|abilityname = 战士之怒|active = 【瑟庄妮】挥击她的链枷,对一个锥形范围内的所有敌人造成他6%最大生命值的魔法伤害。随后她会再次进行快速打击,对她的目标和目标正后方的那名敌人造成第一段挥击的伤害和1.5/1.75/2秒晕眩。
- Sejuani appears as instead of due to the skin being best suited for the origin in her kit.
- Her ability is based on her League of Legends ability .
- Sejuani appears as instead of due to the skin being best suited for the origin in her kit.
- Her skin, as well as her splash art, have been color shifted to match the rest of the units of that origin.
- Her ability is based on her League of Legends ability .
- Sejuani appears as instead of due to the skin being best suited for the origin in her kit.
- Her ability is based on her League of Legends ability .
Patch History[]
;V10.19 - Returning
- V9.22 - Disabled
- Disabled due to Set 2.
- V9.19
- Base health reduced to 800 from 850.
- Ability stun duration reduced to 2 / 3.5 / 5 seconds from 2 / 4 / 6.
- V9.15
- Base armor increased to 40 from 35.
- Starting mana increased to 50 from 0.
- Ability stun duration increased to 2 / 4 / 6 seconds from 2 / 3.5 / 5.
- Changed which animation plays while casting her ability.
- V9.14
- Ability stun duration reduced to 2 / 3.5 / 5 seconds from 3 / 4 / 5.
- V9.13 - Added
Origins | |
Class | |
List of champions |
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