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Lee Sin StormDragonCentered
Lee Sin
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|abilityname = 猛龙摆尾|active = 【李青】踢击目标,使其晕眩1.5秒并将其击退。目标和被目标命中的所有敌人都会受到215/285/385魔法伤害并使其魔法抗性降低 40%,持续 5 秒。




风暴龙 风暴龙
Ao Shin OriginalSquare
Ezreal FrostedTFTSquare
Lee Sin StormDragonTFTSquare
Ornn ThunderLordTFTSquare
Qiyana ShockbladeTFTSquare
Tempest Emblem TFT item
神龙尊者 神龙尊者
Ashe FaeDragonTFTSquare
Karma TranquilityDragonTFTSquare
Lee Sin StormDragonTFTSquare
Sett ObsidianDragonTFTSquare
Swain DragonMasterSquare
Volibear DualityDragonTFTSquare
Yasuo DreamDragonTFTSquare
Dragonmancer Emblem TFT item



黑夜使者 黑夜使者
Aphelios NightbringerSquare
Diana DragonslayerSquare
Lee Sin NightbringerSquare
Sejuani DarkriderTFTSquare
Vladimir NightbringerTFTSquare
Yasuo NightbringerTFTSquare
Nightbringer Emblem TFT item
神盾战士 神盾战士
Irelia SentinelSquare
Jax WardenSquare
Kennen InfernalSquare
Lee Sin NightbringerSquare
Nidalee DawnbringerSquare
Olaf SentinelSquare
Udyr DragonOracleTFTSquare
Viego OriginalTFTSquare
Skirmisher Emblem TFT item


  • Lee Sin appears as Nightbringer Lee Sin Nightbringer Lee Sin instead of Original Lee Sin Original Lee Sin due to the skin being best suited for the Nightbringer Nightbringer origin in his kit.
  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability Cripple Cripple.


黑夜使者 黑夜使者
Aphelios NightbringerSquare
Diana DragonslayerSquare
Lee Sin NightbringerSquare
Morgana CovenSquare
Sejuani DarkriderTFTSquare
Vladimir NightbringerTFTSquare
Yasuo NightbringerTFTSquare
Nightbringer Emblem TFT item
神盾战士 神盾战士
Jax WardenSquare
Kennen InfernalSquare
Lee Sin NightbringerSquare
Nidalee DawnbringerSquare
Pantheon DragonslayerSquare
Trundle DragonslayerTFTSquare
Udyr DragonOracleTFTSquare
Viego OriginalTFTSquare
Skirmisher Emblem TFT item


  • Lee Sin appears as Nightbringer Lee Sin Nightbringer Lee Sin instead of Original Lee Sin Original Lee Sin due to the skin being best suited for the Nightbringer Nightbringer origin in his kit.
  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability Cripple Cripple.


天神 天神
Irelia DivineSwordSquare
Jax GodStaffSquare
Kayle TranscendedSquare
Lee Sin GodFistSquare
Nasus LunarGuardianSquare
Wukong RadiantSquare
Sword of the Divine TFT item
决斗大师 决斗大师
Fiora SoaringSwordSquare
Jax GodStaffSquare
Kalista BloodMoonSquare
Lee Sin GodFistSquare
Tryndamere WarringKingdomsSquare
Yasuo OriginalSquare
Duelist's Zeal TFT item


  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability Dragon's Rage Dragon's Rage and was renamed to Dragon's Rage God Fist. The situational dash to the surviving enemy is based on Resonating Strike Resonating Strike.
    • The capability of opponents being knocked off the map is a subtle reference to an inside joke where Jesse Perring, a Riot Games Inc. employee who is stated to have taught Lee Sin Lee Sin his Dragon's Rage Dragon's Rage move, is capable of kicking players off the map.
  • Lee Sin appears as God Fist Lee Sin God Fist Lee Sin instead of Original Lee Sin Original Lee Sin due to the skin being best suited for the Divine Divine origin in his kit.


天神 天神
Irelia DivineSwordSquare
Jax GodStaffSquare
Lee Sin GodFistSquare
Lux LunarEmpressSquare
Warwick LunarGuardianSquare
Wukong RadiantSquare
Sword of the Divine TFT item
决斗大师 决斗大师
Fiora SoaringSwordSquare
Jax GodStaffSquare
Kalista BloodMoonSquare
Lee Sin GodFistSquare
Xin Zhao WarringKingdomsSquare
Yasuo OriginalSquare
Duelist's Zeal TFT item


  • Ability stun duration increased to 2 / 3 / 10 seconds from 1.5 / 2 / 10.
  • Secondary target stun duration reduced to 1 / 2 / 10 seconds from 1.5 / 2 / 10.
  • New Effect: At 3 Stars, Lee Sin's knockout punch hits in an area around the primary target and knocks out any enemies directly hit regardless of their board position.
  • Ability stun duration reduced to 1.5 / 2 / 10 seconds from 3 / 4 / 10.
  • Secondary target stun duration increased to 1.5 / 2 / 10 from 1.5 / 1.5 / 10.
  • Maximum mana reduced to 40 from 50.
  • Bug Fix: No longer knockouts units who are immune to CC.
V10.19 - Added
  • God Fist Lee Sin God Fist Lee Sin
    • Tier 5 Divine Divine Duelist Duelist.
    • Dragon's Rage Active - God Fist: Punches his target, dealing 250 / 450 / 1000 (× Ability power icon SP) magic damage, Airborne icon knocking them back to the edge of the battlefield, and Stun icon stunning them for 3 / 4 / 10 seconds. Any enemies the target collides with during the knockback are also dealt half the damage and Stun icon stunned for 1.5 / 1.5 / 10 seconds. If the target cannot be pushed any further, they are knocked out of the battlefield instead, removing them from combat. If the target is still alive, he will dash to them.
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