云顶之弈 Wiki
Aatrox PrestigeBloodMoonCentered
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金鳞龙 金鳞龙
Aatrox PrestigeBloodMoonTFTSquare
Idas OriginalSquare
Kayn NightbringerTFTSquare
Volibear DualityDragonTFTSquare
Zoe PrestigeArcanistTFTSquare
Shimmerscale Emblem TFT item
狂刃战士 狂刃战士
Aatrox PrestigeBloodMoonTFTSquare
Olaf DragonslayerTFTSquare
Shen InfernalTFTSquare
Yasuo DreamDragonTFTSquare
Yone SpiritBlossomTFTSquare
Warrior Emblem TFT item



圣光卫士 圣光卫士
Aatrox JusticarSquare
Kayle ViridianSquare
Leona SolarEclipseSquare
Lux LunarEmpressTFTSquare
Rell BattleQueenSquare
Syndra JusticarSquare
Varus ArclightSquare
Vel'Koz ArclightSquare
Redeemed Emblem TFT item
征服者 征服者
Aatrox JusticarSquare
Draven RuinedSquare
Irelia SentinelSquare
Kalista OriginalTFTSquare
Kayle ViridianSquare
Riven DawnbringerSquare
Yasuo NightbringerTFTSquare
Legionnaire Emblem TFT item


圣光卫士 圣光卫士
Aatrox JusticarSquare
Kayle ViridianSquare
Leona SolarEclipseSquare
Lux LunarEmpressTFTSquare
Rell BattleQueenSquare
Syndra JusticarSquare
Varus ArclightSquare
Vel'Koz ArclightSquare
Redeemed Emblem TFT item
征服者 征服者
Aatrox JusticarSquare
Draven RuinedSquare
Kalista OriginalTFTSquare
Kayle ViridianSquare
Mordekaiser InfernalTFTSquare
Riven DawnbringerSquare
Yasuo NightbringerTFTSquare
Legionnaire Emblem TFT item


  • Aatrox appears as Justicar Aatrox Justicar Aatrox instead of Original Aatrox Original Aatrox due to the skin being best suited for the Redeemed Redeemed origin in his kit.
  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability Deathbringer Stance Deathbringer Stance and was renamed to Deathbringer Stance Deathbringer Strike.


腥红之月 腥红之月
Aatrox BloodMoonSquare
Elise BloodMoonSquare
Kalista BloodMoonSquare
Pyke BloodMoonSquare
Sivir BloodMoonSquare
Twisted Fate BloodMoonSquare
Vladimir BloodLordSquare
Zilean BloodMoonSquare
重装战士 重装战士
Aatrox BloodMoonSquare
Braum DragonslayerSquare
Garen WarringKingdomsSquare
Nautilus ShanHaiScrollsSquare
Ornn ElderwoodSquare
Sejuani FirecrackerSquare
Wukong RadiantSquare
Vanguard's Cuirass TFT item


  • Aatrox appears as Blood Moon Aatrox Blood Moon Aatrox instead of Original Aatrox Original Aatrox due to the skin being best suited for the Cultist Cultist element in his kit.
  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability Infernal Chains Infernal Chains.


腥红之月 腥红之月
Aatrox BloodMoonSquare
Elise BloodMoonSquare
Evelynn BloodMoonSquare
Jhin BloodMoonSquare
Kalista BloodMoonSquare
Pyke BloodMoonSquare
Twisted Fate BloodMoonSquare
Zilean BloodMoonSquare
重装战士 重装战士
Aatrox BloodMoonSquare
Garen WarringKingdomsSquare
Hecarim ElderwoodSquare
Sejuani FirecrackerSquare
Thresh SpiritBlossomSquare
Wukong RadiantSquare
Vanguard's Cuirass TFT item


  • Aatrox appears as Blood Moon Aatrox Blood Moon Aatrox instead of Original Aatrox Original Aatrox due to the skin being best suited for the Cultist Cultist element in his kit.
  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability Infernal Chains Infernal Chains.


Aatrox JusticarSquare
Jax GodStaffSquare
Lucian OriginalSquare
Nasus LunarGuardianSquare
Soraka CelestineSquare
Vayne ArclightSquare
Yorick ArclightSquare
Talisman of Light TFT item
剑士 剑士
Aatrox JusticarSquare
Master Yi AssassinSquare
Sivir OriginalSquare
Yasuo OriginalSquare
Blade of the Ruined King TFT item


  • Aatrox appears as Justicar Aatrox Justicar Aatrox instead of Original Aatrox Original Aatrox due to the skin being best suited for the Light Light element in his kit.
  • His ability is based on his League of Legends ability The Darkin Blade The Darkin Blade (specifically the third cast third cast) and was renamed to The Darkin Blade The Arclight Blade to better suit his Light Light element.


恶魔 恶魔
Aatrox OriginalSquare
Brand OriginalSquare
Elise OriginalSquare
Evelynn OriginalSquare
Morgana OriginalSquare
Swain OriginalSquare
Varus OriginalSquare
Darkin TFT item
剑士 剑士
Aatrox OriginalSquare
Camille OriginalSquare
Draven GladiatorSquare
Fiora OriginalSquare
Gangplank CaptainSquare
Shen OriginalSquare
Yasuo OriginalSquare
Blade of the Ruined King TFT item



On Purchase
  • 播放 "Carnage is my method."
On Rank Up
End of Round


;V10.19 - Returning
  • Blood Moon Aatrox Blood Moon Aatrox
    • Tier 4 Cultist Cultist Vanguard Vanguard.
    • Infernal Chains Active - Infernal Chains: Airborne icon Pulls 2 / 2 / 5 of the farthest enemies toward himself, then slams the ground in front of himself, dealing 250 / 450 / 1250 (× Ability power icon SP) magic damage to all enemies hit.
V10.6 - Disabled
  • Disabled due to Set 3.
  • Base health increased to 800 from 700.
  • Ability damage increased to 300 / 600 / 1200 from 250 / 500 / 1000.
  • Maximum mana reduced to 70 from 85.
  • Ability damage increased to 250 / 500 / 1000 from 250 / 500 / 750.
V9.22 - Returning
  • Now uses Justicar Aatrox Justicar Aatrox instead of Original Aatrox Original Aatrox.
  • New Traits: Light Light Blademaster Blademaster.
  • Ability damage reduced to 250 / 500 / 750 from 300 / 600 / 900.
  • Maximum mana increased to 85 from 75.
  • Base attack speed increased to 0.7 from 0.65.
  • Base armor increased to 35 from 25.
  • Ability damage changed to 300 / 600 / 900 from 250 / 600 / 950.
  • No longer casts his ability if there are no enemies in range at the start of the cast time.
  • Base health reduced to 700 from 750.
  • Ability damage reduced to 250 / 600 / 950 from 400 / 700 / 1000.
  • Maximum mana reduced to 75 from 100.
  • Ability damage increased to 400 / 700 / 1000 from 350 / 600 / 850.
V9.13 - Added
  • Tier 3 Demon Demon Blademaster Blademaster.
  • The Darkin Blade Active - The Darkin Blade: Slams forward, dealing 350 / 600 / 850 magic damage to all enemies in a circle.
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