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Teemo LittleDevilCentered
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小恶魔 小恶魔
Kennen InfernalSquare
Kled MarauderSquare
Lulu WickedTFTSquare
Teemo LittleDevilSquare
Ziggs MasterArcanistSquare
Hellion Emblem TFT item
大魔王 大魔王
Teemo LittleDevilSquare
神谕者 神谕者
Ivern OldGodSquare
Karma DawnbringerSquare
Syndra JusticarSquare
Teemo LittleDevilSquare


  • For technical purposes, Teemo is a Ultimate Skin Tier 5 unit but costs TFT Health 6 Little Legend health to purchase instead of the normal 5 gold Gold due to the Cruel Cruel trait.
    • As such, mechanics relevant to his Ultimate Skin Tier 5 champion tier apply to him.
    • Each Teemo can be sold for 5 gold Gold as with any other Ultimate Skin Tier 5 unit, thus making the purchase of Teemo units a method to convert TFT Health health into gold Gold.
    • Teemo only costs TFT Health 1 health in Hyper Roll (Teamfight Tactics).


  • Teemo appears as Little Devil Teemo Little Devil Teemo instead of Original Teemo Original Teemo due to the skin being best suited for the Hellion Hellion origin and Cruel Cruel trait in his kit.
  • His ability, Little Devil Teemo profileicon Teemo's Cruelty, is based on his League of Legends ability Noxious Trap Noxious Trap and its icon was reused from the Little Devil Teemo profileicon Little Devil Teemo summoner icon.
  • When he is 3 Star 3-starred, his Infernal Souls' explosion damage being 666 references "666", the Template:W.
    • In the PBE for Set 5, the number of Infernal Souls he scattered was once 66, which when put together with the 2 Star 2-starred amount made 6/66, also referencing this.
  • Due to his Cruel Cruel trait, Teemo was the first store-purchasable champion to:
    • Cost TFT Health Little Legend health.
    • Not cost gold Gold.


灵魂莲华明昼 灵魂莲华明昼
Diana LunarGoddessSquare
Kindred SpiritBlossomSquare
Teemo SpiritBlossomSquare
Yuumi OriginalSquare
神射手 神射手
Nidalee WarringKingdomsSquare
Samira OriginalSquare
Sivir BloodMoonSquare
Teemo SpiritBlossomSquare
Tristana DragonTrainerSquare


  • Teemo appears as Spirit Blossom Teemo Spirit Blossom Teemo instead of Original Teemo Original Teemo due to the skin being best suited for the Spirit Spirit origin in his kit.
  • His ability, Toxic Shot Sporecloud Dart. is based on a combination of his League of Legends abilities.


灵魂莲华明昼 灵魂莲华明昼
Ahri SpiritBlossomSquare
Kindred SpiritBlossomSquare
Teemo SpiritBlossomSquare
Yuumi OriginalSquare
神射手 神射手
Jhin BloodMoonSquare
Jinx FirecrackerSquare
Nidalee WarringKingdomsSquare
Teemo SpiritBlossomSquare
Vayne SpiritBlossomSquare


宇航员 宇航员
Bard AstronautSquare
Gnar AstronautSquare
Nautilus AstroNautilusSquare
Teemo AstronautSquare
狙神 狙神
Ashe CosmicQueenSquare
Caitlyn PulsefireSquare
Jhin DarkCosmicSquare
Teemo AstronautSquare
Vayne PROJECTSquare


  • Teemo appears as Astronaut Teemo Astronaut Teemo instead of Original Teemo Original Teemo due to the skin being best suited for the Astro Astro origin in his kit.
  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability Noxious Trap Noxious Trap and was renamed to Noxious Trap Satellite Traps to better suit his Astro Astro origin.

Patch History[]

  • Ability damage increased to 300 / 450 / 900 from 200 / 300 / 600.
V10.19 - Returning
  • Spirit Blossom Teemo Spirit Blossom Teemo
    • Tier 2 Spirit Spirit Sharpshooter Sharpshooter.
    • Toxic Shot Active - Sporecloud Dart: Fires a dart at the enemy with the highest attack speed that explodes into a cloud of spores on contact, poisoning nearby enemies. Poisoned enemies take 200 / 300 / 600 (× Ability power icon SP) magic damage over 2.5 / 3 / 4.5 seconds and are [[File:Template:Tip data/Tft miss|20px|link=Template:Tip data/Tft miss]][[File:Template:Tip data/Tft miss|20px|link=Template:Tip data/Tft miss]][[File:Template:Tip data/Tft miss|20px|link=Template:Tip data/Tft miss]] [[:Template:Tip data/Tft miss|blinded]] for the duration.
  • Base attack speed reduced to 0.95 from 1.
  • Ability damage reduced to 125 / 175 / 550 from 125 / 175 / 600.
  • Ability slow duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4.
V10.12 - Added
  • Astronaut Teemo Astronaut Teemo
    • Tier 4 Astro Astro Sniper Sniper.
    • Noxious Trap Active - Satellite Traps: Scatters 3 traps around the nearest enemy. When an enemy nears a trap, or after 3 seconds, it explodes on nearby enemies dealing 125 / 175 / 600 (× Ability power icon SP) magic damage, knocking them down, and [[File:Template:Tip data/Tft slow|20px|link=Template:Tip data/Tft slow]][[File:Template:Tip data/Tft slow|20px|link=Template:Tip data/Tft slow]][[File:Template:Tip data/Tft slow|20px|link=Template:Tip data/Tft slow]] [[:Template:Tip data/Tft slow|slowing]] them for 4 seconds.
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