云顶之弈 Wiki
Jinx FirecrackerCentered
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福星 福星
Annie PandaSquare
Jinx FirecrackerSquare
Katarina WarringKingdomsSquare
Sejuani FirecrackerSquare
Tahm Kench CoinEmperorSquare
神射手 神射手
Jhin BloodMoonSquare
Jinx FirecrackerSquare
Nidalee WarringKingdomsSquare
Teemo SpiritBlossomSquare
Vayne SpiritBlossomSquare


On Purchase
  • 播放 "All part of the plan I just made up!"
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  • Jinx appears as Firecracker Jinx Firecracker Jinx instead of Original Jinx Original Jinx due to the skin being best suited for the Fortune Fortune origin in her kit.
  • Her ability is based on her League of Legends ability Switcheroo! Switcheroo! and was renamed to Switcheroo! Fishbones.


奧德賽 奧德賽
Aurelion Sol MechaSquare
Jinx OdysseySquare
Malphite OdysseySquare
Master Yi ChosenSquare
Yasuo OdysseySquare
Zed GalaxySlayerSquare
Ziggs OdysseySquare
Rebel Medal TFT item
強襲槍手 強襲槍手
Ezreal PulsefireSquare
Graves JailbreakTFTSquare
Jinx OdysseySquare
Kog'Maw BattlecastSquare
Lucian PROJECTSquare


  • Her special ability makes her one of the best users of Deathblade Deathblade.


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  • 播放 "All part of the plan I just made up!"
On Rank Up
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  • Jinx appears as Odyssey Jinx Odyssey Jinx instead of Original Jinx Original Jinx due to the skin being best suited for the Rebel Rebel origin in her kit.
  • Her ability is based on her League of Legends Get Excited! Get Excited! passive ability and Switcheroo! Switcheroo! ability.
  • Upon scoring her first takedown, the VFX from Get Excited! Get Excited! plays. And upon scoring her second takedown, the detonation VFX from Super Mega Death Rocket! Super Mega Death Rocket! plays on her model.


奧德賽 奧德賽
Aurelion Sol MechaSquare
Jinx OdysseySquare
Malphite OdysseySquare
Master Yi ChosenSquare
Sona OdysseySquare
Yasuo OdysseySquare
Ziggs OdysseySquare
Rebel Medal TFT item
強襲槍手 強襲槍手
Ezreal PulsefireSquare
Graves JailbreakTFTSquare
Jinx OdysseySquare
Lucian PROJECTSquare
Miss Fortune GunGoddessSquare


  • Her special ability makes her one of the best users of Deathblade Deathblade.


On Purchase
  • 播放 "All part of the plan I just made up!"
On Rank Up
End of Round


  • Jinx appears as Odyssey Jinx Odyssey Jinx instead of Original Jinx Original Jinx due to the skin being best suited for the Rebel Rebel origin in her kit.
  • Her ability is based on her League of Legends Get Excited! Get Excited! passive ability and Switcheroo! Switcheroo! ability.
  • Upon scoring her first takedown, the VFX from Get Excited! Get Excited! plays. And upon scoring her second takedown, the detonation VFX from Super Mega Death Rocket! Super Mega Death Rocket! plays on her model.


海克斯 海克斯
Camille OriginalSquare
Jayce OriginalSquare
Jinx OriginalSquare
Vi OriginalSquare
槍手 槍手
Gangplank CaptainSquare
Graves CutthroatSquare
Jinx OriginalSquare
Lucian OriginalSquare
Miss Fortune CaptainFortuneSquare
Tristana OriginalSquare


  • Her special ability makes her one of the best users of Deathblade Deathblade.


On Purchase
  • 播放 "All part of the plan I just made up!"
On Rank Up
End of Round


Patch History[]

  • Ability is now an actual spell instead of an auto-attack override.
V10.19 - Returning
  • Firecracker Jinx Firecracker Jinx
    • Tier 3 Fortune Fortune Sharpshooter Sharpshooter.
    • Switcheroo! Active - Fishbones: Fires a rocket, Stun icon stunning her target for 1.5 seconds and dealing 200 / 325 / 550 (× Ability power icon SP) magic damage to her target and all adjacent enemies.
  • Base attack damage increased to 75 from 70.
  • Ability bonus attack speed increased to 50 / 75 / 125% from 50 / 70 / 100%.
  • Base attack speed reduced to 0.7 from 0.75.
  • Ability bonus attack speed reduced to 50 / 70 / 100% from 60 / 75 / 100%.
V10.12 - Returning
  • Ability damage increased to 150 / 250 / 1000 from 125 / 200 / 750.
  • Removed: Rockets no longer trigger on Blaster Blaster attacks.
  • Ability damage increased to 125 / 200 / 750 from 100 / 175 / 750.
  • Base attack speed increased to 0.75 from 0.7.
V10.6 - Returning
  • Now uses Odyssey Jinx Odyssey Jinx instead of Original Jinx Original Jinx.
  • New Traits: Rebel Rebel Blaster Blaster.
  • Ability bonus attack speed reduced to 60 / 75 / 100% from 60 / 80 / 100%.
  • Ability bonus damage changed to 100 / 175 / 750 from 100 / 200 / 300.
  • Base health increased to 600 from 550.
  • Base attack damage reduced to 70 from 75.
V9.22 - Disabled
  • Disabled due to Set 2.
  • Base attack speed increased to 0.7 from 0.65.
  • Ability bonus attack speed reduced to 60 / 80 / 100% from 75 / 100 / 125%.
  • Rocket bonus damage reduced to 100 / 200 / 300 from 100 / 225 / 350.
V9.16 - Added
  • Tier 4 Hextech Hextech Gunslinger Gunslinger.
  • Get Excited! Passive - Get Excited!: After her first takedown, gains 75 / 100 / 125% attack speed. After her second takedown, she pulls out Fishbones Fishbones enhancing her basic attacks to deal 100 / 225 / 350 bonus magic damage in an explosion that covers 3 hexes in total.

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