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Ezreal FrostedCentered
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|abilityname = 秘术射击|active = 【伊泽瑞尔】朝着他的目标发射一道能量箭。对命中的第一个敌人造成200/275/415魔法伤害并为【伊泽瑞尔】提供10%攻速加成,至多可叠加5次。




风暴龙 风暴龙
Ao Shin OriginalSquare
Ezreal FrostedTFTSquare
Lee Sin StormDragonTFTSquare
Ornn ThunderLordTFTSquare
Qiyana ShockbladeTFTSquare
Tempest Emblem TFT item
迅捷射手 迅捷射手
Ashe FaeDragonTFTSquare
Ezreal FrostedTFTSquare
Twitch TwitchShadowfootSquare
Varus CosmicHunterTFTSquare
Xayah BravePhoenixTFTSquare
Swiftshot Emblem TFT item



Lua错误 在Module:TFTTraitData的第116行:attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)


  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability Mystic Shot Mystic Shot.


Lua错误 在Module:TFTTraitData的第116行:attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)


  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability Mystic Shot Mystic Shot.


永恒之森 永恒之森
Ashe HighNoonSquare
Ezreal NottinghamSquare
Hecarim ElderwoodSquare
Lulu OriginalSquare
Maokai OriginalSquare
Nunu & Willump SasquatchSquare
Veigar ElderwoodSquare
Elderwood Sprout TFT item
耀光使 耀光使
Ezreal NottinghamSquare
Lissandra CovenSquare
Lux LunarEmpressSquare
Morgana MajesticEmpressSquare


未来战士 未来战士
Blitzcrank iBlitzcrankSquare
Caitlyn PulsefireSquare
Ezreal PulsefireSquare
Riven PulsefireSquare
Shen PulsefireSquare
Thresh PulsefireSquare
Twisted Fate PulsefireSquare
Wukong LancerStratusSquare
强袭枪手 强袭枪手
Ezreal PulsefireSquare
Graves JailbreakTFTSquare
Jinx OdysseySquare
Kog'Maw BattlecastSquare
Lucian PROJECTSquare


  • Ezreal appears as Pulsefire Ezreal Pulsefire Ezreal instead of Original Ezreal Original Ezreal due to the skin being best suited for the Chrono Chrono origin in his kit.
    • He appears in his Level 11 form.
  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability Essence Flux Essence Flux and was renamed to Essence Flux E.M.P to better suit his Chrono Chrono origin. However, the mana cost increase effect are unique to Teamfight Tactics.
    • E.M.P stands for Electro-Magnetic Pulse.
  • He is the only champion that uses a Ultimate Skin Ultimate skin in Set 3.5.


未来战士 未来战士
Blitzcrank iBlitzcrankSquare
Caitlyn PulsefireSquare
Ezreal PulsefireSquare
Shen PulsefireSquare
Thresh PulsefireSquare
Twisted Fate PulsefireSquare
Wukong LancerStratusSquare
强袭枪手 强袭枪手
Ezreal PulsefireSquare
Graves JailbreakTFTSquare
Jinx OdysseySquare
Lucian PROJECTSquare
Miss Fortune GunGoddessSquare


  • Ezreal appears as Pulsefire Ezreal Pulsefire Ezreal instead of Original Ezreal Original Ezreal due to the skin being best suited for the Chrono Chrono origin in his kit.
    • He appears in his Level 11 form.
  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability Essence Flux Essence Flux and was renamed to Essence Flux E.M.P to better suit his Chrono Chrono origin. However, the mana cost increase effect are unique to Teamfight Tactics.
    • E.M.P stands for Electro-Magnetic Pulse.
  • He, along with Miss Fortune Miss Fortune, are the only champions that use Ultimate Skin Ultimate skins in Set 3.


