityname"] = "Dragon Master's Decree", ["abilityicon"] = "Ravenous Flock.png", ["active"] = "Releases a dragonling flock, launching 8 dragonlings toward nearby enemies that each deal {{ap|135|195|1000}} magic damage to their target, then return to Swain and heal him for 10% of his missing Health.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 110, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 70, ["mr"] = 70, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Sy'fen"] = { [7] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["cost"] = 8, ["render"] = "Sy'fen TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Whispers"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser", "Dragon"}, ["abilityname"] = "Rampage", ["abilityicon"] = "Queen's Wrath.png", ["active"] = "Charges toward the farthest enemy within 2 hexes, dealing {{as|{{ap|150|150|300}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking up}} enemies they pass through. If no enemies are nearby, he charges again. After charging, he bites an enemy, dealing {{as|{{ap|450|500|2500}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} and ignoring 50% {{TFT AP}} of the target's {{as|armor}}.", ["hp"] = 1100, ["mana"] = 200, ["startmana"] = 120, ["ad"] = 100, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 70, ["mr"] = 70, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["cost"] = 7, ["render"] = "Sy'fen TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Whispers"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser", "Dragon"}, ["abilityname"] = "Rampage", ["abilityicon"] = "Queen's Wrath.png", ["active"] = "Charges toward the farthest enemy within 2.5 hexes, dealing {{as|{{ap|150|170|450}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking up}} enemies they pass through. If no enemies are nearby, he charges again. After charging, he bites an enemy, dealing {{as|{{ap|500|600|3000}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} and ignoring 50% {{TFT AP}} of the target's {{as|armor}}.", ["hp"] = 1100, ["mana"] = 200, ["startmana"] = 120, ["ad"] = 100, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 70, ["mr"] = 70, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Sylas"] = { [4] = { ["skin"] = "Lunar Wraith", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Sylas LunarWraith Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Moonlight"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Chain Lash", ["abilityicon"] = "Chain Lash.png", ["active"] = "Lashes his chains out in a 3-hex line, dealing {{ap|250|400|700|1111}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies hit and increasing the cost of their next spell by 33%.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 80, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Lunar Wraith TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Sylas LunarWraith TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Whispers"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser", "Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Petricite Burst", ["abilityicon"] = "Petricite Burst.png", ["active"] = "Whirls his chains, dealing {{ap|150|225|350}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to enemies hit and applying mana-reave, increasing the cost of their next ability by 35%. If this hits at least 1 mana-reaved enemy, he shields himself for {{ap|700|750|800}} {{TFT AP}} for 6 seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Syndra"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Atlantean", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Syndra Atlantean Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ocean"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Hydro Sphere", ["abilityicon"] = "Dark Sphere.png", ["active"] = "Conjures a sphere of water with a 2-hex radius which explodes near a random enemy, dealing {{ap|225|375|650}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies hit.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 65, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Star Guardian", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Syndra StarGuardian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Star Guardian"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Unleashed Power", ["abilityicon"] = "Unleashed Power.png", ["active"] = "After {{fd|0.75}} seconds, pulls in all orbs on the battlefield and creates 3 new ones, then fires them all at the enemy with the most {{as|'''current''' health}}, dealing {{ap|100|150|250}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} per orb.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 65, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Star Guardian", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Syndra StarGuardian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Star Guardian"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Unleashed Power", ["abilityicon"] = "Unleashed Power.png", ["active"] = "After {{fd|0.75}} seconds, pulls in all orbs on the battlefield and creates 3 new ones, then fires them all at the enemy with the most {{as|'''current''' health}}, dealing {{ap|100|140|220}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} per orb. If the ability kills her target, extra orbs move on to the next target.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Justicar", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Syndra Justicar TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Redeemed"}, ["class"] = {"Invoker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Force of Will", ["abilityicon"] = "Force of Will 2.png", ["active"] = "Grabs the nearest enemy and {{tip|TFT airborne|flings}} them towards the farthest enemy, dealing {{ap|300|400|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all nearby enemies upon impact and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} the thrown target for {{ap|2|2.5|4}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Justicar", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Syndra Justicar TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Redeemed"}, ["class"] = {"Invoker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Force of Will", ["abilityicon"] = "Force of Will 2.png", ["active"] = "Grabs the nearest enemy, rendering them untargetable, and {{tip|TFT airborne|flings}} them towards the farthest enemy, dealing {{ap|250|350|650}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all nearby enemies upon impact and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} the thrown target for {{ap|2|2.5|4}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Withered Rose", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Syndra WitheredRose Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Debonair"}, ["class"] = {"Scholar"}, ["abilityname"] = "Force of Will", ["abilityicon"] = "Force of Will 2.png", ["active"] = "Flings the nearest enemy towards the farthest enemy, dealing {{ap|225|300|425}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all nearby enemies upon impact and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} the thrown target for {{ap|2|2.5|3}} seconds.<br />{{sbc|VIP Bonus:}} Impact area is larger and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocks up}} affected enemies for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Tahm Kench"] = { [4] = { ["skin"] = "Coin Emperor", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Tahm Kench CoinEmperor Ruby Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Fortune"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Thick Skin", ["abilityicon"] = "Thick Skin.png", ["passive"] = "Takes {{ap|15|25|75}} {{TFT AP}} reduced post-mitigation damage from all sources.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 85, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Coin Emperor", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Tahm Kench CoinEmperor Ruby Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Fortune"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Thick Skin", ["abilityicon"] = "Thick Skin.png", ["passive"] = "Takes {{ap|15|25|75}} {{TFT AP}} reduced post-mitigation damage from all sources.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 85, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Tahm Kench Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Glutton", "Mercenary"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser"}, ["abilityname"] = "Devour", ["abilityicon"] = "Devour.png", ["active"] = "Devours his target, storing them in his belly and dealing {{ap|850|1350|30000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over 3 seconds. During this time, the target is invulnerable to other sources of damage and he gains 30% damage reduction. If they die while inside, he either spits out a random item component they were holding, or the cost of the unit in gold. Otherwise, he spits them towards the farthest enemy, briefly {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} targets they impact. If the target is immune to crowd control, they take 35% damage instead.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Tahm Kench Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Glutton", "Mercenary"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser"}, ["abilityname"] = "Devour", ["abilityicon"] = "Devour.png", ["active"] = "Devours his target, storing them in his belly and dealing {{ap|900|1350|30000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over 3 seconds. During this time, the target is invulnerable to other sources of damage and he gains 30% damage reduction. If they die while inside, he either spits out a random item component they were holding, or the cost of the unit in gold. Otherwise, he spits them towards the farthest enemy, briefly {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} targets they impact. If the target is immune to crowd control, they take 50% damage instead.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Coin Emperor TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Tahm Kench CoinEmperor Ruby Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Revel"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser"}, ["abilityname"] = "Thicker Skin", ["abilityicon"] = "Thick Skin.png", ["active"] = "Shields himself for {{ap|250|300|375}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ 10% '''maximum''' health)}} for 6 seconds. While the shield holds, enemies that damage him take {{ap|75|100|125}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}, up to once every {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.5, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Taliyah"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Taliyah Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mountain"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Seismic Shove", ["abilityicon"] = "Seismic Shove.png", ["active"] = "Causes the ground to erupt under the enemy with the most mana, dealing {{ap|150 to 550 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to them, and {{tip|TFT Stun|stunning}} them for 2 seconds. This also {{tip|TFT airborne|knocks}} melee enemies away from her, or {{tip|TFT airborne|pulls}} ranged enemies toward her, with 2-hex distance.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Talon"] = { [4] = { ["skin"] = "Enduring Sword", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Talon EnduringSword RoseQuartz Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Enlightened"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Truestrike", ["abilityicon"] = "Noxian Diplomacy.png", ["active"] = "Basic attacks the target with the least armor, dealing {{ap|85|135|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ {{ap|240|250|275}}% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}}. If this kills them, he becomes unstoppable and untargetable while he leaps to the enemy who's done the most damage this round. This does not apply spell effects.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 90, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Enduring Sword", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Talon EnduringSword RoseQuartz Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Enlightened"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Truestrike", ["abilityicon"] = "Noxian Diplomacy.png", ["active"] = "Stabs his target, dealing {{ap|100|200|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ {{ap|240|250|300}}% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}}. If this kills them, he becomes unstoppable and untargetable while he leaps to the lowest armor enemy. This does not apply spell effects.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 95, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Talon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Imperial"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Blade's End", ["abilityicon"] = "Blade's End.png", ["passive"] = "His first basic attack against an enemy causes them to bleed {{ap|425|600|900}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over 7 seconds. Every third basic attack on a target applies an additional bleed.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Withered Rose", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Syndra WitheredRose Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Debonair"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Blade's End", ["abilityicon"] = "Blade's End.png", ["passive"] = "His first basic attack against an enemy causes them to bleed {{ap|450|575|800}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over 7 seconds. Every third basic attack on a target applies an additional bleed.