|abilityname = 元素之刃|active = 【奇亚娜】冲向能够用她的锋刃打击敌人们的最佳位置,对一条短直线上的敌人们造成225 / 300 / 450魔法伤害和1.5/1.75/2秒缴械效果。
- Qiyana's Element matches the Element assigned to the board. This is randomly determined at the start of the game and does not change. Her ability icon also changes. Possible forms:
羁绊 []
- Her ability is borrows elements from various of her League of Legends abilities.
- Its dash is based on if the optimal position is on the enemy side and if the optimal position is behind the enemy.
- Its wind blast is based on .
- Its icon is borrowed from
Elemental Blade.
and was renamed to
Patch History[]
;V10.6 - Disabled
- Disabled due to Set 3.
- V10.1
- Ability stun duration reduced to 2.5 / 3.5 / 4.5 seconds from 3 / 4 / 5.
- Ability damage increased to 300 / 500 / 900 from 300 / 500 / 700.
- V9.23
- Bug Fix: Will not cast her ability when there's nothing in range that it could hit.
- V9.22 - Added
- Tier 3
Active - Edge of Ixtal: Blasts a short line in front of her,
stunning enemies for 3 / 4 / 5 seconds and dealing 300 / 500 / 700 magic damage.
- Tier 3
Origins | |
Class | |
List of champions |
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