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Thresh SteelDragonCentered
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破败军团 破败军团
Draven RuinedSquare
Hecarim OriginalTFTSquare
Katarina DeathSwornSquare
Ryze ZombieTFTSquare
Thresh OriginalTFTSquare
Vayne SoulstealerSquare
Viego OriginalTFTSquare
Viktor DeathSwornSquare
Warwick GreySquare
Forgotten Emblem TFT item
骑士 骑士
Garen God-KingSquare
Leona SolarEclipseSquare
Nautilus WardenTFTSquare
Taric EmeraldSquare
Thresh OriginalTFTSquare



灵魂莲华夜幽 灵魂莲华夜幽
Cassiopeia SpiritBlossomSquare
Lillia SpiritBlossomSquare
Riven SpiritBlossomSquare
Thresh SpiritBlossomSquare
Vayne SpiritBlossomSquare
Aspect of Dusk TFT item
重装战士 重装战士
Aatrox BloodMoonSquare
Garen WarringKingdomsSquare
Hecarim ElderwoodSquare
Sejuani FirecrackerSquare
Thresh SpiritBlossomSquare
Wukong RadiantSquare
Vanguard's Cuirass TFT item


  • The cast location will be calculated from the time he cast, so it can still be missed if during casting, his target moves away too fast.
  • The shield will have no effect if he dies during casting (Pending for test) or when the target is dead (neighboring units have no shield).


  • Thresh appears as Spirit Blossom Thresh Spirit Blossom Thresh instead of Original Thresh Original Thresh due to the skin being best suited for the Dusk Dusk origin in his kit.
  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability Dark Passage Dark Passage and was renamed to Warden Spectral Lantern.


未来战士 未来战士
Blitzcrank iBlitzcrankSquare
Caitlyn PulsefireSquare
Ezreal PulsefireSquare
Riven PulsefireSquare
Shen PulsefireSquare
Thresh PulsefireSquare
Twisted Fate PulsefireSquare
Wukong LancerStratusSquare
破法战士 破法战士
Darius DreadnovaSquare
Irelia PROJECTSquare
Thresh PulsefireSquare


  • Lanterns will replace pulled units, so they cannot change positions on the Bench or be sold during combat.
    • 𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐄𝐒𝐓 Selling excess units will not affect existing units.


  • Thresh appears as Pulsefire Thresh Pulsefire Thresh instead of Original Thresh Original Thresh due to the skin being best suited for the Chrono Chrono origin in his kit.
  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability Dark Passage Dark Passage and was renamed to Warden Temporal Passage to better suit his Chrono Chrono origin.
  • With his unique ability, Thresh is the only unit that can affect units not on the Battlefield, namely the Bench.
    • Thresh is also the only unit which can prevent unit purchases during combat.


未来战士 未来战士
Blitzcrank iBlitzcrankSquare
Caitlyn PulsefireSquare
Ezreal PulsefireSquare
Shen PulsefireSquare
Thresh PulsefireSquare
Twisted Fate PulsefireSquare
Wukong LancerStratusSquare
破法战士 破法战士
Darius DreadnovaSquare
Irelia PROJECTSquare
Kassadin CosmicReaverSquare
Thresh PulsefireSquare


  • Lanterns will replace pulled units, so they cannot change positions on the Bench or be sold during combat.
    • 𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐄𝐒𝐓 Selling excess units will not affect existing units.


  • Thresh appears as Pulsefire Thresh Pulsefire Thresh instead of Original Thresh Original Thresh due to the skin being best suited for the Chrono Chrono origin in his kit.
  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability Dark Passage Dark Passage and was renamed to Warden Temporal Passage to better suit his Chrono Chrono origin.
  • With his unique ability, Thresh is the only unit that can affect units not on the Battlefield, namely the Bench.
    • Thresh is also the only unit which can prevent unit purchases during combat


海洋 海洋
Nami DeepSeaSquare
Nautilus OriginalSquare
Syndra AtlanteanSquare
Thresh DeepTerrorSquare
Vladimir DarkWatersSquare
守护神 守护神
Amumu InfernalSquare
Braum OriginalSquare
Leona LunarEclipseSquare
Malphite OriginalSquare
Nasus LunarGuardianSquare
Nautilus OriginalSquare
Ornn ThunderLordSquare
Taric OriginalSquare
Thresh DeepTerrorSquare
Warden's Mail TFT item


Outside of building him as s support unit with Locket, Redemption and Zeke's Herald.

Ionic Spark and Guardian Angel do wonders on him stat-wise and allow him to be a treat.


On Purchase
On Rank Up
End of Round


  • The cast location will be calculated from the time he cast, so it can still be missed if during casting, his target moves away too fast.
  • The shield will have no effect if he dies during casting (Pending for test) or when the target is dead (neighboring units have no shield).


  • Thresh appears as Deep Terror Thresh Deep Terror Thresh instead of Original Thresh Original Thresh due to the skin being best suited for the Ocean Ocean element in his kit.
  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability Dark Passage Dark Passage and was renamed to Warden Deep Sea Lantern to better suit his Ocean Ocean element.

Patch History[]

  • Bug Fix: Click box has been extended vertically to better represent the size of the unit.
V10.19 - Returning
  • Spirit Blossom Thresh Spirit Blossom Thresh
    • Tier 2 Dusk Dusk Vanguard Vanguard.
    • Dark Passage Active - Spectral Lantern: Throws his lantern to the lowest-health ally, shielding them and nearby allies for 250 / 450 / 750 (× Ability power icon SP) damage for 4 seconds.
  • Bug Fix: Champions pulled in can no longer be used to star-up other units.
  • Maximum mana increased to 90 from 75.
V10.12 - Returning
  • Base armor increased to 55 from 35.
  • Base magic resistance increased to 40 from 20.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where summoned units were contributing to player damage.
V10.6 - Returning
  • Now uses Pulsefire Thresh Pulsefire Thresh instead of Deep Terror Thresh Deep Terror Thresh.
  • New Traits: Chrono Chrono Mana-Reaver Mana-Reaver.
  • New Ability: Dark Passage Active - Temporal Passage: Tosses his lantern towards 1 / 1 / 9 random units on your bench, pulling them into combat and granting them 25 / 50 / 200 bonus mana. Traits are unaffected.
  • Tier increased to 5 from 2.
  • Base health increased to 950 from 700.
  • Maximum mana reduced to 75 from 125.
  • Base attack damage reduced to 50 from 55.
  • Base attack speed increased to 0.95 from 0.55.
  • Armor reduced to 35 from 40.
  • Ability shield increased to 250 / 400 / 600 from 200 / 300 / 400.
V9.22 - Added
  • Deep Terror Thresh Deep Terror Thresh
    • Tier 2 Ocean Ocean Warden Warden.
    • Warden Active - Deep Sea Lantern: After a 0.25-second delay, throws his lantern to the lowest-health ally, shielding them and nearby allies for 200 / 300 / 400 health for 5 seconds.
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