<br />{{sbc|VIP Bonus:}} Bleed now deals {{as|true damage}} and lasts 75% longer.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Talon Blackwood", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Talon TalonBlackwood Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Guild"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Shadow Assault", ["abilityicon"] = "Noxian Diplomacy.png", ["active"] = "{{tip|TFT invisible|Stealths}} for {{fd|1.5}} seconds and flings out a ring of blades, dealing {{as|{{ap|100|100|200}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} to enemies hit. He then leaps to an enemy and recalls the blades, dealing that damage again and {{ap|125|175|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} plus {{as|325% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} to his target.<br/>{{sbc|Guild Bonus:}} Gain 10 {{as|'''bonus''' attack damage}}.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Taric"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Taric Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Crystal"}, ["class"] = {"Warden"}, ["abilityname"] = "Cosmic Radiance", ["abilityicon"] = "Cosmic Radiance.png", ["active"] = "After a {{fd|1.5}} second delay, pulses cosmic energy onto allied champions within {{ap|2 to 4 3}} hexes, making them invulnerable for {{ap|2.5|2.5|8}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Emerald", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Taric Emerald TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Verdant"}, ["class"] = {"Knight"}, ["abilityname"] = "Nature's Touch", ["abilityicon"] = "Starlight's Touch.png", ["active"] = "All allies in a large area around him are healed by {{ap|500|750|5000}} {{TFT AP}} and gain {{ap|50|75|500}} {{as|'''bonus''' armor}} for 5 seconds.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 200, ["startmana"] = 120, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Armor of the Fifth Age", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Taric ArmoroftheFifthAge Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Socialite"}, ["class"] = {"Enchanter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Starlight Bastion", ["abilityicon"] = "Starlight's Touch.png", ["active"] = "Heals himself and the lowest health ally for {{ap|325|425|600}} {{TFT AP}}. Any overhealing is converted to a shield that lasts 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Emerald TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Taric Emerald TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Jade"}, ["class"] = {"Guardian"}, ["abilityname"] = "Bastion", ["abilityicon"] = "Bastion 2.png", ["active"] = "Grants himself and his closest ally a protective rune that grants {{ap|60|80|150}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' armor}} for 6 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Teemo"] = { [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Astronaut", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Teemo Astronaut Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Astro"}, ["class"] = {"Sniper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Satellite Traps", ["abilityicon"] = "Noxious Trap.png", ["active"] = "Scatters 3 traps around the nearest enemy. When an enemy nears a trap, or after 3 seconds, it explodes on nearby enemies dealing {{ap|125|175|550}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}, knocking them down, and {{tip|TFT slow|slowing}} them for 3 seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.95, ["range"] = 6, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Spirit Blossom", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Teemo SpiritBlossom Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Spirit"}, ["class"] = {"Sharpshooter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Sporecloud Dart", ["abilityicon"] = "Toxic Shot.png", ["active"] = "Fires a dart at the enemy with the highest {{as|attack speed}} that explodes into a cloud of spores on contact, poisoning nearby enemies. Poisoned enemies take {{ap|300|400|900}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over {{ap|2.5|3|4.5}} seconds and are {{tip|TFT miss|blinded}} for the duration.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Spirit Blossom", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Teemo SpiritBlossom Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Spirit"}, ["class"] = {"Sharpshooter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Sporecloud Dart", ["abilityicon"] = "Toxic Shot.png", ["active"] = "Fires a dart at his current target that explodes into a cloud of spores on contact, poisoning nearby enemies. Poisoned enemies take {{ap|250|400|900}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over {{ap|2.5|3|4.5}} seconds and are {{tip|TFT miss|blinded}} for the duration.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Little Devil", ["tier"] = 5, ["blood"] = 6, ["render"] = "Teemo LittleDevil Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hellion"}, ["class"] = {"Cruel", "Invoker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Teemo's Cruelty", ["abilityicon"] = "Little Devil Teemo profileicon.png", ["active"] = "Scatters {{ap|5|6|42}} Infernal Souls around a random enemy. When an enemy nears an Infernal Soul (or after 3 seconds), it explodes dealing {{ap|130|160|666}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby enemies and reducing their {{as|attack speed}} by 50% for 3 seconds.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Little Devil", ["tier"] = 5, ["blood"] = 6, ["render"] = "Teemo LittleDevil Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hellion"}, ["class"] = {"Cruel", "Invoker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Teemo's Cruelty", ["abilityicon"] = "Little Devil Teemo profileicon.png", ["active"] = "Scatters {{ap|5|6|42}} Infernal Souls around a random enemy. When an enemy nears an Infernal Soul (or after 3 seconds), it explodes dealing {{ap|120|160|666}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby enemies and reducing their {{as|attack speed}} by 50% for 3 seconds.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Terra"] = { [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original TFT", ["tier"] = 5, ["cost"] = 8, ["render"] = "05DE015-full.png", ["origin"] = {""}, ["class"] = {"Dragon", "Monolith"}, ["abilityname"] = "Dragon's Descent", ["abilityicon"] = "Dragon's Descent.png", ["active"] = "Stomps three times causing an earthquake around them, dealing physical damage of their combined {{as|Armor}} and {{as|Magic Resist}} plus 200% of their {{as|Attack Damage}}. At the end of the earthquake, gaining {{as|Armor}} and {{as|Magic Resist}} for 8 seconds.", ["hp"] = 1500, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 70, ["mr"] = 70, ["behavior"] = "Melee", }, }, ["Thresh"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Deep Terror", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Thresh DeepTerror Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ocean"}, ["class"] = {"Warden"}, ["abilityname"] = "Deep Sea Lantern", ["abilityicon"] = "Dark Passage.png", ["active"] = "After a {{fd|0.25}}-second delay, throws his lantern to the {{as|lowest-health}} ally, shielding them and nearby allies for {{ap|250|400|600}} {{TFT AP}} health for 5 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Pulsefire", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Thresh Pulsefire Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chrono"}, ["class"] = {"Mana-Reaver"}, ["abilityname"] = "Temporal Passage", ["abilityicon"] = "Dark Passage.png", ["active"] = "Tosses his lantern towards {{ap|1|1|9}} random units on your bench, pulling them into combat and granting them {{ap|25|50|200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' mana}}. Traits are unaffected.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.95, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Pulsefire", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Thresh Pulsefire Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chrono"}, ["class"] = {"Mana-Reaver"}, ["abilityname"] = "Temporal Passage", ["abilityicon"] = "Dark Passage.png", ["active"] = "Tosses his lantern towards {{ap|1|1|9}} random units on your bench, pulling them into combat and granting them {{ap|25|50|200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' mana}}. Traits are unaffected.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.95, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 55, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Spirit Blossom", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Thresh SpiritBlossom NightBlossom Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dusk"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Spectral Lantern", ["abilityicon"] = "Dark Passage.png", ["active"] = "Throws his lantern to the {{as|lowest-health}} ally, shielding them and nearby allies for {{ap|250|450|750}} {{TFT AP}} damage for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 80, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Original TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Thresh TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Forgotten"}, ["class"] = {"Knight"}, ["abilityname"] = "Death Sentence", ["abilityicon"] = "Death Sentence.png", ["active"] = "Throws his scythe, chaining to the farthest enemy dealing {{ap|200|400|1000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT airborne|pulling}} them toward himself for {{ap|2|3|4}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Thresh TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Forgotten"}, ["class"] = {"Knight"}, ["abilityname"] = "Death Sentence", ["abilityicon"] = "Death Sentence.png", ["active"] = "Throws his scythe, chaining to the farthest enemy dealing {{ap|175|350|800}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT airborne|pulling}} them toward himself for {{ap|2|3|4}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Steel Dragon TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Thresh SteelDragon TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Whispers"}, ["class"] = {"Guardian"}, ["abilityname"] = "Death Sentence", ["abilityicon"] = "Death Sentence.png", ["active"] = "Hooks the farthest enemy, dealing {{ap|175|350|800}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT airborne|pulling}} them toward himself for 2 seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 150, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Tristana"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Tristana Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Yordle"}, ["class"] = {"Gunslinger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Explosive Charge", ["abilityicon"] = "Explosive Charge.png", ["active"] = "Places a bomb on her current target that detonates after 4 seconds or 3 basic attacks, dealing {{ap|70 to 150 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the target and all enemies adjacent to the target. The damage is increased by 50% with each basic attack on the target, dealing up to {{ap|70*2.5 to 150*2.5 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dragon Trainer", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Tristana DragonTrainer Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dragonsoul"}, ["class"] = {"Sharpshooter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Rapid Fire", ["abilityicon"] = "Rapid Fire.png", ["active"] = "Gains {{ap|60|65|70}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} and {{ap|40|60|80}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} on-hit for 3 seconds.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Little Demon", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Tristana LittleDemon TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hellion"}, ["class"] = {"Cannoneer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Rocket Jump", ["abilityicon"] = "Rocket Jump.png", ["active"] = "Leaps away from enemies and gains {{ap|120|130|140}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as| '''bonus''' attack speed}} for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 65, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Tristana Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Yordle"}, ["class"] = {"Sniper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Buster Shot", ["abilityicon"] = "Buster Shot.png", ["active"] = "Fires a massive cannonball towards her target, dealing {{ap|125|150|175}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ {{ap|200|210|225}}% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}} to the first enemy it hits. If the target is within 2 hexes of her, they're {{tip|TFT airborne|knocked back}} {{ap|1|2|3}} hexes and briefly {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}}.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "DragonTrainer", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Tristana DragonTrainer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Trainer"}, ["class"] = {"Cannoneer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Explosive Charge", ["abilityicon"] = "Explosive Charge.png", ["active"] = "Fires up to 2 explosive charges, prioritizing the closest targets without a charge. Charges detonate after 1 second, dealing {{as|{{ap|165|170|175}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} to nearby enemies and {{ap|130|160|200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} to the target.