极地 极地
Braum OriginalSquare
Ezreal FrostedSquare
Olaf GlacialSquare
Volibear OriginalSquare old
Warwick TundraHunterSquare
Frozen Mallet TFT item
游侠 游侠
Ashe AmethystSquare
Ezreal FrostedSquare
Kindred ShadowfireSquare
Twitch OriginalSquare
Varus InfernalSquare
Vayne ArclightSquare


Unlike most rangers, Ezreal doesn't necessarily benefit from raw Attack Speed Items, instead, Ability Power items such as Luden's Echo Luden's Echo due to his low mana pool and lack of Area of Effect, and Jeweled Gauntlet Jeweled Gauntlet are a remarkable option giving his single-target but high base damage ability, Infinity Edge Infinity Edge can be a consideration for snowballing his abrut power.

Much like all other Rangers, Ezreal is immobile, and a Guardian Angel Guardian Angel is required for him to deal with consistent damage when facing backline threats.

As a member of the Glacial units, Ezreal can easily self-peel enemies that get close to him with his constant stun (especially if Glacial x4 is active), making him a bit more safe than other rangers, such as Varus or Twitch.


  • Ezreal appears as Frosted Ezreal Frosted Ezreal instead of Original Ezreal Original Ezreal due to the skin being best suited for the Glacial Glacial element in his kit.
  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability Mystic Shot Mystic Shot and was renamed to Mystic Shot Ice Shot to better suit his Glacial Glacial element.
  • The cast direction will be calculated from the time he cast, so it can still be missed if during casting, his target moves away too fast. But can hit the unit behind.
  • His shot can still be blocked by other units.


  • Starting mana increased to 90 from 75.
V10.19 - Returning
  • Nottingham Ezreal Nottingham Ezreal
    • Tier 5 Elderwood Elderwood Dazzler Dazzler.
    • Trueshot Barrage Active - Flux Barrage: Fires a barrage toward the enemy with the highest attack speed, healing allies it passes through for 250 / 450 / 9999 (× Ability power icon SP) and granting them and 50% bonus attack speed for 5 seconds, while dealing 250 / 450 / 9999 (× Ability power icon SP) magic damage to enemies and slowing their attack speed by 50% for 5 seconds.
  • Base attack damage increased to 55 from 50.
  • Ability damage increased to 100 / 150 / 800 from 100 / 150 / 400.
  • Enemy spell cost increase reduced to 30% from 40%.
  • Base attack damage reduced to 50 from 60.
  • Starting mana reduced 30 from 50.
V10.12 - Returning
  • Maximum mana reduced to 80 from 125.
  • Attack speed increased to 0.75 from 0.7.
  • Ability damage reduced to 100 / 150 / 400 from 200 / 400 / 600.
  • Maximum mana increased to 125 from 120.
  • Starting mana reduced to 50 from 60.
  • Ability damage reduced to 200 / 300 / 600 from 250 / 350 / 700.
V10.6 - Returning
  • Now uses Pulsefire Ezreal Pulsefire Ezreal instead of Frosted Ezreal Frosted Ezreal.
  • New Traits: Chrono Chrono Blaster Blaster.
  • New Ability: Essence Flux Active - E.M.P.: Fires an electromagnetic pulse at a random enemy that explodes on impact in 2-hex radius, dealing 250 / 350 / 700 magic damage to all nearby enemies and increases the cost of their next spell cast by 40%.
  • Base health reduced to 600 from 650.
  • Maximum mana increased to 120 from 30.
  • Starting mana increased to 60 from 0.
  • Base attack damage reduced to 60 from 65.
  • Ability damage increased to 250 / 450 / 900 from 225 / 450 / 900.
  • Base health increased to 650 from 600.
  • Ability damage increased to 225 / 450 / 900 from 200 / 400 / 800.
  • Ability damage increased to 200 / 400 / 800 from 200 / 400 / 600.
  • Maximum mana reduced to 30 from 40.
  • Ability cast time reduced to 0.25 seconds from 0.5.
V9.22 - Added
  • Frosted Ezreal Frosted Ezreal
    • Tier 3 Glacial Glacial Ranger Ranger.
    • Mystic Shot Active - Ice Shot: Fires a shard of ice at the lowest-health unit, dealing 200 / 400 / 600 magic damage and applying on-hit effects.
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