|abilityname = 无尽厮守|active = 【赛娜】朝相距最远的敌人放出黑雾。打击命中的第一个敌人并在一个小范围内造成他200/240/300%攻击力的物理伤害,并对命中的敌人造成300/450/650额外魔法伤害。
- Senna appears as instead of due to the skin being best suited for the origin in her kit.
- Her ability is based on her League of Legends ability .
- She is the only champion that uses an
Mythic (Template:Prestige) skin in Set 6.5.
Often finding herself in the team's backlines, Senna is damaging support that aids her team by empowering their auto-attacks.
Due to her traits, she can be played in 2 ways primarily.
In Light comps, she is extremely dependable on having
to survive incoming assassins and backline threats, is her core item as it helps her fellow Light units to apply the % Max HP/healing debuff to entire enemy compositions.In Shadow comps, however, she has her ability autos amplify by her Shadow buff, with
and together for extreme burst as her fellow Shadow units can apply her destructive critically empowered autos to deal devastating damage.Trivia[]
- Her ability is based on her League of Legends ability . However, bonus on-hit effects are unique to Teamfight Tactics.
- Senna and came to Set 2 at the same time, bringing the trait to Set 2. The trait references their romantic relationship in the lore.
Patch History[]
;V10.6 - Disabled
- Disabled due to Set 3.
- V10.4
- Ability bonus on-hit damage increased to 20 / 45 / 70 from 15 / 40 / 65.
- V10.1
- Ability bonus on-hit damage increased to 15 / 40 / 65 from 15 / 30 / 55.
- Bug Fix: Untargetable units should no longer be targeted or crowd controled.
- V9.24b
- Ability bonus on-hit damage reduced to 15 / 30 / 55 from 25 / 45 / 75.
- V9.24 - Added
- Tier 2 .
Active - Piercing Darkness: Fires a beam through her furthest ally (or a nearest enemy if there is no ally), dealing 50 / 100 / 150 magic damage to enemies hit by the beam, and granting allies 25 / 45 / 75 bonus magic damage on-hit for 5 seconds.
Origins | |
Class | |
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