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Trundle"] = { [5] = { ["skin"] = "Dragonslayer TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Trundle Dragonslayer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dragonslayer"}, ["class"] = {"Skirmisher"}, ["abilityname"] = "Subjugate", ["abilityicon"] = "Subjugate.png", ["active"] = "Drains the strength of his current target, reducing their {{as|health}}, {{as|armor}}, {{as|magic resistance}}, and {{as|attack damage}} by 35% and granting himself {{ap|100|130|200}}% {{TFT AP}} of the drained stats for 8 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Junkyard", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Trundle Junkyard Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Scrap"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser"}, ["abilityname"] = "Chomp", ["abilityicon"] = "Chomp.png", ["active"] = "Bites his target dealing {{as|140% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}, reduces the {{as|attack speed}} of the target by 25% for 3 seconds, and steals {{ap|20|25|40}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|attack damage}} for the rest of combat.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Tryndamere"] = { [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Warring Kingdoms", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Tryndamere WarringKingdoms Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Warlord"}, ["class"] = {"Duelist", "Slayer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Spinning Slash", ["abilityicon"] = "Spinning Slash.png", ["active"] = "Spins towards the most enemies in a line dealing {{as|140% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} to enemies hit and empowering his next 3 basic attacks to deal {{ap|75|100|200}}% {{TFT AP}} '''bonus''' damage.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 85, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Chemtech", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Tryndamere Chemtech Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chemtech"}, ["class"] = {"Challenger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Spinning Slash", ["abilityicon"] = "Spinning Slash.png", ["active"] = "Spins towards the most enemies in a line dealing {{ap|70|90|110}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ 100% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}} to enemies hit and empowering his next 3 basic attacks to deal 25% '''bonus''' damage.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Twisted Fate"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Cutpurse", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Twisted Fate Cutpurse Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Pirate"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Pick a Card", ["abilityicon"] = "Pick a Card.png", ["active"] = "After a small delay, randomly selects one of three cards, enhancing his next basic attack to deal {{ap|150 to 350 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} and apply an additional effect:<br />[[File:Blue Card.png|border|20px|link=]] Blue Card: Restores {{ap|30 to 70 3}} {{as|mana}} to himself and adjacent allies.<br />[[File:Red Card.png|border|20px|link=]] Red Card: Deals the same {{as|magic damage}} to enemies adjacent to the target.<br />[[File:Gold Card.png|border|20px|link=]] Gold Card: {{tip|TFT stun|Stuns}} the target for {{ap|2 to 4 3}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Pulsefire", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Twisted Fate Pulsefire Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chrono"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Wild Cards", ["abilityicon"] = "Wild Cards.png", ["active"] = "Throws three cards in a cone that deal {{ap|200|300|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to each enemy they pass through.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Pulsefire", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Twisted Fate Pulsefire Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chrono"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Wild Cards", ["abilityicon"] = "Wild Cards.png", ["active"] = "Throws three cards in a cone that deal {{ap|200|300|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to each enemy they pass through.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Blood Moon", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Twisted Fate BloodMoon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cultist"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Wild Cards", ["abilityicon"] = "Wild Cards.png", ["active"] = "Throws three cards in a cone that deal {{ap|250|350|475}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to each enemy they pass through.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Blood Moon", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Twisted Fate BloodMoon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cultist"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Wild Cards", ["abilityicon"] = "Wild Cards.png", ["active"] = "Throws three cards in a cone that deal {{ap|250|350|475}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to each enemy they pass through.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Crime City Nightmare", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Twisted Fate CrimeCityNightmare Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Syndicate"}, ["class"] = {"Arcanist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Wild Cards", ["abilityicon"] = "Wild Cards.png", ["active"] = "Throws three cards in a cone that deal {{ap|155|205|275}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to each enemy they pass through.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Twitch"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Twitch Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Poison"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Spray and Pray", ["abilityicon"] = "Spray and Pray.png", ["active"] = "For the next 8 seconds, gains {{as|{{ap|30|60|200}}% AD}} {{as|'''bonus''' physical damage on-hit}} and infinite range. During this time his basic attacks travel their full range and hit every enemy they pass through. This also applies on-hit effects.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Twitch Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chemtech"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Piercing Bolt", ["abilityicon"] = "Spray and Pray.png", ["active"] = "Fires a powerful bolt towards his target that pierces through enemies hit, dealing {{ap|25|50|75}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ {{ap|125|135|150}}% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}} and applying {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} for 5 seconds.", ["hp"] = 450, ["mana"] = 35, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 15, ["mr"] = 15, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Twitch Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chemtech"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Piercing Bolt", ["abilityicon"] = "Spray and Pray.png", ["active"] = "Fires a powerful bolt towards his target that pierces through enemies hit, dealing {{ap|60|70|80}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ 125% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}} and applying {{tip|TFT Grievous Wounds|Grievous Wounds}} for 5 seconds.", ["hp"] = 450, ["mana"] = 45, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 15, ["mr"] = 15, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Twitch Shadowfoot", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Twitch TwitchShadowfoot Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Guild"}, ["class"] = {"Swiftshot"}, ["abilityname"] = "Blast Potion", ["abilityicon"] = "Venom Cask.png", ["active"] = "Hurls an exploding flask at his target, dealing {{ap|50|75|100}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ 120% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}} and reducing the {{as|armor}} of enemies hit by 40% for 5 seconds.<br />{{sbc|Guild Bonus:}} Gain 10% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Udyr"] = { [5] = { ["skin"] = "Dragon Oracle TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Udyr DragonOracle TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Draconic"}, ["class"] = {"Skirmisher"}, ["abilityname"] = "Feral Instinct", ["abilityicon"] = "Monkey's Agility.png", ["active"] = "Swaps between Turtle and Tiger stance with each cast, gaining the following benefits:<br />[[File:Turtle Stance.png|20px|link=]] {{sbc|Turtle:}} Gains a {{ap|250|350|550}} {{TFT AP}} shield for 4 seconds.<br />[[File:Tiger Stance.png|20px|link=]] {{sbc|Tiger:}} Strikes 3 times quickly with his next basic attack dealing {{as|{{ap|120|130|180}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dragon Oracle TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Udyr DragonOracle TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Draconic"}, ["class"] = {"Skirmisher"}, ["abilityname"] = "Feral Instinct", ["abilityicon"] = "Monkey's Agility.png", ["active"] = "Swaps between Turtle and Tiger stance with each cast, gaining the following benefits:<br />[[File:Turtle Stance.png|20px|link=]] {{sbc|Turtle:}} Gains a {{ap|250|350|600}} {{TFT AP}} shield for 4 seconds.<br />[[File:Tiger Stance.png|20px|link=]] {{sbc|Tiger:}} Strikes 3 times quickly with his next basic attack dealing {{as|{{ap|120|130|180}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Urgot"] = { [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Battlecast", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Urgot Battlecast Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Battlecast"}, ["class"] = {"Protector"}, ["abilityname"] = "Fear Beyond Death", ["abilityicon"] = "Fear Beyond Death.png", ["active"] = "Fires a drill at the farthest enemy, reeling the first enemy it hits in over {{ap|3|2|1}} seconds. Once they reach him, he repeatedly deals 2000 {{as|true damage}} very quickly until they die. After each successful cast, the {{as|mana cost}} of this ability is reduced by {{ap|20|30|100}} {{TFT AP}}.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Urgot Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chemtech"}, ["class"] = {"Twinshot"}, ["abilityname"] = "Purge", ["abilityicon"] = "Purge.png", ["active"] = "For the next {{ap|5|5|10}} {{TFT AP}} seconds, he attacks the closest enemy at a fixed rate of {{ap|5|7|12}} attacks per second. Each attack deals {{as|30% AD}}{{times}}{{as|30% attack speed}} {{as|physical damage}}. Ever 3rd attack from this ability counts as a basic attack.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Varus"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Varus Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Demon"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Piercing Arrow", ["abilityicon"] = "Piercing Arrow.png", ["active"] = "After channeling for {{fd|1.5}} seconds, fires a piercing arrow up to 8 hexes away, dealing {{ap|300 to 800 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies in its path.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [2] = { ["skin"] = "Infernal", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Varus Infernal Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Inferno"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Piercing Arrow", ["abilityicon"] = "Piercing Arrow.png", ["active"] = "After channeling for {{fd|1.5}} seconds, fires a piercing arrow up to 8 hexes away, dealing {{ap|225|450|800}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies in its path.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Arclight", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Varus Arclight TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Redeemed"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Holy Arrows", ["abilityicon"] = "Hail of Arrows.png", ["active"] = "Fires a hail of arrows around his target, dealing {{as|{{ap|150|155|165}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}. '''Varus''' and allies within the area are blessed for 6 seconds, causing them to deal {{ap|40|60|90}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} with their basic attacks for the duration.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Arclight", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Varus Arclight TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Redeemed"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Holy Arrows", ["abilityicon"] = "Hail of Arrows.png", ["active"] = "Fires a hail of arrows around his target, dealing {{as|{{ap|150|155|165}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}. '''Varus''' and allies within the area are blessed for 6 seconds, causing them to deal {{ap|40|60|90}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} with their basic attacks for the duration.