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Lissandra BladeQueenCentered
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  • Lissandra appears as Coven Lissandra Coven Lissandra instead of Original Lissandra Original Lissandra due to the skin being best suited for the Coven Coven origin in her kit.
  • Her ability is based on her League of Legends ability Ice Shard Ice Shard and was renamed to Ice Shard 1000 Daggers.


月神 月神
Aphelios OriginalSquare
Diana OriginalSquare
Lissandra CovenSquare
Sylas LunarWraithSquare
耀光使 耀光使
Ezreal NottinghamSquare
Lissandra CovenSquare
Lux LunarEmpressSquare
Morgana MajesticEmpressSquare


  • Her ability is based on her League of Legends ability Ice Shard Ice Shard and was renamed to Ice Shard 1000 Daggers.
  • Lissandra appears as Coven Lissandra Coven Lissandra instead of Original Lissandra Original Lissandra due to the skin being best suited for the Moonlight Moonlight origin in her kit.


极地 极地
Anivia OriginalSquare
Ashe OriginalSquare
Braum OriginalSquare
Lissandra OriginalSquare
Sejuani OriginalSquare
Volibear OriginalSquare old
Frozen Mallet TFT item
元素使 元素使
Anivia OriginalSquare
Brand OriginalSquare
Kennen OriginalSquare
Lissandra OriginalSquare


  • Her ability is based on her League of Legends ability Frozen Tomb Frozen Tomb.

Patch History[]

  • Ability damage increased to 350 / 450 / 600 / 900 from 300 / 400 / 600 / 900.
  • Ability secondary damage increased to 175 / 225 / 300 / 450 from 150 / 200 / 300 / 450.
V10.19 - Returning
  • Coven Lissandra Coven Lissandra
    • Tier 1 Moonlight Moonlight Dazzler Dazzler.
    • Ice Shard Active - 1000 Daggers: Hurls a dagger towards her target, dealing 300 / 400 / 600 / 900 (× Ability power icon SP) magic damage to the first target it hits. After hitting its initial target or at its final destination, the dagger explodes dealing 150 / 200 / 300 / 450 (× Ability power icon SP) magic damage to nearby targets.
V9.22 - Disabled
  • Disabled due to Set 2.
  • Maximum mana increased to 95 from 85.
  • Base health increased to 500 from 450.
  • Maximum mana reduced to 85 from 125.
  • Starting mana reduced to 0 from 50.
  • Ability damage increased to 175 / 325 / 475 from 150 / 275 / 400.
  • Maximum mana reduced to 125 from 150.
  • Starting mana increased to 50 from 0.
  • Ability damage increased to 150 / 275 / 400 from 150 / 200 / 250.
V9.13 - Added
  • Tier 2 Glacial Glacial Elementalist Elementalist.
  • Frozen Tomb Active - Frozen Tomb: Encases an enemy in ice, Stun icon stunning them for 1.5 seconds and dealing 150 / 200 / 250 magic damage to all enemies in the surrounding area. If she is below 50% health, instead encases herself, becoming untargetable for 2 seconds and dealing the same magic damage to all enemies in the surrounding area.

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