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Soraka DawnbringerCentered
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|abilityname = 星落|passive=当任一友方英雄低于50%生命值时,【索拉卡】的每次攻击就会回复额外的15法力值。|active = 【索拉卡】召唤一阵持续2秒的星雨。友军在每次被一颗星星命中时都会获得105 / 165 / 1000治疗效果。




玉龙 玉龙
Anivia DivinePhoenixTFTSquare
Ashe FaeDragonTFTSquare
Gnar ElderwoodTFTSquare
Karma TranquilityDragonTFTSquare
Neeko OriginalSquare
Shi Oh Yu OriginalSquare
Soraka DawnbringerTFTSquare
Taric EmeraldTFTSquare
Jade Emblem TFT item
唤星者 唤星者
Soraka DawnbringerTFTSquare



黎明使者 黎明使者
Garen God-KingSquare
Gragas WardenSquare
Karma DawnbringerSquare
Kha'Zix ChampionshipSquare
Nidalee DawnbringerSquare
Riven DawnbringerSquare
Soraka DawnbringerSquare
Dawnbringer Emblem TFT item
复苏者 复苏者
Heimerdinger DragonTrainerSquare
Ivern OldGodSquare
Rakan iGSquare
Soraka DawnbringerSquare
Vladimir NightbringerTFTSquare
Renewer Emblem TFT item


  • Soraka appears as Dawnbringer Soraka Dawnbringer Soraka instead of Original Soraka Original Soraka due to the skin being best suited for the Dawnbringer Dawnbringer origin in her kit.
  • Her ability is based on her League of Legends ability Equinox Equinox.


黎明使者 黎明使者
Garen God-KingSquare
Gragas WardenSquare
Karma DawnbringerSquare
Kha'Zix ChampionshipSquare
Nidalee DawnbringerSquare
Riven DawnbringerSquare
Soraka DawnbringerSquare
Dawnbringer Emblem TFT item
复苏者 复苏者
Heimerdinger DragonTrainerSquare
Ivern OldGodSquare
Lissandra CovenTFTSquare
Soraka DawnbringerSquare
Vladimir NightbringerTFTSquare
Renewer Emblem TFT item


  • Soraka appears as Dawnbringer Soraka Dawnbringer Soraka instead of Original Soraka Original Soraka due to the skin being best suited for the Dawnbringer Dawnbringer origin in her kit.
  • Her ability is based on her League of Legends ability Equinox Equinox.


星之守护者 星之守护者
Ahri StarGuardianSquare
Janna StarGuardianSquare
Neeko StarGuardianSquare
Poppy StarGuardianSquare
Soraka StarGuardianSquare
Syndra StarGuardianSquare
Zoe StarGuardianSquare
Star Guardian's Charm TFT item
秘术师 秘术师
Bard AstronautSquare
Cassiopeia EternumSquare
Karma DarkStarSquare
Lulu CosmicEnchantressSquare
Soraka StarGuardianSquare


星之守护者 星之守护者
Ahri StarGuardianSquare
Neeko StarGuardianSquare
Poppy StarGuardianSquare
Soraka StarGuardianSquare
Syndra StarGuardianSquare
Zoe StarGuardianSquare
Star Guardian's Charm TFT item
秘术师 秘术师
Karma DarkStarSquare
Lulu CosmicEnchantressSquare
Sona OdysseySquare
Soraka StarGuardianSquare


  • Soraka appears as Star Guardian Soraka Star Guardian Soraka instead of Original Soraka Original Soraka due to the skin being best suited for the Star Guardian Star Guardian origin in her kit.
  • Her ability is based on her League of Legends ability Wish Wish.


Aatrox JusticarSquare
Jax GodStaffSquare
Lucian OriginalSquare
Nasus LunarGuardianSquare
Soraka CelestineSquare
Vayne ArclightSquare
Yorick ArclightSquare
Talisman of Light TFT item
秘术师 秘术师
Janna OriginalSquare
Karma DawnbringerSquare
Master Yi AssassinSquare
Nami DeepSeaSquare
Soraka CelestineSquare


As a Mystic Mystic, Soraka is the embodiment of on Anti-Magic with her ability Equinox, and has a straight forward job and Mission to mess up Mage Mage and Summoner Summoner compositions.

She can more easily achieve this with Mana items such as Spear of Shojin Spear of Shojin, Seraph's Embrace Seraph's Embrace, to spam her silence and cover the field, making it impossible for mages to cast abilities. Morellonomicon Morellonomicon is also recommended as mage comps can easily have access to Healing with units like Vladimir Vladimir, and Nami Nami/Janna Janna combo.


  • Soraka appears as Celestine Soraka Celestine Soraka instead of Original Soraka Original Soraka due to the skin being best suited for the Light Light element in her kit.
  • Her ability is based on her League of Legends ability Equinox Equinox.


;V10.19 - Disabled
  • Disabled due to Set 4.
  • Ability heal reduced to 325 / 500 / 20000 from 375 / 550 / 20000.
  • Maximum mana reduced to 120 from 125.
V10.12 - Returning
  • Returning with the Set 3 mid-set update with no changes.
  • Base health increased to 700 from 650.
  • Ability heal increased to 375 / 550 / 20000 from 350 / 500 / 2000.
  • Maximum mana reduced to 125 from 150.
  • Ability heal increased to 350 / 500 / 2000 from 300 / 450 / 2000.
V10.6 - Returning
  • Now uses Star Guardian Soraka Star Guardian Soraka instead of Celestine Soraka Celestine Soraka.
  • New Traits: Star Guardian Star Guardian Mystic Mystic.
  • New Ability: Wish Active - Wish: Heals all allies for 300 / 450 / 2000 health.
  • Tier increased to 4 from 3.
  • Base health increased to 650 from 600.
  • Maximum mana increased to 150 from 60.
  • Starting mana increased to 50 from 0.
  • Base attack damage increased to 45 from 40.
  • Base attack speed reduced to 0.75 from 0.7.
  • Base armor increased to 30 from 20.
  • Attack range increased to 3 from 2.
  • Base attack speed increased to 0.7 from 0.65.
V9.22 - Added
  • Celestine Soraka Celestine Soraka
    • Tier 3 Light Light Mystic Mystic.
    • Equinox Active - Equinox: Calms the area around a random enemy for 3 / 5 / 7 seconds, dealing 150 / 300 / 450 magic damage to all enemies standing in it and preventing them from gaining mana.
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