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Cosmic Hunter TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Varus CosmicHunter TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Astral"}, ["class"] = {"Swiftshot"}, ["abilityname"] = "Chain of Constellations", ["abilityicon"] = "Chain of Corruption.png", ["active"] = "Sends out a cosmic tendril towards his target that strikes the first enemy hit, dealing {{as|250% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5|1.75|2}} seconds. Tendrils then spread to 3 nearby enemies, dealing {{ap|100|180|300}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for the remainder of the duration.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Vayne"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Arclight", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Vayne Arclight Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Noble"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Silver Bolts", ["abilityicon"] = "Silver Bolts.png", ["passive"] = "Basic attacks apply a ''Silver Bolts'' stack. Attacking a new enemy removes all her stacks from the previous target.<br />The third stack consumes them all to deal {{as|{{ap|8|12|16}}% {{TFT AP}} of target's '''maximum''' health}} {{as|'''bonus''' true damage}}.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [2] = { ["skin"] = "Arclight", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Vayne Arclight Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Light"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Silver Bolts", ["abilityicon"] = "Silver Bolts.png", ["passive"] = "Basic attacks apply a ''Silver Bolts'' stack. Attacking a new enemy removes all her stacks from the previous target.<br />The third stack consumes them all to deal {{as|{{ap|10|13|16}}% {{TFT AP}} of target's '''maximum''' health}} {{as|'''bonus''' true damage}}.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "PROJECT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Vayne PROJECT Helmet Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cybernetic"}, ["class"] = {"Sniper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Final Hour", ["abilityicon"] = "Final Hour.png", ["active"] = "Focuses for 10 {{TFT AP}} seconds, tumbling away from her target immediately and every third attack thereafter. When she tumbles, she becomes {{tip|TFT invisible|invisible}} and her next basic attack deals {{as|{{ap|175|200|275}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 6, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Spirit Blossom", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Vayne SpiritBlossom Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dusk"}, ["class"] = {"Sharpshooter"}, ["abilityname"] = "Silver Bolts", ["abilityicon"] = "Silver Bolts.png", ["passive"] = "Basic attacks apply a ''Silver Bolts'' stack. The third stack consumes all stacks on the target to deal {{ap|50|90|130}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' true damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Soulstealer", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Vayne Soulstealer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Forgotten"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Silver Bolts", ["abilityicon"] = "Silver Bolts.png", ["passive"] = "Basic attacks apply a ''Silver Bolts'' stack. The third stack consumes all stacks on the target to deal {{ap|70|100|140}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' true damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 30, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 15, ["mr"] = 15, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Soulstealer", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Vayne Soulstealer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Forgotten"}, ["class"] = {"Ranger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Silver Bolts", ["abilityicon"] = "Silver Bolts.png", ["passive"] = "Basic attacks apply a ''Silver Bolts'' stack. The third stack consumes all stacks on the target to deal {{ap|70|85|100}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' true damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 35, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 15, ["mr"] = 15, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Veigar"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Veigar Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Yordle"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Primordial Burst", ["abilityicon"] = "Primordial Burst.png", ["active"] = "Blasts an enemy with magical energy, dealing {{ap|350 to 950 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the target enemy.<br />If '''Veigar''' is a higher star level than his target, the damage is increased to 19999.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.55, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Veigar Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Shadow"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Primordial Burst", ["abilityicon"] = "Primordial Burst.png", ["active"] = "Blasts an enemy, dealing {{ap|325|650|975}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.<br />If '''Veigar''' is a higher star level than his target, instantly kill it.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Elderwood", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Veigar Elderwood Amethyst Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Elderwood"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Butterfly Burst", ["abilityicon"] = "Dark Matter.png", ["active"] = "Blasts the enemy with the {{as|lowest total-health}}, dealing {{ap|450|600|900}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. If this kills the target, he permanently gains {{ap|1|1|2}} {{tip|TFT AP|ability power}}.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 55, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Elderwood", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Veigar Elderwood Amethyst Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Elderwood"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Dark Blossom", ["abilityicon"] = "Dark Matter.png", ["active"] = "Blasts the enemy with the {{as|lowest total-health}}, dealing {{ap|500|650|1000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. If this kills the target, he permanently gains {{ap|1|1|2}} {{tip|TFT AP|ability power}}.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 55, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "FuryhornCosplay", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Veigar FuryhornCosplay (Base).png", ["origin"] = {"Yordle-Lord"}, ["class"] = {}, ["abilityname"] = "Furyhorn Storm", ["abilityicon"] = "Furyhorn Cosplay Veigar profileicon.png", ["active"] = "Calls down {{ap|20|30|99}} Furyhorns over a few seconds near random enemies, each dealing {{ap|250|300|777}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "FuryhornCosplay", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Veigar FuryhornCosplay (Base).png", ["origin"] = {"Yordle-Lord"}, ["class"] = {}, ["abilityname"] = "Furyhorn Storm", ["abilityicon"] = "Furyhorn Cosplay Veigar profileicon.png", ["active"] = "Calls down {{ap|20|30|99}} Furyhorns over a few seconds near random enemies, each dealing {{ap|300|325|777}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Vel'Koz"] = { [3] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Vel'Koz Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Void"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Lifeform Disintegration Ray", ["abilityicon"] = "Life Form Disintegration Ray.png", ["active"] = "Channels a 4-hex ray of energy that sweeps across the battlefield in a 60° cone, in 1400 range with 200 width range over 2 seconds, dealing {{ap|450|600|2000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} each second with each tick of damage occurring every {{fd|0.25}} seconds to enemies hit.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Arclight", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Vel'Koz Arclight TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Redeemed"}, ["class"] = {"Spellweaver"}, ["abilityname"] = "Lifeform Disintegration Ray", ["abilityicon"] = "Life Form Disintegration Ray.png", ["active"] = "Channels a ray of energy toward the enemy nearest to the center of the battlefield over 3 seconds, dealing total {{ap|900|1150|4000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over the duration. The beam widens as Vel'Koz channels, and he will turn if there are no enemies in the area.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Arclight", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Vel'Koz Arclight TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Redeemed"}, ["class"] = {"Spellweaver"}, ["abilityname"] = "Lifeform Disintegration Ray", ["abilityicon"] = "Life Form Disintegration Ray.png", ["active"] = "Channels a ray of energy toward the enemy nearest to the center of the battlefield over 3 seconds, dealing total {{ap|850|1100|4000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} over the duration. The beam widens as Vel'Koz channels, and he will turn if there are no enemies in the area.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Vex"] = { [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Vex Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Yordle"}, ["class"] = {"Arcanist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Personal Space", ["abilityicon"] = "Vex Personal Space.png", ["active"] = "Shields herself for {{ap|525|675|850}} {{TFT AP}} over 4 seconds. When the shield expires, it deals {{ap|100|135|175}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies within 2 hexes and {{ap|100|135|175}} {{TFT AP}} '''bonus''' damage if it wasn't destroyed. If it was destroyed, the ability becomes 15% stronger this combat. This effect can stack.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Vex Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Yordle"}, ["class"] = {"Arcanist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Personal Space", ["abilityicon"] = "Vex Personal Space.png", ["active"] = "Shields herself for {{ap|500|650|850}} {{TFT AP}} over 4 seconds. When the shield expires, it deals {{ap|100|135|175}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies within 2 hexes and {{ap|100|135|175}} {{TFT AP}} '''bonus''' damage if it wasn't destroyed. If it was destroyed, the ability becomes 15% stronger this combat. This effect can stack.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Vi"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Vi Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hextech"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Assault and Battery", ["abilityicon"] = "Assault and Battery.png", ["active"] = "Charges at the farthest enemy, dealing {{ap|300 to 700 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT Airborne|knocking aside}} all enemies along the way. Upon reaching her target, deals the same {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT Airborne|knocks them up}} for {{ap|2 to 3 3}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "PROJECT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Vi PROJECT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cybernetic"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Assault and Battery", ["abilityicon"] = "Assault and Battery.png", ["active"] = "Charges in 1000 speed at the farthest enemy, dealing {{ap|150|200|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT Airborne|knocking aside}} all enemies for {{fd|0.25}} seconds along the way. Upon reaching her target, deals {{ap|400|600|1200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT Airborne|knocks them up}} for {{ap|2|2.5|3}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 140, ["startmana"] = 70, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "PROJECT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Vi PROJECT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cybernetic"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Assault and Battery", ["abilityicon"] = "Assault and Battery.png", ["active"] = "Charges in 1000 speed at the farthest enemy, dealing {{ap|150|200|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT Airborne|knocking aside}} all enemies for {{fd|0.25}} seconds along the way. Upon reaching her target, deals {{ap|350|550|1350}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT Airborne|knocks them up}} for {{ap|2|2.5|3}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 140, ["startmana"] = 70, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Warring Kingdoms", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Vi WarringKingdoms Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Warlord"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Denting Blow", ["abilityicon"] = "Relentless Force 2.png", ["active"] = "Blasts through her target, dealing {{ap|250|400|800}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies in a cone and reducing their {{as|armor}} by {{ap|40|60|80}}% for 8 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Warring Kingdoms", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Vi WarringKingdoms Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Warlord"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Denting Blow", ["abilityicon"] = "Relentless Force 2.png", ["active"] = "Blasts through her target, dealing {{ap|250|425|850}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies in a cone and reducing their {{as|armor}} by {{ap|40|50|70}}% for 8 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Arcane", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Vi Arcane Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Enforcer", "Sister"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser"}, ["abilityname"] = "Denting Blow", ["abilityicon"] = "Relentless Force.png", ["active"] = "Empowers her next basic attack to blast through her target, dealing {{ap|250|375|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies in a cone and reducing their {{as|armor}} by {{ap|40|50|70}}% for 8 seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Vi Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Enforcer", "Rival"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser"}, ["abilityname"] = "Piltover Pulverizer", ["abilityicon"] = "Relentless Force.png", ["active"] = "Shield herself for {{ap|225|325|850}} {{TFT AP}} and deals {{ap|175|250|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to her target and enemies behind it.