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Gnar ElderwoodCentered
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|abilityname = 巨型纳尔|active = 【纳尔】变形成【巨型纳尔】,跳向他的目标然后将附近的敌人们击飞1秒。【纳尔】还会获得60/90/150攻击力和40/60/90护甲,但攻击距离降为1。




玉龙 玉龙
Anivia DivinePhoenixTFTSquare
Ashe FaeDragonTFTSquare
Gnar ElderwoodTFTSquare
Karma TranquilityDragonTFTSquare
Neeko OriginalSquare
Shi Oh Yu OriginalSquare
Soraka DawnbringerTFTSquare
Taric EmeraldTFTSquare
Jade Emblem TFT item
换形师 换形师
Elise BloodMoonTFTSquare
Gnar ElderwoodTFTSquare
Neeko OriginalSquare
Nidalee CosmicHuntressTFTSquare
Shyvana OriginalTFTSquare
Swain DragonMasterSquare



Lua错误 在Module:TFTTraitData的第116行:attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)


  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability combo of Rage Gene Rage Gene into Boulder Toss Boulder Toss, and its icon is taken from his passive ability Rage Gene Rage Gene.
    • When using GNAR! GNAR!, he transforms into Mega Gnar for a short period of time.
  • Gnar appears as Gentleman Gnar Gentleman Gnar instead of Original Gnar Original Gnar due to the skin being best suited for the Socialite Socialite origin in his kit.


宇航员 宇航员
Bard AstronautSquare
Gnar AstronautSquare
Nautilus AstroNautilusSquare
Teemo AstronautSquare
斗士 斗士
Blitzcrank iBlitzcrankSquare
Gnar AstronautSquare
Illaoi ResistanceSquare
Malphite OdysseySquare



  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability combo of Hop and Crunch Hop and Crunch into GNAR! GNAR!, and its icon is taken from his passive ability Rage Gene Rage Gene.
    • When using GNAR! GNAR!, he transforms into Mega Gnar Gnar (Mega) Astronaut Granite Render for a short period of time.
  • Gnar appears as Astronaut Gnar Astronaut Gnar instead of Original Gnar Original Gnar due to the skin being best suited for the Astro Astro origin in his kit.


狂野 狂野
Ahri OriginalSquare
Gnar OriginalSquare
Nidalee OriginalSquare
Rengar OriginalSquare
Warwick OriginalSquare
约德尔人 约德尔人
Gnar OriginalSquare
Kennen OriginalSquare
Lulu OriginalSquare
Poppy OriginalSquare
Tristana OriginalSquare
Veigar OriginalSquare
Mittens TFT item
换形师 换形师
Elise OriginalSquare
Gnar OriginalSquare
Jayce OriginalSquare
Nidalee OriginalSquare
Shyvana OriginalSquare
Swain OriginalSquare


On Purchase
On Rank Up
End of Round


  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability combo of Hop and Crunch Hop and Crunch into GNAR! GNAR!, and its icon is taken from his passive ability Rage Gene Rage Gene.
    • When using GNAR! GNAR!, he transforms into Mega Gnar Gnar (Mega) Render for a short period of time.
  • Gnar is one of five champions in Set 1 with 3 different traits. The other four are Gangplank Gangplank, Kai'Sa Kai'Sa, Kennen Kennen, and Swain Swain.
  • A 3-star Mega Gnar, with the 6 Shapeshifter Shapeshifter synergy, has the highest possible health in the set at a total of 6340.

Patch History[]

;V10.19 - Disabled
  • Disabled due to Set 4.
  • Ability bonus health increased to 750 / 1250 / 5000 from 750 / 1250 / 4000.
  • Ability stun duration reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2.
  • Mega Gnar bonus health increased to 750 / 1250 / 4000 from 750 / 125 / 2500.
  • Mega Gnar bonus AD increased to 100 / 175 / 550 from 100 / 175 / 400.
V10.12 - Returning
  • Now uses Astronaut Gnar Astronaut Gnar instead of Original Gnar Original Gnar.
  • New Traits: Astro Astro Brawler Brawler.
  • New Ability: Rage Gene 3 Active - GNAR!: Leaps towards his target and transforms into Mega Gnar, Airborne icon throwing nearby enemies, dealing 100 / 200 / 800 (× Ability power icon SP) magic damage and Stun icon stunning them for 2 seconds. While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar is Melee role melee and gains 750 / 1250 / 2500 health and 100 / 175 / 400 attack damage.
  • Base health increased to 750 from 700.
  • Maximum mana increased to 120 from 100.
  • Base attack speed increased to 0.8 from 0.7.
  • Base armor increased to 45 from 30.
  • Base magic resistance increased to 40 from 20.
V9.22 - Disabled
  • Disabled due to Set 2.
  • Base health reduced to 700 from 750.
  • Mega Gnar bonus health reduced to 250 / 450 / 650 from 300 / 600 / 900.
  • Maximum mana reduced to 100 from 125.
  • Ability bonus AD increased to 50 / 100 / 150 from 30 / 60 / 90.
  • Base attack damage increased to 50 from 45.
  • Base health reduced to 750 from 850.
  • Base armor reduced to 30 from 35.
V9.13 - Added
  • Tier 4 Wild Wild Yordle Yordle Shapeshifter Shapeshifter.
  • Rage Gene 3 Active - GNAR!: Active: Transforms into a Melee role melee attacker for 60 seconds, gaining 300 / 600 / 900 health, 30 / 60 / 90 attack damage, jumping behind the farthest enemy and then Airborne icon shunts all surrounding enemies 2 hexes toward his team, Stun icon stunning them for 2 seconds and dealing 200 / 300 / 400 magic damage.

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