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Olaf DragonslayerCentered
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|abilityname = 鲁莽|passive=【奥拉夫】寻求荣耀之死,在每次阵亡时永久获得4点攻击力(在狂暴模式中为10点)|active = 【奥拉夫】打击他的目标,造成他220% / 230% / 240%攻击力的物理伤害并获得35% / 45% / 60%攻击速度,持续6秒。如果他低于50%生命值,这个攻击速度加成会翻倍。 屠龙勇士




屠龙勇士 屠龙勇士
Braum DragonslayerSquare
Diana DragonslayerSquare
Lillia NightbringerTFTSquare
Olaf DragonslayerTFTSquare
Scalescorn Emblem TFT item
格斗家 格斗家
Illaoi CosmicInvokerTFTSquare
Olaf DragonslayerTFTSquare
Ornn ThunderLordTFTSquare
Shen InfernalTFTSquare
Skarner CosmicStingTFTSquare
Sy'fen OriginalSquare
Sylas LunarWraithTFTSquare
Tahm Kench CoinEmperorTFTSquare
Bruiser Emblem TFT item
狂刃战士 狂刃战士
Aatrox PrestigeBloodMoonTFTSquare
Olaf DragonslayerTFTSquare
Shen InfernalTFTSquare
Yasuo DreamDragonTFTSquare
Yone SpiritBlossomTFTSquare
Warrior Emblem TFT item


  • When he increases in Star level, the Olaf with the highest stacks is kept.



光明哨兵 光明哨兵
Akshan OriginalTFTSquare
Galio DragonGuardianSquare
Irelia SentinelSquare
Lucian OriginalSquare
Olaf SentinelSquare
Pyke SentinelSquare
Rakan iGSquare
Senna OriginalSquare
Sentinel Emblem TFT item
神盾战士 神盾战士
Irelia SentinelSquare
Jax WardenSquare
Kennen InfernalSquare
Lee Sin NightbringerSquare
Nidalee DawnbringerSquare
Olaf SentinelSquare
Udyr DragonOracleTFTSquare
Viego OriginalTFTSquare
Skirmisher Emblem TFT item



  • Olaf appears as Sentinel Olaf Sentinel Olaf instead of Original Olaf Original Olaf due to the skin being best suited for the Sentinel Sentinel origin in his kit.
  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability Berserker Rage Berserker Rage.


龙魂 龙魂
Aurelion Sol StormDragonSquare
Brand EternalDragonSquare
Braum DragonslayerSquare
Olaf DragonslayerSquare
Shyvana OriginalSquare
Swain DragonMasterSquare
Tristana DragonTrainerSquare
Spirit of the Dragon TFT item
战神 战神
Darius LunarBeastSquare
Olaf DragonslayerSquare
Pyke BloodMoonSquare
Samira OriginalSquare
Tryndamere WarringKingdomsSquare
Zed OriginalSquare


  • Olaf appears as Dragonslayer Olaf Dragonslayer Olaf instead of Original Olaf Original Olaf due to the skin being best suited for the Dragonsoul Dragonsoul origin in his kit.
  • His ability is based on his League of Legends abilities Ragnarok Ragnarok and Vicious Strikes Vicious Strikes.


极地 极地
Braum OriginalSquare
Ezreal FrostedSquare
Olaf GlacialSquare
Volibear OriginalSquare old
Warwick TundraHunterSquare
Frozen Mallet TFT item
狂战士 狂战士
Dr. Mundo ToxicSquare
Jax GodStaffSquare
Olaf GlacialSquare
Renekton OriginalSquare
Sion WarmongerSquare
Volibear OriginalSquare old
Berserker's Axe TFT item


  • Olaf appears as Glacial Olaf Glacial Olaf instead of Original Olaf Original Olaf due to the skin being best suited for the Glacial Glacial element in his kit.
  • His ability is based on his League of Legends abilities Ragnarok Ragnarok and Vicious Strikes Vicious Strikes.

Patch History[]

;V11.2 - Returning
  • Dragonslayer Olaf Dragonslayer Olaf
    • Tier 4 Dragonsoul Dragonsoul Slayer Slayer.
    • Ragnarok Active - Ragnarok: Gains 150 / 175 / 350% bonus attack speed, crowd control immunity, and his attacks cleave in a cone in front of him for 40 / 45 / 50% (× Ability power icon SP) AD physical damage for the rest of combat.
V10.6 - Disabled
  • Disabled due to Set 3.
  • Base health increased to 850 from 750.
  • Ability bonus attack speed increased to 125 / 150 / 450% from 100 / 150 / 450%.
  • Bug Fix: Ability now properly cleanses and immunizes all attack speed slowdown effects.
  • Ability bonus attack speed increased to 100 / 150 / 450% from 100 / 150 / 300%.
  • Base attack speed reduced to 0.8 from 0.85.
  • Maximum mana increased to 90 from 75.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where he was looking like he was Glacial Glacial'd, even though he was still attacking.
V9.22 - Added
  • Glacial Olaf Glacial Olaf
    • Tier 4 Glacial Glacial Berserker Berserker.
    • Ragnarok Active - Ragnarok: Gains 100 / 150 / 300% bonus attack speed, 0% − 50% (基于missing health) lifesteal, and immunity to crowd control for the rest of the round.
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