<br />On her second cast, she also dashes through her target.<br />On her third cast, she instead throws her target into the air and slams them back to the ground behind them, dealing {{ap|250|350|900}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} in a circle around her target.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 20, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Viego"] = { [5] = { ["skin"] = "Original TFT", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Viego TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Forgotten"}, ["class"] = {"Skirmisher", "Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Sovereign's Domination", ["abilityicon"] = "Sovereign's Domination.png", ["active"] = "Corrupts his target's soul for 5 seconds, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them and dealing {{ap|180|300|1500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} each second, increased by 100% each second. '''Viego''' will be interrupted if he is {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}}. If his victim dies they are resurrected at full health to fight for him, but lose {{as|{{ap|15|7|0}}% of their '''maximum''' health}} per second.<br />Viego's allies prefer to not target Viego's victim while they're being corrupted, and corrupted enemies benefit from your team's Traits rather than their original owner's traits.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original TFT", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Viego TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Forgotten"}, ["class"] = {"Skirmisher", "Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Sovereign's Domination", ["abilityicon"] = "Sovereign's Domination.png", ["active"] = "Corrupts {{ap|1|1|8}} targets' soul within 3 hexes for 5 seconds, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them and dealing {{ap|150|400|2000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} each second, increased by 50% each second. '''Viego''' will be interrupted if he is {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}}. If his victim dies they are resurrected at full health to fight for him, but lose {{as|{{ap|10|5|0}}% of their '''maximum''' health}} per second.<br />Viego's allies prefer to not target Viego's victim while they're being corrupted, and corrupted enemies benefit from your team's Traits rather than their original owner's traits.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Viktor"] = { [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Creator", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Viktor Creator Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Battlecast"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Death Ray", ["abilityicon"] = "Augment- Aftershock.png", ["active"] = "Burns a path between the two enemies most distant from one another, initially dealing {{as|{{ap|15|20|80}}% {{TFT AP}} of target's '''maximum''' health}} {{as|magic damage}}, then 1 second later dealing {{ap|200|325|1500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} in an explosion along the same path.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Death Sworn", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Viktor DeathSworn TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Forgotten"}, ["class"] = {"Spellweaver"}, ["abilityname"] = "Siphon Power", ["abilityicon"] = "Siphon Power.png", ["active"] = "Blasts his target, dealing {{ap|300|500|850}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the nearest enemy and granting a {{ap|150|250|425}} {{TFT AP}} shield to the 3 allies nearest to that enemy for 5 seconds.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Viktor Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chemtech"}, ["class"] = {"Arcanist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Chaos Rays", ["abilityicon"] = "Death Ray.png", ["passive"] = "Basic attacks reduces the target's {{as|armor}} by 70% for 6 seconds.", ["active"] = "Summons {{ap|3|4|12}} singularities to fire death rays that cut across the battlefield in a line and melt enemy defenses. To enemies caught in its path, death rays deal {{ap|360|420|1500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and destroys {{ap|25|35|100}}% of any remaining shields.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 140, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Viktor Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chemtech"}, ["class"] = {"Arcanist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Chaos Rays", ["abilityicon"] = "Death Ray.png", ["passive"] = "Basic attacks reduces the target's {{as|armor}} by 70% for 6 seconds.", ["active"] = "Summons {{ap|3|4|12}} singularities to fire death rays that cut across the battlefield in a line and melt enemy defenses. To enemies caught in its path, death rays deal {{ap|360|420|1500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and destroys {{ap|40|50|200}}% of any remaining shields.", ["hp"] = 851, ["mana"] = 145, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Vladimir"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Dark Waters", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Vladimir DarkWaters Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ocean"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Drain", ["abilityicon"] = "Transfusion.png", ["active"] = "Deals {{ap|200|325|500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the target and heals himself for the same amount.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Blood Lord", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Vladimir BloodLord Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cultist"}, ["class"] = {"Syphoner"}, ["abilityname"] = "Transfusion", ["abilityicon"] = "Transfusion.png", ["active"] = "Deals {{ap|400|600|1000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to his target. All nearby allies are healed for 50% of the damage dealt.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Nightbringer TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Vladimir Nightbringer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Nightbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Renewer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Transfusion", ["abilityicon"] = "Transfusion.png", ["active"] = "Deals {{ap|300|420|540}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to his target and heals for {{ap|200|280|360}} {{TFT AP}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Nightbringer TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Vladimir Nightbringer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Nightbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Renewer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Transfusion", ["abilityicon"] = "Transfusion.png", ["active"] = "Deals {{ap|300|420|540}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to his target and heals for {{ap|200|280|360}} {{TFT AP}}.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Cosmic Devourer TFT", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Vladimir CosmicDevourer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Astral"}, ["class"] = {"Mage"}, ["abilityname"] = "Transfusion", ["abilityicon"] = "Transfusion.png", ["active"] = "Deals {{ap|250|350|350}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to his target and heals for {{ap|200|250|300}} {{TFT AP}}.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 20, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 2, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Volibear"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["variant"] = "old", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Volibear Render old2.png", ["origin"] = {"Glacial"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Thunder Claws", ["abilityicon"] = "Thunder Claws.png", ["active"] = "Gains 8% increased size and empowers his basic attacks for the next 20 seconds, causing them to chain to up to {{ap|2 to 4 3}} enemies, dealing {{as|{{ap|80 to 100 3}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} to secondary targets and applying on-hit effects.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["variant"] = "old", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Volibear Render old2.png", ["origin"] = {"Glacial", "Electric"}, ["class"] = {"Berserker"}, ["abilityname"] = "Frenzied Bite", ["abilityicon"] = "Frenzy.png", ["active"] = "Bites his target in 2-hex range, priority for his attack target, dealing {{ap|200|450|850}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. If the target is {{as|'''below''' 35% health}} it is killed instantly. If the target dies during the execute, fully restores mana.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "The Thousand-Pierced Bear TFT", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Volibear TheThousand-PiercedBear TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Revenant"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Doombringer", ["abilityicon"] = "Thundering Smash.png", ["active"] = "Leaps toward his target then slams the ground in a large area around him, removing any shields, dealing {{ap|150|300|5000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking up}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} enemies for {{ap|2.5|3.5|10}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 1100, ["mana"] = 200, ["startmana"] = 110, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "The Thousand-Pierced Bear TFT", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Volibear TheThousand-PiercedBear TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Revenant"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Doombringer", ["abilityicon"] = "Thundering Smash.png", ["active"] = "Leaps toward his target then slams the ground in a large area around him, dealing {{ap|125|250|5000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking up}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} enemies for {{ap|2|3.5|10}} seconds. This deals double damage against shields.", ["hp"] = 1000, ["mana"] = 200, ["startmana"] = 110, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 60, ["mr"] = 60, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Duality Dragon TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Volibear DualityDragon TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Shimmerscale"}, ["class"] = {"Dragonmancer", "Legend"}, ["abilityname"] = "Relentless Storm", ["abilityicon"] = "The Relentless Storm.png", ["active"] = "Rages, gaining {{ap|375|650|1200}} {{as|'''bonus''' health}}. For the rest of combat, every 3rd attack deals {{ap|110|155|215}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} to the target, and {{ap|110|155|215}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to 4 enemies.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Duality Dragon TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Volibear DualityDragon TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Shimmerscale"}, ["class"] = {"Dragonmancer", "Legend"}, ["abilityname"] = "Relentless Storm", ["abilityicon"] = "The Relentless Storm.png", ["active"] = "Rages, gaining {{ap|375|650|1200}} {{as|'''bonus''' health}}. For the rest of combat, every 3rd attack deals {{ap|110|155|215}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} to the target, and {{ap|110|155|215}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to 4 enemies.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Warwick"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Warwick Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Wild"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Infinite Duress", ["abilityicon"] = "Infinite Duress.png", ["active"] = "Pounces on the enemy with the {{as|lowest health}}, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds and striking them 3 times, dealing a total of {{ap|150 to 300 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. Each strike triggers on-hit effects and heals for all the damage dealt.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [2] = { ["skin"] = "Tundra Hunter", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Warwick TundraHunter Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Glacial"}, ["class"] = {"Predator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Infinite Duress", ["abilityicon"] = "Infinite Duress.png", ["active"] = "Pounces on the enemy with the {{as|lowest health}}, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds and striking them 3 times, dealing a total of {{ap|200|500|800}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. Each strike triggers on-hit effects and heals for all the damage dealt.