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Lillia NightbringerCentered
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|abilityname = 小心!|active = 【莉莉娅】攻击目标周围的一个小区域,造成215/275/370魔法伤害(这个伤害由命中的所有敌人平摊),并对处在冲击中心的敌人造成190/240/340额外魔法伤害。





屠龙勇士 屠龙勇士
Braum DragonslayerSquare
Diana DragonslayerSquare
Lillia NightbringerTFTSquare
Olaf DragonslayerTFTSquare
Scalescorn Emblem TFT item
重骑兵 重骑兵
Hecarim HighNoonTFTSquare
Lillia NightbringerTFTSquare
Nunu & Willump OriginalSquare
Sejuani SejuaniDawnchaserTFTSquare
Cavalier Emblem TFT item
魔法师 魔法师
Heimerdinger DragonTrainerTFTSquare
Lillia NightbringerTFTSquare
Nami CosmicDestinyTFTSquare
Ryze RyzeWhitebeardTFTSquare
Sylas LunarWraithTFTSquare
Vladimir CosmicDevourerTFTSquare
Zoe PrestigeArcanistTFTSquare
Mage Emblem TFT item



灵魂莲华夜幽 灵魂莲华夜幽
Cassiopeia SpiritBlossomSquare
Lillia SpiritBlossomSquare
Riven SpiritBlossomSquare
Thresh SpiritBlossomSquare
Vayne SpiritBlossomSquare
Aspect of Dusk TFT item
魔法师 魔法师
Ahri SpiritBlossomSquare
Annie PandaSquare
Lillia SpiritBlossomSquare
Lulu OriginalSquare
Nami SplendidStaffSquare
Twisted Fate BloodMoonSquare
Veigar ElderwoodSquare
Mage's Hat TFT item


  • 技能基于其在英雄联盟中的R技能“夜阑谣”。
  • Lillia appears as Spirit Blossom Lillia Spirit Blossom Lillia instead of Original Lillia Original Lillia due to the skin being best suited for the Dusk Dusk origin in her kit.


  • Ability sleep duration changed to 3 / 4 / 8 seconds from 3.5 / 3.5 / 8.
V10.19 - Added
  • Spirit Blossom Lillia Spirit Blossom Lillia
    • Tier 5 Dusk Dusk Mage Mage.
    • Lilting Lullaby Active - Lilting Lullaby: Casts a magical lullaby, causing 2 / 3 / 10 waking enemies with the highest current health to fall asleep for 3.5 / 3.5 / 8 seconds. Enemies will awaken if they take 500 / 750 / 1000 damage while sleeping, dealing 500 / 750 / 5000 (× Ability power icon SP) bonus magic damage to them.
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