|abilityname = 踏前斩|active = 亚索自身获得持续2秒的180/240/2500护盾值,然后冲刺并穿过他的目标,斩击附近的敌人们造成他攻击力150/180/3000%的物理伤害。 每第三次施放时,他的斩击造成250%伤害,命中一个更大的区域,并将敌人击飞1.5秒。如果【亚索】命中了敌方仅存的最后一名敌人,那么他会反复斩击该敌人至该敌人阵亡为止。
- Yasuo appears as instead of due to the skin being best suited for the origin in his kit.
- His ability is based on his League of Legends ability and was renamed to
Burning Blade.
- Yasuo appears as instead of due to the skin being best suited for the origin in his kit.
- His ability is based on his League of Legends ability and was renamed to
Burning Blade.
- His ability is based on his League of Legends ability , but was renamed to
Striking Steel and uses the icon of at 2 Gathering Storm stacks. The situational dash is based on .
- Yasuo appears as instead of due to the skin being best suited for the origin in his kit.
- His ability is based on his League of Legends ability .
- Yasuo appears as instead of due to the skin being best suited for the origin in his kit.
- His ability is based on his League of Legends ability .
- On Purchase
- "No cure for fools."
- On Rank Up
- "This story is not yet finished."
- End of Round
- "It's just death. Nothing serious."
- His ability is based on his League of Legends ability .
- Yasuo boasts the highest amount of basic attack DPS without any Class, Origin or item bonus.
General Trivia[]
- Ability AD ratio increased to 180 / 200 / 225% AD from 160 / 190 / 225% AD.
- Bug Fix: Ability can now properly miss or be dodged.
- V10.19 - Returning
- V10.14
- Maximum mana reduced to 80 from 90.
- V10.12 - Returning
- Returning with the Set 3 mid-set update with no changes.
- V10.10
- Base health increased to 700 from 600.
- Maximum mana reduced to 90 from 100.
- V10.9
- Ability targeting changed to farthest unit within attack range + 2 hexes from the enemy with the most items.
- Undocumented: Base health reduced to 600 from 650.
- V10.8
- Undocumented: Base health increased to 650 from 600.
- V10.6 - Returning
- Now uses instead of .
- New Traits:
- Base attack damage reduced to 50 from 60.
- Base attack speed increased to 0.75 from 0.7.
- Maximum mana increased to 100 from 90.
- V10.5
- Maximum mana increased to 90 from 85.
- V10.3
- Maximum mana reduced to 85 from 100.
- Bug Fix: Now properly deal spell damage to champions with .
- V9.24
- Base attack damage increased to 60 from 55.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where he took too long to reach his hex and resume attacking as his ability ended.
- V9.23
- Ability hits changed to 4 / 5 / 6 from 3 / 5 / 7.
- V9.22 - Returning
- New Traits:
- New Ability:
Active - Last Breath: Blinks to the enemy with the most items and
knocks them up, holding them
airborne for 1 second and hitting them 3 / 5 / 7 times, dealing basic attack damage and applying on-hit effects with each hit.
- Tier reduced to 2 from 5.
- Base health reduced to 600 from 750.
- Maximum mana increased to 100 from 25.
- Base attack damage reduced to 55 from 75.
- Base attack speed reduced to 0.7 from 1.0.
- Base armor reduced to 30 from 35.
- V9.19
- Base health increased to 750 from 700.
- V9.15
- Base attack damage increased to 75 from 65.
- V9.14
- New Effect: Ability now applies on-hit effects.
- Knockup duration increased to 1.5 seconds from 1.25.
- Base damage increased to 150 / 350 / 550 from 150 / 250 / 350.
- V9.13 - Added
- Tier 5
Active - Steel Tempest: Stab in a 2-hex line, dealing 150 / 250 / 350 magic damage. Every third cast instead launches a tornado in a 6-hex line, dealing the same magic damage and
knocking up enemies for 1.25 seconds.
Origins | |
Class | |
List of champions |
Other champion sets |