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 125, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Lunar Guardian", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Warwick LunarGuardian Golden Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Divine"}, ["class"] = {"Hunter", "Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Primal Hunger", ["abilityicon"] = "Eternal Hunger.png", ["active"] = "Gains {{ap|135|150|500}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}}, {{ap|40|40|200}}% lifesteal, and moves faster for the rest of combat. While in this state, if he scores a takedown he howls, granting himself and allies who share a trait with him {{ap|60|75|200}}% {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 3 seconds.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 85, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Grey", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Warwick Grey TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Forgotten"}, ["class"] = {"Brawler"}, ["abilityname"] = "Infinite Duress", ["abilityicon"] = "Infinite Duress.png", ["active"] = "Leaps to the enemy with the {{as|lowest percent health}}, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them and dealing {{ap|200|300|450}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and healing himself for 80% of the damage over 2 seconds. If this ability kills the target, he will instantly cast again.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Warwick Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chemtech"}, ["class"] = {"Challenger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Eternal Hunger", ["abilityicon"] = "Eternal Hunger.png", ["passive"] = "Basic attacks deal {{as|{{ap|7|9|12}}% {{TFT AP}} of the target's '''current''' health|health}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}}, and heal him for {{ap|35|50|75}} {{TFT AP}}.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Warwick Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chemtech"}, ["class"] = {"Challenger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Eternal Hunger", ["abilityicon"] = "Eternal Hunger.png", ["passive"] = "Basic attacks deal {{as|{{ap|7|9|12}}% {{TFT AP}} of the target's '''current''' health|health}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}}, and heal him for {{ap|30|40|50}} {{TFT AP}}.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Wukong"] = { [3] = { ["skin"] = "Lancer Stratus", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Wukong LancerStratus Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chrono"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Cyclone", ["abilityicon"] = "Cyclone.png", ["active"] = "Spins rapidly around in 1-hex radius, dealing {{ap|300|500|4000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby units over 3 seconds, prioritizing hitting the nearest enemy not yet hit. The first time he hits each enemy, he {{tip|TFT airborne|knocks}} them into the air and {{tip|TFT stun|stuns}} them for {{ap|2|2|5}} seconds. ''Knocking is not stacking.''", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Lancer Stratus", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Wukong LancerStratus Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chrono"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Cyclone", ["abilityicon"] = "Cyclone.png", ["active"] = "Spins rapidly around in 1-hex radius, dealing {{ap|300|500|4000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to nearby units over 3 seconds, prioritizing hitting the nearest enemy not yet hit. The first time he hits each enemy, he {{tip|TFT airborne|knocks}} them into the air and {{tip|TFT stun|stuns}} them for {{ap|2|2|5}} seconds. ''Knocking is not stacking.''", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 55, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Radiant", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Wukong Radiant Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Divine"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Crushing Blow", ["abilityicon"] = "Crushing Blow.png", ["active"] = "Slams his target with his staff, basic attacking for {{as|{{ap|225|265|280}}% {{TFT AP}} AD}} {{as|physical damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5|2|3}} seconds. This does not apply spell effects.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Radiant", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Wukong Radiant Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Divine"}, ["class"] = {"Vanguard"}, ["abilityname"] = "Crushing Blow", ["abilityicon"] = "Crushing Blow.png", ["active"] = "Slams his target with his staff, basic attacking for {{as|{{ap|240|250|260}}% {{TFT AP}} AD}} {{as|physical damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5|2|3}} seconds. This does not apply spell effects.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 50, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Xayah"] = { [3] = { ["skin"] = "Cosmic Dusk", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Xayah CosmicDusk Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Celestial"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Deadly Plumage", ["abilityicon"] = "Deadly Plumage.png", ["active"] = "Creates a storm of feather-blades, gaining {{ap|100|125|150}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 8 seconds.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Cosmic Dusk", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Xayah CosmicDusk Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Celestial"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Deadly Plumage", ["abilityicon"] = "Deadly Plumage.png", ["active"] = "Creates a storm of feather-blades, gaining {{ap|100|125|150}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 8 seconds.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Elderwood", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Xayah Elderwood TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Elderwood"}, ["class"] = {"Executioner", "Keeper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Featherstorm", ["abilityicon"] = "Featherstorm.png", ["active"] = "Becomes untargetable and invulnerable as she leaps into the air, throwing out a fan of 9 feather daggers that pass through enemies and deal {{as|{{ap|250|275|350}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} to enemies within the cone. She then recalls her feathers, striking enemies for {{ap|100|200|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} per feather.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 130, ["startmana"] = 70, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Brave Phoenix TFT", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Xayah BravePhoenix Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ragewing"}, ["class"] = {"Swiftshot"}, ["abilityname"] = "Feathers FLY!", ["abilityicon"] = "Deadly Plumage.png", ["active"] = "For 4 seconds her basic attacks fire feathers at her target and the {{ap|2|2|5}} closest enemies near her target. Feathers are left behind her targets. At the end of the duration she recalls her feathers. Each one deals {{ap|15|25|75}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|(+ 35% AD)}} {{as|physical damage}} to enemies hit.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Brave Phoenix TFT", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Xayah BravePhoenix Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ragewing"}, ["class"] = {"Swiftshot"}, ["abilityname"] = "Feathers FLY!", ["abilityicon"] = "Deadly Plumage.png", ["active"] = "For 4 second, attacks also fire a feather, and extra feathers at up to {{ap|2|2|4}} enemies near target. Feathers are left behind targets. At the end of this duration, recalls her feathers. Each one deals {{ap|12|20|60}} physical damage to enemies hit.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 25, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Xerath"] = { [3] = { ["skin"] = "Dark Star", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Xerath DarkStar Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dark Star"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Abyssal Bombardment", ["abilityicon"] = "Rite of the Arcane.png", ["active"] = "Transforms, summoning meteors to strike random foes in place of his normal attacks for {{ap|6|8|45}} seconds. Meteors deal {{ap|300|400|2500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} upon impact and if they kill their target, all adjacent enemies take {{ap|75|100|625}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and are {{tip|TFT Stun|stunned}} for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 6, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dark Star", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Xerath DarkStar Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Dark Star"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Abyssal Bombardment", ["abilityicon"] = "Rite of the Arcane.png", ["active"] = "Transforms, summoning meteors to strike random foes in place of his normal attacks for {{ap|6|8|45}} seconds. Meteors deal {{ap|320|440|2500}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} upon impact and if they kill their target, all adjacent enemies take {{ap|80|110|625}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and are {{tip|TFT Stun|stunned}} for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 20, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 6, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Xin Zhao"] = { [3] = { ["skin"] = "Cosmic Defender", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Xin Zhao CosmicDefender Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Celestial"}, ["class"] = {"Protector"}, ["abilityname"] = "Three Talon Strike ", ["abilityicon"] = "Three Talon Strike.png", ["active"] = "Quickly strikes his target three times, dealing basic attack damage and applying on-hit effects. The third strike {{tip|TFT airborne|knocks}} his target up for {{fd|1.5}} seconds and deals {{ap|200|275|375}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Cosmic Defender", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Xin Zhao CosmicDefender Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Celestial"}, ["class"] = {"Protector"}, ["abilityname"] = "Three Talon Strike ", ["abilityicon"] = "Three Talon Strike.png", ["active"] = "Quickly strikes his target three times, dealing basic attack damage and applying on-hit effects. The third strike {{tip|TFT airborne|knocks}} his target up for {{fd|1.5}} seconds and deals {{ap|200|275|375}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Warring Kingdoms", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Xin Zhao WarringKingdoms Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Warlord"}, ["class"] = {"Duelist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Crescent Guard", ["abilityicon"] = "Crescent Guard.png", ["active"] = "Sweeps around him, dealing {{as|{{ap|330|340|350}}% {{TFT AP}} AD}} {{as|physical damage}} to nearby enemies and gains {{ap|50|60|75}} {{as|'''bonus''' armor}} and {{as|'''bonus''' magic resistance}} for the rest of combat.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Yasuo"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Yasuo Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Exile"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Steel Tempest", ["abilityicon"] = "Steel Tempest.png", ["active"] = "Stabs his sword into the two spaces in front of him, dealing {{ap|150 to 550 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and applying on-hit effects to enemies within.<br />Every third cast, instead throws a tornado in a line that travels 6 hexes, dealing the same {{as|magic damage}} and additionally {{tip|TFT airborne|knocking}} enemies up for {{fd|1.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 25, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [2] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Yasuo Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cloud"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Last Breath", ["abilityicon"] = "Last Breath.png", ["active"] = "Blinks to the enemy with the most items and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocks them up}}, holding them {{tip|TFT airborne|airborne}} for 1 second and hitting them {{ap|4 to 6 3}} times, dealing basic attack damage and applying on-hit effects with each hit.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3] = { ["skin"] = "Odyssey", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Yasuo Odyssey Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Rebel"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Last Breath", ["abilityicon"] = "Last Breath.png", ["active"] = "Blinks to the furthest enemy within (attack range + 2) hexes and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocks them up}}, holding them {{tip|TFT airborne|airborne}} for 1 second and hitting them {{ap|4|5|6}} {{TFT AP}} times, dealing basic attack damage and applying on-hit effects with each hit.