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Qiyana ShockbladeCentered
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|abilityname = 元素之刃|active = 【奇亚娜】冲向能够用她的锋刃打击敌人们的最佳位置,对一条短直线上的敌人们造成225 / 300 / 450魔法伤害和1.5/1.75/2秒缴械效果。




怒翼龙 怒翼龙
Hecarim HighNoonTFTSquare
Kayn NightbringerTFTSquare
Senna HighNoonTFTSquare
Sett ObsidianDragonTFTSquare
Shen InfernalTFTSquare
Shyvana OriginalTFTSquare
Swain DragonMasterSquare
Xayah BravePhoenixTFTSquare
Ragewing Emblem TFT item
神龙尊者 神龙尊者
Ashe FaeDragonTFTSquare
Karma TranquilityDragonTFTSquare
Lee Sin StormDragonTFTSquare
Sett ObsidianDragonTFTSquare
Swain DragonMasterSquare
Volibear DualityDragonTFTSquare
Yasuo DreamDragonTFTSquare
Dragonmancer Emblem TFT item
换形师 换形师
Elise BloodMoonTFTSquare
Gnar ElderwoodTFTSquare
Neeko OriginalSquare
Nidalee CosmicHuntressTFTSquare
Shyvana OriginalTFTSquare
Swain DragonMasterSquare



  • Qiyana's Element matches the Element assigned to the board. This is randomly determined at the start of the game and does not change. Her ability icon also changes. Possible forms:
    • Cloud Cloud (Edge of Ixtal)
    • Inferno Inferno (Edge of Ixtal Rock)
    • Mountain Mountain (Edge of Ixtal Brush)
    • Ocean Ocean (Edge of Ixtal River)

羁绊 []

云霄 云霄
Janna OriginalSquare
Yasuo OriginalSquare
炼狱 炼狱
Amumu InfernalSquare
Annie OriginalSquare
Brand OriginalSquare
Diana InfernalSquare
Kindred ShadowfireSquare
Varus InfernalSquare
Zyra WildfireSquare
Inferno's Cinder TFT item
山脉 山脉
Malphite OriginalSquare
Taliyah OriginalSquare
海洋 海洋
Nami DeepSeaSquare
Nautilus OriginalSquare
Syndra AtlanteanSquare
Thresh DeepTerrorSquare
Vladimir DarkWatersSquare
刺客 刺客
Diana InfernalSquare
Kha'Zix GuardianoftheSandsSquare
LeBlanc ElderwoodSquare
Nocturne EternumSquare
Qiyana OriginalSquare
Zed ShockbladeSquare
Youmuu's Ghostblade TFT item


  • Her ability is borrows elements from various of her League of Legends abilities.

Patch History[]

;V10.6 - Disabled
  • Disabled due to Set 3.
  • Ability stun duration reduced to 2.5 / 3.5 / 4.5 seconds from 3 / 4 / 5.
  • Ability damage increased to 300 / 500 / 900 from 300 / 500 / 700.
  • Bug Fix: Will not cast her ability when there's nothing in range that it could hit.
V9.22 - Added
  • Original Qiyana Original Qiyana
    • Tier 3 Variable Variable Assassin Assassin.
    • Edge of Ixtal Active - Edge of Ixtal: Blasts a short line in front of her, Stun icon stunning enemies for 3 / 4 / 5 seconds and dealing 300 / 500 / 700 magic damage.
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