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Kennen InfernalCentered
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小恶魔 小恶魔
Kennen InfernalSquare
Kled MarauderSquare
Lulu WickedTFTSquare
Teemo LittleDevilSquare
Ziggs MasterArcanistSquare
Hellion Emblem TFT item
神盾战士 神盾战士
Jax WardenSquare
Kennen InfernalSquare
Lee Sin NightbringerSquare
Nidalee DawnbringerSquare
Pantheon DragonslayerSquare
Trundle DragonslayerTFTSquare
Udyr DragonOracleTFTSquare
Viego OriginalTFTSquare
Skirmisher Emblem TFT item


  • Kennen appears as Infernal Kennen Infernal Kennen instead of Original Kennen Original Kennen due to the skin being best suited for the Hellion Hellion origin in his kit.
  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability Lightning Rush Lightning Rush and was renamed to Lightning Rush Flame Rush.


忍者 忍者
Akali OriginalSquare
Kennen OriginalSquare
Shen OriginalSquare
Zed OriginalSquare
神盾使 神盾使
Azir WarringKingdomsSquare
Elise BloodMoonSquare
Jarvan IV WarringKingdomsSquare
Kennen OriginalSquare
Riven SpiritBlossomSquare


忍者 忍者
Akali OriginalSquare
Kennen OriginalSquare
Shen OriginalSquare
Zed OriginalSquare
约德尔人 约德尔人
Gnar OriginalSquare
Kennen OriginalSquare
Lulu OriginalSquare
Poppy OriginalSquare
Tristana OriginalSquare
Veigar OriginalSquare
Mittens TFT item
元素使 元素使
Anivia OriginalSquare
Brand OriginalSquare
Kennen OriginalSquare
Lissandra OriginalSquare


  • Kennen's Special ability will continue to damage and stun enemy champions while he is being revived from the effect of Guardian Angel Guardian Angel. This allows him to not only be useful while reviving, but also allows him to be on the front line safely.


  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability Slicing Maelstrom Slicing Maelstrom.
  • Kennen is one of five champions in Teamfight Tactics with 3 different traits. The other four are Gangplank Gangplank, Gnar Gnar, Kai'Sa Kai'Sa, and Swain Swain.


  • Base armor increased 30 from 20.
  • Base magic resistance increased to 30 from 20.
  • Ability damage reduced to 300 / 450 / 1200 from 300 / 450 / 1350.
  • Ability damage increased to 300 / 450 / 1350 from 300 / 450 / 900.
V10.19 - Returning
  • Original Kennen Original Kennen
    • Tier 3 Ninja Ninja Keeper Keeper.
    • Slicing Maelstrom Active - Slicing Maelstrom: Summons a storm around him for 3 seconds, calling down lightning bolts on all enemies in the area every 0.5 seconds and dealing 300 / 450 / 900 (× Ability power icon SP) magic damage over the duration. Each enemy struck by 3 lightning bolts is Stun icon stunned for 1.5 seconds.
V9.22 - Disabled
  • Disabled due to Set 2.
  • No longer casts his ability if there are no enemies in range at the start of the cast time.
  • Starting mana increased to 50 from 0.
  • Ability damage reduced to 225 / 450 / 675 from 400 / 650 / 900.
  • Changed which animation plays while casting his ability.
  • Base attack damage reduced to 65 from 70.
  • Ability damage increased to 400 / 650 / 900 from 300 / 480 / 660.
  • Base attack damage increased to 70 from 60.
V9.13 - July 1st Hotfix
  • Base attack damage increased to 70 from 60.
  • Base attack speed increased to 0.65 from 0.6.
V9.13 - Added
  • Tier 3 Ninja Ninja Yordle Yordle Elementalist Elementalist.
  • Slicing Maelstrom Active - Slicing Maelstrom: Summons a storm around him for 3 seconds, dealing 50 / 80 / 110 magic damage each 0.5 seconds to nearby enemies, Stun icon stunning for 1.5 seconds them after 3 hits. The storm can deal a total of 300 / 480 / 660 magic damage.

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