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Odyssey", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Yasuo Odyssey Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Rebel"}, ["class"] = {"Blademaster"}, ["abilityname"] = "Last Breath", ["abilityicon"] = "Last Breath.png", ["active"] = "Blinks to the furthest enemy within (attack range + 2) hexes and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocks them up}}, holding them {{tip|TFT airborne|airborne}} for 1 second and hitting them {{ap|4|5|6}} {{TFT AP}} times, dealing basic attack damage and applying on-hit effects with each hit.", ["hp"] = 700, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Yasuo Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Exile"}, ["class"] = {"Duelist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Striking Steel", ["abilityicon"] = "Steel Tempest 3.png", ["active"] = "Strikes forward two hexes, basic attacking for {{as|{{ap|180|200|225}}% {{TFT AP}} AD}} {{as|physical damage}} and applying on-hit effects. If he can't hit two targets from where he's standing, he'll first dash to a place where he can. This does not apply spell effects.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 45, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Yasuo Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Exile"}, ["class"] = {"Duelist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Striking Steel", ["abilityicon"] = "Steel Tempest 3.png", ["active"] = "Strikes forward two hexes, basic attacking for {{as|{{ap|190|200|210}}% {{TFT AP}} AD}} {{as|physical damage}} and applying on-hit effects. If he can't hit two targets from where he's standing, he'll first dash to a place where he can. This does not apply spell effects.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 45, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Nightbringer TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Yasuo Nightbringer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Nightbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Legionnaire"}, ["abilityname"] = "Burning Blade", ["abilityicon"] = "Last Breath.png", ["active"] = "Strikes his target, dealing {{ap|250|350|650}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. He then empowers his blade, gaining stacking {{ap|25|35|65}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' true damage}} on-hit for the rest of combat.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Nightbringer TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Yasuo Nightbringer TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Nightbringer"}, ["class"] = {"Legionnaire"}, ["abilityname"] = "Burning Blade", ["abilityicon"] = "Last Breath.png", ["active"] = "Strikes his target, dealing {{ap|250|350|550}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. He then empowers his blade, gaining stacking {{ap|20|25|40}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' true damage}} on-hit for the rest of combat.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 35, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Dream Dragon TFT", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Yasuo DreamDragon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mirage"}, ["class"] = {"Dragonmancer", "Warrior"}, ["abilityname"] = "Sweeping Blade", ["abilityicon"] = "Sweeping Blade.png", ["active"] = "Shields himself for {{ap|180|240|2500}} {{TFT AP}} for {{ap|2|2|20}} seconds and dashes through his target, slashing nearby enemies for {{as|{{ap|160|175|2500}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}. Every third cast his slash deals triple damage, hits a larger area, and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocks up}} enemies for {{fd|1.5}} seconds. If he hits the only enemy left alive, he repeatedly slashes them until they die.", ["hp"] = 1100, ["mana"] = 25, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 85, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dream Dragon TFT", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Yasuo DreamDragon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mirage"}, ["class"] = {"Dragonmancer", "Warrior"}, ["abilityname"] = "Sweeping Blade", ["abilityicon"] = "Sweeping Blade.png", ["active"] = "Shields himself for {{ap|180|240|2500}} {{TFT AP}} for {{ap|2|2|20}} seconds and dashes through his target, slashing nearby enemies for {{as|{{ap|160|200|3000}}% AD}} {{as|physical damage}}. Every third cast his slash deals triple damage, hits a larger area, and {{tip|TFT airborne|knocks up}} enemies for {{fd|1.5}} seconds. If he hits the only enemy left alive, he repeatedly slashes them until they die.", ["hp"] = 1100, ["mana"] = 25, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 90, ["as"] = 1, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Yone"] = { [4] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Yone Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Exile"}, ["class"] = {"Adept"}, ["abilityname"] = "Seal Fate", ["abilityicon"] = "Fate Sealed.png", ["active"] = "Becomes untargetable and strikes along a path in front of him, dealing {{ap|800|1300|9999}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} split between all enemies hit. Enemies hit are marked for death, reducing their resistances by 60%.<br />Yone's spell is then replaced with '''Unforgotten''' until there are no remaining enemies marked for death.<br />'''Unforgotten''' (20 mana): Dashes to the {{as|lowest health}} enemy that is marked for death, dealing {{ap|250|400|1000}} {{TFT AP}} plus {{as|100% of target's '''missing''' health}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.95, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Yone Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Exile"}, ["class"] = {"Adept"}, ["abilityname"] = "Seal Fate", ["abilityicon"] = "Fate Sealed.png", ["active"] = "Becomes untargetable and strikes along a path in front of him, dealing {{ap|800|1200|20000}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} split between all enemies hit. Enemies hit are marked for death for 8 seconds, reducing their resistances by {{ap|60|60|70}}%.<br />Yone's spell is then replaced with '''Unforgotten''' until there are no remaining enemies marked for death.<br />'''Unforgotten''' (10 mana): Dashes to the {{as|lowest health}} enemy that is marked for death, dealing {{ap|350|750|9999}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}, increased up to 100% based on target's {{as|'''missing''' health}}.", ["hp"] = 950, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 80, ["as"] = 0.95, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Battle Academia", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Yone BattleAcademia Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Academy"}, ["class"] = {"Challenger"}, ["abilityname"] = "Soul Unbound", ["abilityicon"] = "Soul Unbound.png", ["active"] = "Summons his spirit to attack an enemy up to 3 hexes away for a {{ap|4|5|15}} seconds. The spirit is an untargetable, invulnerable copy of him and heals him for {{ap|40|50|100}}% {{TFT AP}} of the damage it deals. If he dies, his spirit dies with him.", ["hp"] = 900, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 90, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Spirit Blossom TFT", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Yone SpiritBlossom Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Mirage"}, ["class"] = {"Warrior"}, ["abilityname"] = "Way of the Hunter", ["abilityicon"] = "Way of the Hunter.png", ["passive"] = "His basic attacks alternate between dealing {{ap|100|150|200}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} and {{as|33% AD}} {{as|'''bonus''' physical damage}}.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.85, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 40, ["mr"] = 40, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Yorick"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Arclight", ["tier"] = 4, ["render"] = "Yorick Arclight Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Light"}, ["class"] = {"Summoner"}, ["abilityname"] = "Shepherd of Souls", ["abilityicon"] = "Eulogy of the Isles.png", ["active"] = "Blesses his {{ap|2|3|12}} {{as|lowest-health}} allies (except Minions of Light). When they die they are resurrected as a Minion of Light. Each Minion of Light has {{ap|500|700|2000}} {{as|health}}, {{ap|100|175|250}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|attack damage}}, {{fd|0.7}} {{as|attack speed}}, 20 {{as|armor}}, and can gain the {{TFTt|Light}} bonus (if active).", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 85, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 35, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Yuumi"] = { [4] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Yuumi Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Spirit"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Zoomies", ["abilityicon"] = "Zoomies.png", ["active"] = "Dashes to the {{as|lowest-health}} ally, healing them for {{as|{{ap|30|45|75}}% {{TFT AP}} of their '''missing''' health}} and granting them {{ap|30|40|60}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 5 seconds. She then repeats this on the farthest ally.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Yuumi Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Spirit"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Zoomies", ["abilityicon"] = "Zoomies.png", ["active"] = "Dashes to the {{as|lowest-health}} ally, healing them for {{as|{{ap|30|45|90}}% {{TFT AP}} of their '''missing''' health}} and granting them {{ap|30|40|60}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for 5 seconds. She then repeats this on the farthest ally.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Battle Principal", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Yuumi BattlePrincipal Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Academy", "Cuddly"}, ["class"] = {"Scholar"}, ["abilityname"] = "Final Chapter", ["abilityicon"] = "Final Chapter.png", ["active"] = "Detaches from an ally and then launch {{ap|3|5|33}} waves toward the farthest enemy, each dealing {{ap|45|80|247}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} per wave and {{tip|TFT stun|stuns}} enemies for 1 second. She then attaches to the nearest ally.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 200, ["startmana"] = 80, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.8, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Zac"] = { [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Zac Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chemtech"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser"}, ["abilityname"] = "Yoink!", ["abilityicon"] = "Stretching Strikes.png", ["active"] = "Stretches his arms up to 3 hexes to pull the 2 most distant enemies towards him, dealing {{ap|400|525|999}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Zac Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Chemtech"}, ["class"] = {"Bruiser"}, ["abilityname"] = "Yoink!", ["abilityicon"] = "Stretching Strikes.png", ["active"] = "Stretches his arms up to 3 hexes to pull the 2 most distant enemies towards him, dealing {{ap|300|450|700}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}. During this time he gains 60% damage reduction.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 90, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 60, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 45, ["mr"] = 45, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, }, ["Zed"] = { [1] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Zed Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ninja"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin"}, ["abilityname"] = "Razor Shuriken", ["abilityicon"] = "Razor Shuriken.png", ["active"] = "Throws a shuriken in a 4-hex line, dealing {{ap|200 to 500 3}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to all enemies in its path.", ["hp"] = 550, ["mana"] = 75, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 65, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [2] = { ["skin"] = "Shockblade", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Zed Shockblade Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Electric"}, ["class"] = {"Assassin", "Summoner"}, ["abilityname"] = "Living Lightning", ["abilityicon"] = "Living Shadow.png", ["active"] = "Creates a clone of himself behind his current target. This clone inherits its creator's items, stats, and {{as|'''current''' health}}, and can cast ''Living Lightning''. Its mana cost is 50 / 25 higher. At 3-Star, the mana cost is reduced by 125.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 75, ["ad"] = 70, ["as"] = 1.1, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Galaxy Slayer", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Zed GalaxySlayer Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Rebel"}, ["class"] = {"Infiltrator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Contempt for the Weak", ["abilityicon"] = "Contempt for the Weak.png", ["passive"] = "Every third basic attack deals {{ap|50|90|150}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} and steals {{as|{{ap|20|33|50}}% of the target's AD}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 25, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Zed Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ninja"}, ["class"] = {"Shade"}, ["abilityname"] = "Contempt for the Weak", ["abilityicon"] = "Razor Shuriken.png", ["passive"] = "Every third attack deals {{ap|40|50|75}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} and steals {{as|{{ap|25|30|35}}% of the target's current AD}}.", ["hp"] = 650, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Zed Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Ninja"}, ["class"] = {"Slayer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Contempt for the Weak", ["abilityicon"] = "Razor Shuriken.png", ["passive"] = "When combat starts, teleports to the enemy backline.