|abilityname = 巨型纳尔|active = 【纳尔】变形成【巨型纳尔】,跳向他的目标然后将附近的敌人们击飞1秒。【纳尔】还会获得60/90/150攻击力和40/60/90护甲,但攻击距离降为1。
Lua错误 在Module:TFTTraitData的第116行:attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
- His ability is based on his League of Legends ability combo of into , and its icon is taken from his passive ability .
- When using , he transforms into Mega Gnar for a short period of time.
- Gnar appears as instead of due to the skin being best suited for the origin in his kit.
- On Purchase
- "Gnar!"
- On Rank Up
- "Raag!"
- End of Round
- "Shugi shugi shugi!"
- His ability is based on his League of Legends ability combo of into , and its icon is taken from his passive ability .
- Gnar is one of five champions in Set 1 with 3 different traits. The other four are , , , and .
- A 3-star Mega Gnar, with the 6 health in the set at a total of 6340. synergy, has the highest possible
Patch History[]
;V10.19 - Disabled
- Disabled due to Set 4.
- V10.16
- Ability bonus health increased to 750 / 1250 / 5000 from 750 / 1250 / 4000.
- V10.13
- Ability stun duration reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2.
- Mega Gnar bonus health increased to 750 / 1250 / 4000 from 750 / 125 / 2500.
- Mega Gnar bonus AD increased to 100 / 175 / 550 from 100 / 175 / 400.
- V10.12 - Returning
- Now uses instead of .
- New Traits: .
- New Ability:
Active - GNAR!: Leaps towards his target and transforms into Mega Gnar,
throwing nearby enemies, dealing 100 / 200 / 800 (×
SP) magic damage and
stunning them for 2 seconds. While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar is
melee and gains 750 / 1250 / 2500 health and 100 / 175 / 400 attack damage.
- Base health increased to 750 from 700.
- Maximum mana increased to 120 from 100.
- Base attack speed increased to 0.8 from 0.7.
- Base armor increased to 45 from 30.
- Base magic resistance increased to 40 from 20.
- V9.22 - Disabled
- Disabled due to Set 2.
- V9.19
- Base health reduced to 700 from 750.
- Mega Gnar bonus health reduced to 250 / 450 / 650 from 300 / 600 / 900.
- V9.17
- Maximum mana reduced to 100 from 125.
- V9.16b
- Ability bonus AD increased to 50 / 100 / 150 from 30 / 60 / 90.
- V9.15
- Base attack damage increased to 50 from 45.
- V9.14
- Base health reduced to 750 from 850.
- Base armor reduced to 30 from 35.
- V9.13 - Added
- Tier 4
Active - GNAR!: Active: Transforms into a
melee attacker for 60 seconds, gaining 300 / 600 / 900 health, 30 / 60 / 90 attack damage, jumping behind the farthest enemy and then
shunts all surrounding enemies 2 hexes toward his team,
stunning them for 2 seconds and dealing 200 / 300 / 400 magic damage.
Origins | |
Class | |
List of champions |
Other champion sets |