<br />Every third basic attack deals {{ap|25|50|75}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' magic damage}} and steals {{as|30% of the target's current AD}}.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 0, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 1, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Melee" } }, ["Zeri"] = { [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Withered Rose", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Zeri WitheredRose Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Debonair"}, ["class"] = {"Sniper"}, ["abilityname"] = "Lightning Crash", ["abilityicon"] = "Zeri Lightning Crash.png", ["passive"] = "Her basic attacks fire {{ap|5|5|30}} bullets, dealing {{as|18% AD}} {{as|physical damage}} each bullet plus {{ap|12|20|40}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the first unit hit.", ["active"] = "Charges herself up with electricity for 6 seconds. While electrified, she aims at the farthest enemy, her attacks pierce, and she dashes after every shot.<br />{{sbc|VIP Bonus:}} Electrified lasts until the end of combat.", ["hp"] = 850, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 75, ["as"] = 0.9, ["range"] = 8, ["arm"] = 30, ["mr"] = 30, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Ziggs"] = { [3] = { ["skin"] = "Odyssey", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Ziggs Odyssey Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Rebel"}, ["class"] = {"Demolitionist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Bomb!", ["abilityicon"] = "Bouncing Bomb.png", ["active"] = "Throws a bomb at an enemy, dealing {{ap|300|400|550}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Odyssey", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Ziggs Odyssey Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Rebel"}, ["class"] = {"Demolitionist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Bomb!", ["abilityicon"] = "Bouncing Bomb.png", ["active"] = "Throws a bomb at an enemy, dealing {{ap|300|400|600}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Master Arcanist", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Ziggs MasterArcanist TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hellion"}, ["class"] = {"Spellweaver"}, ["abilityname"] = "Arcane Bomb", ["abilityicon"] = "Bouncing Bomb.png", ["active"] = "Throws a bomb at an enemy, dealing {{ap|250|375|525}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 450, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 15, ["mr"] = 15, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Master Arcanist", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Ziggs MasterArcanist TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Hellion"}, ["class"] = {"Spellweaver"}, ["abilityname"] = "Arcane Bomb", ["abilityicon"] = "Bouncing Bomb.png", ["active"] = "Throws a bomb at an enemy, dealing {{ap|250|375|550}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 450, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 15, ["mr"] = 15, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Ziggs Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Scrap", "Yordle"}, ["class"] = {"Arcanist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Mini Inferno Bomb", ["abilityicon"] = "Mega Inferno Bomb.png", ["active"] = "Hurls a bomb at his target. After a moderate delay, the bomb lands dealing {{ap|300|400|550}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the enemy in the epicenter, and half to adjacent enemies.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 15, ["mr"] = 15, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Ziggs Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Scrap", "Yordle"}, ["class"] = {"Arcanist"}, ["abilityname"] = "Mini Inferno Bomb", ["abilityicon"] = "Mega Inferno Bomb.png", ["active"] = "Hurls a bomb at his target. After a moderate delay, the bomb lands dealing {{ap|300|400|550}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to the enemy in the epicenter, and half to adjacent enemies.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 60, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 55, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 15, ["mr"] = 15, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Zilean"] = { [4] = { ["skin"] = "Blood Moon", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Zilean BloodMoon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cultist"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Rewind Fate", ["abilityicon"] = "Time Warp.png", ["active"] = "Places a protective Time Rune on the {{ap|2|3|10}} allies with the {{as|lowest current health}} (excluding himself). When they would die, they instead resurrect after {{ap|3.5|3|1}} seconds, returning to combat with {{ap|350|500|3000}} {{TFT AP}} health and shedding all negative effects. After resurrecting, they gain {{ap|50|50|500}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for the rest of combat.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [4.5] = { ["skin"] = "Blood Moon", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Zilean BloodMoon Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Cultist"}, ["class"] = {"Mystic"}, ["abilityname"] = "Rewind Fate", ["abilityicon"] = "Time Warp.png", ["active"] = "Places a protective Time Rune on the {{ap|2|3|10}} allies with the {{as|lowest current health}} (excluding himself). When they would die, they instead resurrect after {{ap|3|2|0.5}} seconds, returning to combat with {{ap|350|500|3000}} {{TFT AP}} health and shedding all negative effects. After resurrecting, they gain {{ap|50|75|500}}% {{TFT AP}} {{as|'''bonus''' attack speed}} for the rest of combat.", ["hp"] = 750, ["mana"] = 150, ["startmana"] = 100, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Zilean Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Clockwork"}, ["class"] = {"Innovator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Time Bomb", ["abilityicon"] = "Time Bomb.png", ["active"] = "Places a bomb on the closest enemy, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5|2|2.5}} seconds. When the stun ends, or the target dies, the bomb explodes dealing {{ap|250|350|700}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to adjacent enemies and reducing their {{as|attack speed}} by {{ap|25|35|50}}% for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Zilean Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Clockwork"}, ["class"] = {"Innovator"}, ["abilityname"] = "Time Bomb", ["abilityicon"] = "Time Bomb.png", ["active"] = "Places a bomb on the closest enemy, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{fd|1.5}} seconds. When the stun ends, or the target dies, the bomb explodes dealing {{ap|250|400|777}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} to adjacent enemies and reducing their {{as|attack speed}} by {{ap|30|40|50}}% for 4 seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 70, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.6, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Zippy"] = { [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Original", ["tier"] = 3, ["cost"] = 6, ["render"] = "Zippy TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Guild"}, ["class"] = {"Dragon"}, ["abilityname"] = "Somersault Assault", ["abilityicon"] = "Rammus Powerball.png", ["active"] = "Shield himself for 3 seconds and somersaults toward the highest percent health enemy, deal physical damage and knock them back slightly.<br/>{{sbc|Guild Bonus:}} Gain 2 {{as|'''bonus''' mana}} per basic attack.", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 40, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 30, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 50, ["mr"] = 50, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, }, ["Zoe"] = { [3] = { ["skin"] = "Star Guardian", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Zoe StarGuardian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Star Guardian"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Sleepy Trouble Bubble", ["abilityicon"] = "Sleepy Trouble Bubble.png", ["active"] = "Kicks a bubble at the enemy with the most {{as|'''current''' health}}, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|2|2.5|4}} seconds and dealing {{ap|200|275|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 70, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [3.5] = { ["skin"] = "Star Guardian", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Zoe StarGuardian Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Star Guardian"}, ["class"] = {"Sorcerer"}, ["abilityname"] = "Sleepy Trouble Bubble", ["abilityicon"] = "Sleepy Trouble Bubble.png", ["active"] = "Kicks a bubble at the enemy with the most {{as|'''current''' health}}, {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|2|2.5|4}} seconds and dealing {{ap|200|275|400}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}}.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 80, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7] = { ["skin"] = "Prestige Arcanist TFT", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Zoe PrestigeArcanist TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Shimmerscale"}, ["class"] = {"Mage", "Spell Thief"}, ["abilityname"] = "Nothing!", ["abilityicon"] = "Spell Thief.png", ["active"] = "Doesn't have her own spell. Switch between spells and cast them as if they were her own. ''See page for all spells.''", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 50, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [7.5] = { ["skin"] = "Prestige Arcanist TFT", ["tier"] = 5, ["render"] = "Zoe PrestigeArcanist TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Shimmerscale"}, ["class"] = {"Mage", "Spell Thief"}, ["abilityname"] = "Nothing!", ["abilityicon"] = "Spell Thief.png", ["active"] = "Doesn't have her own spell. Switch between spells and cast them as if they were her own. ''See page for all spells.''", ["hp"] = 800, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 30, ["ad"] = 45, ["as"] = 0.75, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } }, ["Zyra"] = { [2] = { ["skin"] = "Wildfire", ["tier"] = 1, ["render"] = "Zyra Wildfire Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Inferno"}, ["class"] = {"Summoner"}, ["abilityname"] = "Rampant Growth", ["abilityicon"] = "Deadly Spines.png", ["active"] = "Summons {{ap|2|3|5}} non-targetable Flame Spitters at a random location at the edge of the arena. Flame Spitters attack the nearest enemy for 4 seconds, dealing {{ap|55|65|75}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} per attack a total of 4 times.", ["hp"] = 500, ["mana"] = 65, ["startmana"] = 0, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.65, ["range"] = 3, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5] = { ["skin"] = "Dragon Sorceress TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Zyra DragonSorceress TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Draconic"}, ["class"] = {"Spellweaver"}, ["abilityname"] = "Grasping Roots", ["abilityicon"] = "Grasping Roots.png", ["active"] = "Sends a surge of vines toward the farthest enemy. Enemies hit by the vines are dealt {{ap|200|325|650}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and are {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{ap|2|2.5|3}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [5.5] = { ["skin"] = "Dragon Sorceress TFT", ["tier"] = 3, ["render"] = "Zyra DragonSorceress TFT Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Draconic"}, ["class"] = {"Spellweaver"}, ["abilityname"] = "Grasping Roots", ["abilityicon"] = "Grasping Roots.png", ["active"] = "Sends a surge of vines toward the farthest enemy. Enemies hit by the vines are dealt {{ap|200|300|525}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and are {{tip|TFT stun|stunned}} for {{ap|1.5|2|2.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 100, ["startmana"] = 40, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6] = { ["skin"] = "Crime City Nightmare", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Zyra CrimeCityNightmare Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Syndicate"}, ["class"] = {"Scholar"}, ["abilityname"] = "Grasping Spines", ["abilityicon"] = "Grasping Roots.png", ["active"] = "Summons vines in the row with the most enemies, dealing {{ap|325|450|675}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5|2|2.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 50, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" }, [6.5] = { ["skin"] = "Crime City Nightmare", ["tier"] = 2, ["render"] = "Zyra CrimeCityNightmare Render.png", ["origin"] = {"Syndicate"}, ["class"] = {"Scholar"}, ["abilityname"] = "Grasping Spines", ["abilityicon"] = "Grasping Roots.png", ["active"] = "Summons vines in the row with the most enemies, dealing {{ap|275|375|575}} {{TFT AP}} {{as|magic damage}} and {{tip|TFT stun|stunning}} them for {{ap|1.5|2|2.5}} seconds.", ["hp"] = 600, ["mana"] = 120, ["startmana"] = 60, ["ad"] = 40, ["as"] = 0.7, ["range"] = 4, ["arm"] = 20, ["mr"] = 20, ["behavior"] = "Ranged" } } } -- </pre> -- [[Category:Lua]]
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